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Thai Citizenship

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:o I would like to know how can a foreign male in Thailand apply for Thai citizenship? I know that if a foreign male has a residency card he can get citizenship for staying in Thailand for serveral years,but I am not sure about the amount of years. Does anybody know? Are there any foreign males with no Thai blood that have Thai citizenship out there? I know that Thai Government is very racist against giving citizenship to non-thai blood unless they are females. The citizenship process of Western countries giving citizenship to Thai nationals is much more easier than a foreigner being granted Thai citizenship.
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:o I would like to know how can a foreign male in Thailand apply for Thai citizenship? I know that if a foreign male has a residency card he can get citizenship for staying in Thailand for serveral years,but I am not sure about the amount of years. Does anybody know? Are there any foreign males with no Thai blood that have Thai citizenship out there? I know that Thai Government is very racist against giving citizenship to non-thai blood unless they are females. The citizenship process of Western countries giving citizenship to Thai nationals is much more easier than a foreigner being granted Thai citizenship.

How long have you held permanent residency in Thailand ?

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The Thai government is NOT racist against giving citizenship to non-Thai males. If that were the case, half the country would still hold Chinese or Indian nationality. Like anyplace, you must qualify. To qualify, you must first hold PR for five years.

I personally know about half a dozen farang males who have become naturalized Thai citizens. So quit griping and get informed. And if you think it is such a piece of cake for Thais to get citizenship in other countries, you're rather misinformed. It is not easy anywhere.

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The Thai government is NOT racist against giving citizenship to non-Thai males.

I second that and knowing myself another few Europeans having Thai nationality.

In Europe you need to stay in country for at lest 5 years, know the history of the country better than the average peolpe, speak the language reasonably well.

At least in one country which I will not name in Western Europe, one anonymous objection by a local national will avoid you acquiring the nationality.

USA, I believe makes it nowadays quite difficult, Canada should be easier, as long as you live inside the country, run your own business, know the history and speak the language, which means English or French.

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:o I would like to know how can a foreign male in Thailand apply for Thai citizenship? I know that if a foreign male has a residency card he can get citizenship for staying in Thailand for serveral years,but I am not sure about the amount of years. Does anybody know? Are there any foreign males with no Thai blood that have Thai citizenship out there? I know that Thai Government is very racist against giving citizenship to non-thai blood unless they are females. The citizenship process of Western countries giving citizenship to Thai nationals is much more easier than a foreigner being granted Thai citizenship.

The Thai Gvt racist? How dare you. Not in this 2 tier society dude

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Well, I m glad that I am now better informed about foreign males getting Thai citizenship. So, You need to stay in Thailand on a PR for 5 years. It is very difficult to get a PR. What I meant before is

that the process for Thais to get citizenship in other western countries is easier

than a foreigner trying to get Thai ciitzenship. Let's compare the rate of citizenship giving to foreigners in western countries

compared to the rate given to foreigners in Thailand.

Lets's not also forget that the government does not even want

to give the hill tribes people citizenship, which they have been in Thailand

before the Thais. Also, The website said that in order for a foreign male to obtain Thai citizenship, they need stay in Thaialnd with a PR

for 10 years which is longer than most countries.


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I guess Britainmal wants us to know that he is from the UK.

Let me just suggest before he starts to throw stones that he should check out his own country's immigration policy. Lets ask for instance, how would a Thai (and not married to a EU national either) go about setting up themselves there?

Then he can come back here and continue being the muppet that he appears to be.

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What I meant before is that the process for Thais to get citizenship in other western countries is easier

than a foreigner trying to get Thai ciitzenship. Let's compare the rate of citizenship giving to foreigners in western countries compared to the rate given to foreigners in Thailand.

Lets's not also forget that the government does not even want to give the hill tribes people citizenship, which they have been in Thailand before the Thais. Also, The website said that in order for a foreign male to obtain Thai citizenship, they need stay in Thaialnd with a PR

for 10 years which is longer than most countries.


No need to be angry, it's also irrelevant to compare Thai law to the law in civilized countries. The Thai governmnet may decide what ever it want to decide and it should not be reasonable, logical, comparable with other countries.

