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PM invites opposition members to join CPP

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Prime Minister Hun Sen has promised CNRP commune officials they can keep their positions once their party is dissolved, so long as they disavow their former party and join the ruling CPP. Addressing some 4,000 workers on Koh Pich yesterday, Mr Hun Sen said he was 99.99 percent sure the CNRP would be dissolved for its treasonous acts of conspiring with the US to topple the government.


“Treason cannot be tolerated and I think 99.99 percent the CNRP must be dissolved,” he said, noting no international pressure can get in the way of implementing Cambodia’s laws. “This is an affair of Cambodia’s courts.” “Now I send a message to all CNRP commune officials, if you want to keep your positions you have to defect to the CPP,” he added.


“Your party will be dissolved and you will not be able to be commune chiefs, deputy commune chiefs or council members any more. “To rescue your party or rescue yourself? This you must consider.”


read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/5087199/pm-invites-opposition-members-join-cpp/


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"Your party will be dissolved because it might be me in a fair election. You can avoid being dismissed and persecuted by joining my party and doing as told".


Onward and onward towards a one party dictatorship controlled by this corrupt terrorist's family.


And the world's too busy with too many other scumbags to worry apparently.

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