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How Can I (within The Law) Take Enhancers

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anybody know where I can buy legal steriods or something that helps me to train

harder and longer to build more muscle?



anybody know where I can buy legal steriods or something that helps me to train

harder and longer to build more muscle?


Steroids are only legal with a prescription. Go to your doctor & ask about HRT.

Best way - go natural.

I understand where you are coming from Brit, but when you are 50 natural doesn't come as quick as usual...

And I was just wondering if there were legal 'muscle builders' in the market that do not have the aftermath and smell of illegality on them as steriods

Thanks both for your input



Train hard and eat like a horse. Look on some bodybuilding websites and work out your protein intake. You probably wont be able to eat all the protein you need in meals so top up with protein shakes. protein powder can be a pig to get hold of in Thailand and everywhere charges 3 times the price compared to the Uk, so either get a huge supply imported or look in the classifieds, theres a guy selling some there.


I'm just an ignorant no excercise taker, BUT, what about if the non building of muscles (which I am assuming is the problem) is because of your age. Surely it is better to be a little under ripped than Swarzanegger size and poorly? :o

I'm just an ignorant no excercise taker, BUT, what about if the non building of muscles (which I am assuming is the problem) is because of your age. Surely it is better to be a little under ripped than Swarzanegger size and poorly? :o

It is not really a problem of age. In an article from research two doctors found that the only reason why older people have less muscle tissue is because they do not excercis as hars ad they should.

Me being 50 and training on intensice level now can feel the muscles (re) building


Train hard and eat like a horse. Look on some bodybuilding websites and work out your protein intake. You probably wont be able to eat all the protein you need in meals so top up with protein shakes. protein powder can be a pig to get hold of in Thailand and everywhere charges 3 times the price compared to the Uk, so either get a huge supply imported or look in the classifieds, theres a guy selling some there.

I understand there is a lot of protein in powdered baby milk so I am thinking about drinking that in a shake.

Not to expensive and available everywhere.....what is your opinion??


Train hard and eat like a horse. Look on some bodybuilding websites and work out your protein intake. You probably wont be able to eat all the protein you need in meals so top up with protein shakes. protein powder can be a pig to get hold of in Thailand and everywhere charges 3 times the price compared to the Uk, so either get a huge supply imported or look in the classifieds, theres a guy selling some there.

I understand there is a lot of protein in powdered baby milk so I am thinking about drinking that in a shake.

Not to expensive and available everywhere.....what is your opinion??


Your right about there being alot of protein in baby milk, ive just checked my sons milk. In Dumex Hi-Q 1 there is 11.3 grams per 100grams of powdered milk. Although in My protein powder there is 60 grams of protein per 100grams.

My sons baby milk costs 900 Baht for 900 grams so thats 101.7 grams of protein in total.

My protein powder cost 400 Baht for 420 grams so thats 252 grams of protein in total.

So you could pay 900 baht for 101.7 grams of protein for a drink that tastes like crap or 400 Baht for 252 grams of nice flavoured protein. I say nice because most flavoured protein powder does taste like crap but there are a few out there that are nice. Also remember that if you adding milk to your protein powder instead of water your also getting lots more protein. Go for the zero fat milk that you can get in Thailand thats what i use.

So you can see it is well worth trying to get hold of the protein powder even if you do end up paying twice the price youll still get a better deal than buying baby milk.

To work out how much protein you need per day to build muscle you need to work out your weight in lbs. I weigh 84kg which is around 185lbs. You then need to intake between 1 to 1.5 times your body weight in protein. So I should be taking in between 185 to 294 grams of protein per day. As you can see that is a hel_l of a lot of protein and almost impossible to take just buy food, thats where the protein shake comes in. Its not to take instead of eating its to take whilst eating like a horse between meals.

They say its best to split your meals into 5-6 meals per day splitting your protein intake between those 5-6 meals. So I would need to eat between 50 and 60 grams of protein per meal. Your meals shouldne be the normal huge meal that you would have at dinner time, every meal should be roughly half of the size you would normally eat. Good sources of protein that I eat for my meals are chicken breast, steak, fish, egg whites.

Hope this helps let me know what your training program is like maybe I can help on that. Ive been training since I was 18 in now almost 25 although since moving to Thailand 7 months ago ive struggled to train and eat the right foods and for the last 4 months ive done neither so im slowly starting to get back into it myself.