There has been a court case two years ago where a man fought against discrimination as women were able to obtain citizinship easier than men. The court stated that men had enough opportunities to obtain citizinship by the present laws. The situation remained the same, foreign women and men are treated differently.

This what we would call discrimination, the upholders of the Thai law view this apparently differently.. It's very sad but that's the way it is...

under Khun Thakin people could almost be ashamed to be called "Thai"..., there's no justice, fairness, respect for anything, values...


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I agree with Dutchy very much. As for the others who think the West

is more difficult to obtain citizenship than it is in Thailand needs to do some research on the topic like I did. The Thai Judical system :o must not know what racism is. They need to realise that the discision that was made can apply to women too. In the UK and the West this decsion would be looked at as racism for sure. It shows there mentality is totally outdated and looked as wrong for a Thai Female to marry a foreign male. Letting foreign Males obtain citizenship though marriage would also benefit the country economically for those who think every prostitude in Thailand would be married to a foreign male in Thailand.

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:o I would like to know how can a foreign male in Thailand apply for Thai citizenship?  I know that if a foreign male has a residency card he can get citizenship for staying in Thailand for serveral years,but I am not sure about the amount of years. Does anybody know? Are there any foreign males with no Thai blood that have Thai citizenship out there?  I know that Thai Government  is very racist against giving citizenship to non-thai blood unless they are females.  The citizenship process of Western countries giving citizenship to Thai nationals is much more easier than a foreigner being granted Thai citizenship.

How long have you held permanent residency in Thailand ?


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Bill Hienek, the Pizza Hut, Pepsi you name it guy just emptied his wallet on the

table. That's probably the easiest way to do it. The main reason he did it was because he was making too darn much money and didn't want to be taxed both in Thailand and the USA. By giving up his US citizenship, now he only pays taxes to Thailand.

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Something I've noticed before and wondered about is that on Thaivisa's residency page


it says this:

An alien with permanent residency status will be eligible to apply for Thai citizenship after 10 consecutive years under this classification.
but on the citizenship page


it says this:

Aliens who wish to apply for Thai nationality under the Nationality Act B.E. 2508 (A.D. 1965) a person does NOT need to be 40 years or have spent 10 years in Thailand.

They must be of the age of majority, be of good character, be gainfully employed, have continuously lived in Thailand for not less than FIVE years and have knowledge of the Thai language. (Section 10)

Just curious.

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Something I've noticed before and wondered about is that on Thaivisa's residency page


it says this:

An alien with permanent residency status will be eligible to apply for Thai citizenship after 10 consecutive years under this classification.

but on the citizenship page


it says this:

Aliens who wish to apply for Thai nationality under the Nationality Act B.E. 2508 (A.D. 1965) a person does NOT need to be 40 years or have spent 10 years in Thailand.

They must be of the age of majority, be of good character, be gainfully employed, have continuously lived in Thailand for not less than FIVE years and have knowledge of the Thai language. (Section 10)

Just curious.

Strange as it might seem, both are correct. It isn't too unusual to find regulations in conflict with each other T i T

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Bill Hienek, the Pizza Hut, Pepsi you name it guy just emptied his wallet on the

table. That's probably the easiest way to do it. The main reason he did it was because he was making too darn much money and didn't want to be taxed both in Thailand and the USA. By giving up his US citizenship, now he only pays taxes to Thailand.

Do you know for sure that Bill Heinecke "bought" his citizenship, rather than qualifying in the normal way? Or are you just talking out your a##?

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No , It is not correct. Read below

Thaivisa .com does not seem to know the answer. Who knows which one is correct 5 or ten years. And to be off the topic, How much can a police officer fine you for not having your passport on you? The website they can , but did not give the amount.

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No , It is not correct. Thaivisa .com does not seem to know the answer. Who knows which one is correct 5 or ten years. And to be off the topic, How much can a police officer fine you for not having your passport on you? The website they can , but did not give the amount.

