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Democrats to join Trump, Republicans in talks to avert government shutdown


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Democrats to join Trump, Republicans in talks to avert government shutdown

By Susan Cornwell



U.S. President Donald Trump speaks at the Utah State Capitol, where he announced big cuts to Utah's sprawling wilderness national monuments, in Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S., December 4, 2017. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic leaders in Congress on Monday accepted an invitation to meet U.S. President Donald Trump and Republicans for talks to avert a government shutdown this week, even as the Democrats pressed demands on funding priorities and protecting young immigrants.


House of Representatives Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer, who cancelled a meeting with Trump last week after he issued a disparaging note about them on Twitter, said Monday they hoped the president would remain open-minded about reaching a deal with Democrats.


"We need to reach a budget agreement that equally boosts funds for our military and key priorities here at home," Pelosi and Schumer said in a statement. "There is a bipartisan path forward on all of these items."


The meeting was scheduled for Thursday, a day before funding for the federal government is due to run out.


House Republicans over the weekend introduced a stopgap measure that would fund the government at current levels until Dec. 22 to give lawmakers time to reach a deal on a longer-term bill. Congress is expected to vote on the measure this week.


Republicans have a majority in both the House and Senate. But they will need some Democratic support to get the spending bill past Senate procedural hurdles that require 60 votes, since there are only 52 Republicans in the 100-member chamber.


Schumer said Monday that everyone should be working to avoid a shutdown, and he did not believe Republican congressional leaders wanted one.


"The only one at the moment who's flirted with a shutdown is President Trump, who tweeted earlier this year that 'we could use a good shutdown to fix the mess,'" Schumer said.


The Republican bill will provide some short-term help for states that are running out of money to finance a health insurance programme for lower-income children, Republican aides said.


Schumer and Pelosi on Monday listed that programme among their priorities, which also included the opioid crisis, pension plans, rural infrastructure and protection for young immigrants who were brought to the United States illegally as children, known as "Dreamers."


The undocumented young immigrants must be taken care of now, Senate Democratic whip Dick Durbin declared on the Senate floor. He said Democrats had offered in return to toughen border security, a Republican priority.


"How can we in good conscience pass a spending bill giving authority and resources to this administration to go out and arrest and deport these young people - and not address the underlying issue of their legality and future in the United States?" Durbin asked.


(Reporting by Susan Cornwell; Writing by Doina Chiacu; Editing by Leslie Adler and Jonathan Oatis)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-12-05
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1 hour ago, Get Real said:

The big need is a permantent shutdown of President Trump. He reminds me a little bit of Joker in Batman.

No, the big need - now that boy statesman is finally gone - is the permanent retirement of Pelosi.  She reminds me a lot of an ancient, dressed-down & droopy version of the Wicked Witch of the West, now struggling to maintain her arthritic death grip on the New Party of No.



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Schumer and Pelosi on Monday listed that programme among their priorities, which also included the opioid crisis, pension plans, rural infrastructure and protection for young immigrants who were brought to the United States illegally as children, known as "Dreamers."


The undocumented young immigrants must be taken care of now, Senate Democratic whip Dick Durbin declared on the Senate floor. He said Democrats had offered in return to toughen border security, a Republican priority.


"How can we in good conscience pass a spending bill giving authority and resources to this administration to go out and arrest and deport these young people - and not address the underlying issue of their legality and future in the United States?" Durbin asked.  End of qoute

       I think they can go out arrest and deport illegals with out having to answer to anyone. They should have no rights they are illegal simple as that.

   Anyone who feels illegal immigrants have a right to stay in the country they illegally enter has no understanding of the word illegal.

  What a slap  in the face to the thousands each year who go through the legal process to enter.

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Anyone who thinks that the US has equally applied its immigration laws in manner that does not discriminate against people of color have no understanding of US history. One only need to look at the internment of Japanese during WWII and the enactment of the Chinese Exclusion Act at the turn of the century.  And what happened to the native Americans who where the first inhabitants of what is now known at the USA? Sure is strange how these native people were rounded up and put on 'reservations'.


 Frankly, I have always had a problem declaring a person 'illegal'.  Is life illegal? What is your immigrant heritage?  Why did your ancestors come to the USA?  Are you white? Your declaration of persons being illegal also overlooks the fact that many companies and corporation turn a blind eye to immigration laws to exploit people's vulnerability.  There are many other reasons people try to come to the US including war, famine, political oppression - much of it the result of US foreign policy.  Let's see, what is the motto on the Statue of Liberty say?  I think it goes something like this:  “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”

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1 hour ago, lovelomsak said:

Schumer and Pelosi on Monday listed that programme among their priorities, which also included the opioid crisis, pension plans, rural infrastructure and protection for young immigrants who were brought to the United States illegally as children, known as "Dreamers."


The undocumented young immigrants must be taken care of now, Senate Democratic whip Dick Durbin declared on the Senate floor. He said Democrats had offered in return to toughen border security, a Republican priority.


"How can we in good conscience pass a spending bill giving authority and resources to this administration to go out and arrest and deport these young people - and not address the underlying issue of their legality and future in the United States?" Durbin asked.  End of qoute

       I think they can go out arrest and deport illegals with out having to answer to anyone. They should have no rights they are illegal simple as that.

   Anyone who feels illegal immigrants have a right to stay in the country they illegally enter has no understanding of the word illegal.

  What a slap  in the face to the thousands each year who go through the legal process to enter.

Anybody who thinks that the majority of Americans, including Trump supporters, is with Trump on question of Dreamers, is deluding himself. This is because most Americans have to decency to understand that they were children when they were brought here and should not be made to suffer.

Poll: Majority opposes deporting Dreamers

Voters overwhelmingly support allowing undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children to stay in the country, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll, placing President Donald Trump’s decision to wind down the controversial Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program at odds with public opinion...

Support for allowing these immigrants to remain in the U.S. spans across party lines: 84 percent of Democrats, 74 percent of independents and 69 percent of Republicans think they should stay...

Two-thirds of self-identified Trump voters think the Dreamers should stay; only 26 percent think they should be deported.



Edited by ilostmypassword
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8 hours ago, webfact said:

The only one at the moment who's flirted with a shutdown is President Trump, who tweeted earlier this year that 'we could use a good shutdown to fix the mess,'"

Sounds like a great endorsement to round out year one of his appointment as potus.... lol... I will shut that shit down!


in Oz, a situation deadlocking the government, might lead to a new election.

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10 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Anybody who thinks that the majority of Americans, including Trump supporters, is with Trump on question of Dreamers, is deluding himself. This is because most Americans have to decency to understand that they were children when they were brought here and should not be made to suffer.

Poll: Majority opposes deporting Dreamers

Voters overwhelmingly support allowing undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children to stay in the country, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll, placing President Donald Trump’s decision to wind down the controversial Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program at odds with public opinion...

Support for allowing these immigrants to remain in the U.S. spans across party lines: 84 percent of Democrats, 74 percent of independents and 69 percent of Republicans think they should stay...

Two-thirds of self-identified Trump voters think the Dreamers should stay; only 26 percent think they should be deported.



I simply do not believe this post. Just lies I think,

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1 hour ago, lovelomsak said:

I simply do not believe this post. Just lies I think,

There were several other polls taken. I just used the most recent one I could find. They all showed broad support for the dreamers. Most people are humane enough not to want to punish children who grew up in the United States. You might not want to believe that because you have a very low opinion of humanity. Or maybe just of Americans.

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