Good advise from Jared (and others) here. Babymilkpowder is generally VERY high in fat - so no thanks there.

Besides a decent whey protein other legal supplement to consider is creatine. Seen it in many shops here. Naturally also consider a good multivitamin/mineral as you need more than the average person when pushing yourself hard.

Also; as an energy booster - a good strong cup of coffee 30 min before your workout will normally also help you go all out.



I think maybe 50 is a bit to old to be building muscle??? But if your serious about quick gains that last.Fly to India and get yourself some HGH :D .....Its legal,don't know what the Thai laws are though. :o


Hi m8,

How much weight(muscle mass) do you reckon you have lost then?

I'm flying out to Thailand in a few weeks and i'm going to be their for quite a long time(longer than a year).Ive spend the last 5 months repairing the damage my last long stay in THialand caused! Ive put on nearly 30 pounds of muscle and the last thing i want to do is lose all that in the first 6 months.

Getting the right maintence diet and training routine sorted are the best ways to prevent this but bar eating canned tuna/protein supplents all day on top of other meals, what can i do? How do you manage it? I'm ecto-meso(leaning more towards ecto),so if i don't eat right ,im gonna suffer.

Whats the protein powder/creatine like? any good? 60/100G seems alright,although the stuff i use in the UK is normal 80+/100G ,but whatever.


anybody know where I can buy legal steriods or something that helps me to train

harder and longer to build more muscle?


the formula is very simple once you find a good gym hook up with the biggest guys around there is a 97% chance you will find the juice or whatever you need :o
Jumbo, how long have you been training for?

Started a month ago with seriuos training, a combination of conditioning and weights

4 days a week with one and two days rest


Jumbo, how long have you been training for?

Started a month ago with seriuos training, a combination of conditioning and weights

4 days a week with one and two days rest


WOW jumbo m8 no no no, you should even be thinking about taking the juice m8, thatll never work for you and will cause some bad shit at this stage. Your body does not even know you have started training till at least 8-12 months.

your body is not in condition yet to recover quickly and the juice will just put 12lbs of water on you, not muscle.

4 days a week is fine, best to have one day in the gym and one day out, no longer than 1 hour training get in and get out.

forget the juice for now, eat a good diet, rest in between days, follow a good routine eat lots of good food and you will grow, steriods will teach you to run before you can walk.

Jumbo, how long have you been training for?

Started a month ago with seriuos training, a combination of conditioning and weights

4 days a week with one and two days rest


WOW jumbo m8 no no no, you should even be thinking about taking the juice m8, thatll never work for you and will cause some bad shit at this stage. Your body does not even know you have started training till at least 8-12 months.

your body is not in condition yet to recover quickly and the juice will just put 12lbs of water on you, not muscle.

4 days a week is fine, best to have one day in the gym and one day out, no longer than 1 hour training get in and get out.

forget the juice for now, eat a good diet, rest in between days, follow a good routine eat lots of good food and you will grow, steriods will teach you to run before you can walk.

Thanks for your advice

I wasn't really thinking about steriods, hence the titel of the post.

I found some interesting information such as creatine and protein which will help me, maybe notyet in this stage, but I need some extra good food that my body can use instead of nibbing on my muscles and me trainin for nothing.

Maybe my body needs 8-12 months to know it is started training; but then I wonder where the pain comes from...and why I lost 3 inches in 4 weeks......


I think maybe 50 is a bit to old to be building muscle??? But if your serious about quick gains that last.Fly to India and get yourself some HGH :D .....Its legal,don't know what the Thai laws are though. :o


Hi m8,

How much weight(muscle mass) do you reckon you have lost then?

I'm flying out to Thailand in a few weeks and i'm going to be their for quite a long time(longer than a year).Ive spend the last 5 months repairing the damage my last long stay in THialand caused! Ive put on nearly 30 pounds of muscle and the last thing i want to do is lose all that in the first 6 months.

Getting the right maintence diet and training routine sorted are the best ways to prevent this but bar eating canned tuna/protein supplents all day on top of other meals, what can i do? How do you manage it? I'm ecto-meso(leaning more towards ecto),so if i don't eat right ,im gonna suffer.