Something I've noticed before and wondered about is that on Thaivisa's residency page


it says this:


An alien with permanent residency status will be eligible to apply for Thai citizenship after 10 consecutive years under this classification.

but on the citizenship page


it says this:


Aliens who wish to apply for Thai nationality under the Nationality Act B.E. 2508 (A.D. 1965) a person does NOT need to be 40 years or have spent 10 years in Thailand.

They must be of the age of majority, be of good character, be gainfully employed, have continuously lived in Thailand for not less than FIVE years and have knowledge of the Thai language. (Section 10)

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I would like to know how many yaers to you need to have PR in order to obtain Thai citizenship?

If you can't accept what answers you are getting here, ring immigration and find out. Thai laws do contradict each other here, and if you can't accept a high degree in fuziness that sometimes appears in the law then you are not ready to become a Thai citizen.


Perhaps finding out how to deal with this apparent contradiction will be the biggest "test" you will have to pass to show you really deserve gaining Thai citizenship, Grasshopper. I assure that it wont be a matter of filling out a form and applying. I guarantee that you will have a lot to do with relation buliding with the right people. But then again, thats part of being Thai.

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there you go britainmal. All for you there in point 4.

It is indeed 5 years, but is it 5 years since you first arrived, got your non-immigrant B or gained PR? You'll have to read it and find out I guess.

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:D I would like to know how can a foreign male in Thailand apply for Thai citizenship?  I know that if a foreign male has a residency card he can get citizenship for staying in Thailand for serveral years,but I am not sure about the amount of years. Does anybody know? Are there any foreign males with no Thai blood that have Thai citizenship out there?  I know that Thai Government  is very racist against giving citizenship to non-thai blood unless they are females.  The citizenship process of Western countries giving citizenship to Thai nationals is much more easier than a foreigner being granted Thai citizenship.

The Thai Gvt racist? How dare you. Not in this 2 tier society dude

I think Thailand has two tier racism. :o

Racism from ordinary Thais,at least against Farangs,is virtually non-existent.Buddhists in particular are very tolerant to outsiders.

The only real racism in the Realm is the one promoted by nationalistic state officials who believe the "Thai race" is a separate race from the rest of humankind.They also smugly believe that the Thai people have a unique cultural heritage that is superior to everone else's.

State racism against foreign males goes back to,at least, the Authaya period A.D.1350-1767 when foreign traders started to come and do business with the Thais.

Some Thai scholars have told me that Thais,who were living in the patriarchic society of Ayuthaya,were paranoid xenophobics! :D

They were even afraid that Western males,whom they viwed as potential enemies,would be passing on their genes by siring children within their communities.They thought these kids might later attack them from inside.Like a Trojan horse.

Of course,those ancient Thais didn't know anything about the DNA molecule,XX or XY sex chromosomes and how genes code for different characteristics and behavior;but rather they acted on instinct against a perceived threat from outside by something that looked different from themselves.

A bit like eugenics. :D

They had no such admission problem with,and bias against,sexy "Farang" females who were very welcome to spread their genetical traits among them..

Children of Western males were taken away to be put down in the same fashion unwanted strays are sometimes dealt with today.


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:o I would like to know how can a foreign male in Thailand apply for Thai citizenship?  I know that if a foreign male has a residency card he can get citizenship for staying in Thailand for serveral years,but I am not sure about the amount of years. Does anybody know? Are there any foreign males with no Thai blood that have Thai citizenship out there?  I know that Thai Government  is very racist against giving citizenship to non-thai blood unless they are females.  The citizenship process of Western countries giving citizenship to Thai nationals is much more easier than a foreigner being granted Thai citizenship.

How long have you held permanent residency in Thailand ?


He's not big on any responses is he.

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I think Thailand has two tier racism. :o

Racism from ordinary Thais,at least against Farangs,is virtually non-existent.Buddhists in particular are very tolerant to outsiders.

The only real racism in the Realm is the one promoted by nationalistic state officials who believe the "Thai race" is a separate race from the rest of humankind.They also smugly believe that the Thai people have a unique cultural heritage that is superior to everone else's.

