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Mastiff breeder in Thailand

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My wife and I are getting ready for a second dog so our female 2yr Labrador has a friend to play with. 

We just moved to a large house with a large garden and plenty of space to walk dogs safely so we can have a second and larger dog (which we both like).


The choice has not been completely made yet but we are currently looking into Italian mastiffs (Cane Corse) and the bullmastiff as choices.

Does anybody know some reliable breeders of these breeds within Thailand?


I did the training of the Labrador myself but we consider making use of a puppy course with the local dog training facility here in Phuket as these types of dogs are more difficult to train.

(p.s. the household also has 2 babies of 10 months old which is why we want a puppy from a reliable breeder to avoid agression problems).

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Good there is a puppy school there. Even if the dog doesn't learn a single thing, the course will be worth it just for the socialisation. 


A few people on this forum have been asking about the Cane Corso and Bullmastiff from memory, so hopefully someone can point you in the right direction. 

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For Bullmastiff I know of 2 reputable breeders, but they are both some distance from you. Ratchaburi Kennel (they have a web page) and M Adisak Thasee (checkout on Facebook). I have had Rottweilers from both these kennels and they know their dogs. P.S. My Rotts 

are great with children.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...

Two more recent pics.


He is about half a year old now and all is going well.

At the start we were a bit concerned about the birth defect of his paw but over time it got stronger and he walks without a limp (running was never a problem). 


At the moment he is a bit larger than our adult female Labrador (27kg), but i dont know his exact weight until we go for a checkup at the VET. At 6 months he should be between 60 and 80 pounds (27.5kg and 36kg).


Dog-wise i would say he is almost the opposite of the labrador: not solely motivated by food, lazy, slow, hard to train (due to low energy), but just as cute and friendly. No drooling problems yet, but that might come at a later age as the breed is known to drool. 


I normally take him for a walk in the morning where he can play on a large field and where he likes to chase the labrador around. He still gets defeated by her, although that might change when he gets heavier. We have not had any problems with others dogs as he seems friendly and curious, maybe this will change over time when the hormones set in and he gets more guarding instinct. A second walk is often not needed as he can play around the house and garden a bit and that is enough exercise for a day.


He does fine around the kids although when he starts playing around with his big sister he might knock a kid over.


Downsides of this dog:

- lazy so its difficult to train him (cant train when he sleeps, and has low food-drive)

- eats and shits a lot, plus he someones breaks a fart that makes the flowers change color in the house


For us he is the best addition we could wish for. Another labrador would be too much work and we really wanted a large dog that would be fine just hanging on the couch and being lazy. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

We visited the VET yesterday cause he was too inactive and didn't eat, and he came in at 37.6kg. Nicely on weight and after a day of some tablets (mainly to improve gut health) he is back to normal again.

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