Whats the protein powder/creatine like? any good? 60/100G seems alright,although the stuff i use in the UK is normal 80+/100G ,but whatever.

Hi Mate

To be honest since moving to Thailand my trainning has all gone out of the window. Ive been living here about 7 months now and when I got here I was in the best shape of my life, I had the lowest body fat percentage ive ever had, I was physically fit and I had packed on a shed load of muscle. Everything was so much easier in England, Gyms close by, high quality food at every super market, cool weather for runing and a nice cool gym. 3 months before moving to Thailand I took a course of steriods although I now do regret taking them due to all the problems they caused and that may also be a reason as to why my trainning has gone tits up.

When I moved to Thailand the first thing I done was find a good gym and I finally found a brilliant proper bodybuilders gym, not one of these crap hotel gyms were everyone thinks its great but you go there and theres nothing there. Anyway I got a 3 month membership, I spent about a month there then finally packed it all in.

Reasons for giving up, trianing in this heat would make me feel sick and pretty crap for the rest of the day. I like to go to the gym nice and early. In England I would be at the gym for 6.30 and train till 8 and then go to work. Over here I dont have to get up so waking up at 6-7 or 8 started to slowly get later and later leaving me with less to do in the day.

Protein powder is almost impossible to find and when you do its 2,3 times the price. I managed to find some plan whey protein powder for 4000Baht and I ended up mixing it with choclate powder just so it didnt taste so bad. Best bet is to get some imported. Ive got about a months supply which i brought off a guy on this forum and once that runs out ill be gettting a years supply shipped over.

Food was also a big struggle, I went from eating very healthy high protein meals, tuna chicken etc to eating high fat Thai food. Everything seems to be deep fried over here and every dish seems to have spoonfulls of sugar. At first the drastic change in diet also made me sick until i got used to it.

Probably the most important reason why I gave up and have struggled to get back in to it is I now have a 3 month old son who keeps me up most the night and ive just lost all motivation. Also im stuck behind a computer workin gall day long when back in England i was actively working outside.

All of that aside im on the verge of getting back into things now, to be honest im probably in the worst shape of my life after 7 months here and I ve put on a shed load of weight and basically feel crap. Once the little one starts to sleep through the nights im going to reniew my membership and start again.

I think maybe 50 is a bit to old to be building muscle??? But if your serious about quick gains that last.Fly to India and get yourself some HGH :D .....Its legal,don't know what the Thai laws are though. :o


Hi m8,

How much weight(muscle mass) do you reckon you have lost then?

I'm flying out to Thailand in a few weeks and i'm going to be their for quite a long time(longer than a year).Ive spend the last 5 months repairing the damage my last long stay in THialand caused! Ive put on nearly 30 pounds of muscle and the last thing i want to do is lose all that in the first 6 months.

Getting the right maintence diet and training routine sorted are the best ways to prevent this but bar eating canned tuna/protein supplents all day on top of other meals, what can i do? How do you manage it? I'm ecto-meso(leaning more towards ecto),so if i don't eat right ,im gonna suffer.

Whats the protein powder/creatine like? any good? 60/100G seems alright,although the stuff i use in the UK is normal 80+/100G ,but whatever.

Hi Mate

To be honest since moving to Thailand my trainning has all gone out of the window. Ive been living here about 7 months now and when I got here I was in the best shape of my life, I had the lowest body fat percentage ive ever had, I was physically fit and I had packed on a shed load of muscle. Everything was so much easier in England, Gyms close by, high quality food at every super market, cool weather for runing and a nice cool gym. 3 months before moving to Thailand I took a course of steriods although I now do regret taking them due to all the problems they caused and that may also be a reason as to why my trainning has gone tits up.

When I moved to Thailand the first thing I done was find a good gym and I finally found a brilliant proper bodybuilders gym, not one of these crap hotel gyms were everyone thinks its great but you go there and theres nothing there. Anyway I got a 3 month membership, I spent about a month there then finally packed it all in.

Reasons for giving up, trianing in this heat would make me feel sick and pretty crap for the rest of the day. I like to go to the gym nice and early. In England I would be at the gym for 6.30 and train till 8 and then go to work. Over here I dont have to get up so waking up at 6-7 or 8 started to slowly get later and later leaving me with less to do in the day.