State racism against foreign males goes back to,at least, the Authaya period A.D.1350-1767 when foreign traders started to come and do business with the Thais.

Some Thai scholars have told me that Thais,who were living in the patriarchic society of Ayuthaya,were paranoid xenophobics! :D

They were even afraid that Western males,whom they viwed as potential enemies,would be passing on their genes by siring children within their communities.They thought these kids might later attack them from inside.Like a Trojan horse.

Of course,those ancient Thais didn't know anything about the DNA molecule,XX or XY sex chromosomes and how genes code for different characteristics and behavior;but rather they acted on instinct against a perceived threat from outside by something that looked different from themselves.

A bit like eugenics. :D

They had no such admission problem with,and bias against,sexy "Farang" females who were very welcome to spread their genetical traits among them..

Children of Western males were taken away to be put down in the same fashion unwanted strays are sometimes dealt with today.


Where did you get this information Snowleopard?

The belief that the Thai race would be superior to other races is an interesting topic. On what would this be based? Average IQ scores, average country Toefl scores, cooking Tom Yam Kung? Any ideas....?


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Actually, It is not important how long do I have PR. I just want to point out this big problem in not just Thialnd ,but in other countries of the world. The story about Ayduhia seems to be based on how Thai people are with their laws towards foreigners. So, I have repect for you dutchy,but diagree that the story is not true. Also, another true fact; foreign investment leaving Thailand last year not having anything to do with the south, totalled 24 billion USD. Every should take this in mind. Also, Don't get me wrong I love Thailand that is why I have been in Thailand so long and I can speak, write and read the Language. So, Don't think That I don't like Thailand,but I think the Thais need to change thier mentallity. :o

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Bill Hienek, the Pizza Hut, Pepsi you name it guy just emptied his wallet on the

table. That's probably the easiest way to do it. The main reason he did it was because he was making too darn much money and didn't want to be taxed both in Thailand and the USA. By giving up his US citizenship, now he only pays taxes to Thailand.

Do you know for sure that Bill Heinecke "bought" his citizenship, rather than qualifying in the normal way? Or are you just talking out your a##?

I am talking out my a$$.

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:D I would like to know how can a foreign male in Thailand apply for Thai citizenship?  I know that if a foreign male has a residency card he can get citizenship for staying in Thailand for serveral years,but I am not sure about the amount of years. Does anybody know? Are there any foreign males with no Thai blood that have Thai citizenship out there?  I know that Thai Government  is very racist against giving citizenship to non-thai blood unless they are females.  The citizenship process of Western countries giving citizenship to Thai nationals is much more easier than a foreigner being granted Thai citizenship.

The Thai Gvt racist? How dare you. Not in this 2 tier society dude

I think Thailand has two tier racism. :o

Racism from ordinary Thais,at least against Farangs,is virtually non-existent.Buddhists in particular are very tolerant to outsiders.

The only real racism in the Realm is the one promoted by nationalistic state officials who believe the "Thai race" is a separate race from the rest of humankind.They also smugly believe that the Thai people have a unique cultural heritage that is superior to everone else's.

State racism against foreign males goes back to,at least, the Authaya period A.D.1350-1767 when foreign traders started to come and do business with the Thais.

Some Thai scholars have told me that Thais,who were living in the patriarchic society of Ayuthaya,were paranoid xenophobics! :D

They were even afraid that Western males,whom they viwed as potential enemies,would be passing on their genes by siring children within their communities.They thought these kids might later attack them from inside.Like a Trojan horse.

Of course,those ancient Thais didn't know anything about the DNA molecule,XX or XY sex chromosomes and how genes code for different characteristics and behavior;but rather they acted on instinct against a perceived threat from outside by something that looked different from themselves.

A bit like eugenics. :D

They had no such admission problem with,and bias against,sexy "Farang" females who were very welcome to spread their genetical traits among them..

Children of Western males were taken away to be put down in the same fashion unwanted strays are sometimes dealt with today.


This is total crap. Every country you go to the people think they are the greatest

thing since sliced bread and every other nationality is a loser.

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