Protein powder is almost impossible to find and when you do its 2,3 times the price. I managed to find some plan whey protein powder for 4000Baht and I ended up mixing it with choclate powder just so it didnt taste so bad. Best bet is to get some imported. Ive got about a months supply which i brought off a guy on this forum and once that runs out ill be gettting a years supply shipped over.

Food was also a big struggle, I went from eating very healthy high protein meals, tuna chicken etc to eating high fat Thai food. Everything seems to be deep fried over here and every dish seems to have spoonfulls of sugar. At first the drastic change in diet also made me sick until i got used to it.

Probably the most important reason why I gave up and have struggled to get back in to it is I now have a 3 month old son who keeps me up most the night and ive just lost all motivation. Also im stuck behind a computer workin gall day long when back in England i was actively working outside.

All of that aside im on the verge of getting back into things now, to be honest im probably in the worst shape of my life after 7 months here and I ve put on a shed load of weight and basically feel crap. Once the little one starts to sleep through the nights im going to reniew my membership and start again.

Hi Jared,

Is it really difficult to get good quality protein food like clean chicken breast & tinned tuna from the supermarkets over there? I can't remember the name of the body type I am (mesomorph maybe?) but I put fat on really easy so I'm a little worried about the Thai diet I'll be eating. My plan was to eat fish/chicken soup instead of the usual fried rice and pahd thai and eat like pig on clean food to top up on protein. Of course that plan relies completey on how easy it is to lay my hands on clean protein foods.


Tuna is readily available in supermarkets and in different flavours too. Chicken breasts can be bought easily also in Thailand - an small electric cooker/fry pan is also pretty cheap. However as cooked food is Thailand is so cheap and available at any time of the day - its actually a hassle to cook. Im eating 2 big Thai meals a day now and training twice a day - I've been at it for a a good 3 months now and I am managing to control my weight - I can increase and decrease it quite easily.

Im purely here for training and fighting, no work, however so dont have problems with commiting to some decent length workouts.

I would suggest that someone wanting to put on lean muscle - goes down the 'prepare your own food route' - just look at it as another thing you are putting effort into - the other being training. The two need to go hand in hand.

A protein shake would help post work-out but most importantly its got to be 150% effort in the gym :o


I think maybe 50 is a bit to old to be building muscle??? But if your serious about quick gains that last.Fly to India and get yourself some HGH :D .....Its legal,don't know what the Thai laws are though. :o


Hi m8,

How much weight(muscle mass) do you reckon you have lost then?

I'm flying out to Thailand in a few weeks and i'm going to be their for quite a long time(longer than a year).Ive spend the last 5 months repairing the damage my last long stay in THialand caused! Ive put on nearly 30 pounds of muscle and the last thing i want to do is lose all that in the first 6 months.

Getting the right maintence diet and training routine sorted are the best ways to prevent this but bar eating canned tuna/protein supplents all day on top of other meals, what can i do? How do you manage it? I'm ecto-meso(leaning more towards ecto),so if i don't eat right ,im gonna suffer.

Whats the protein powder/creatine like? any good? 60/100G seems alright,although the stuff i use in the UK is normal 80+/100G ,but whatever.

Hi Mate

To be honest since moving to Thailand my trainning has all gone out of the window. Ive been living here about 7 months now and when I got here I was in the best shape of my life, I had the lowest body fat percentage ive ever had, I was physically fit and I had packed on a shed load of muscle. Everything was so much easier in England, Gyms close by, high quality food at every super market, cool weather for runing and a nice cool gym. 3 months before moving to Thailand I took a course of steriods although I now do regret taking them due to all the problems they caused and that may also be a reason as to why my trainning has gone tits up.

When I moved to Thailand the first thing I done was find a good gym and I finally found a brilliant proper bodybuilders gym, not one of these crap hotel gyms were everyone thinks its great but you go there and theres nothing there. Anyway I got a 3 month membership, I spent about a month there then finally packed it all in.

Reasons for giving up, trianing in this heat would make me feel sick and pretty crap for the rest of the day. I like to go to the gym nice and early. In England I would be at the gym for 6.30 and train till 8 and then go to work. Over here I dont have to get up so waking up at 6-7 or 8 started to slowly get later and later leaving me with less to do in the day.

Protein powder is almost impossible to find and when you do its 2,3 times the price. I managed to find some plan whey protein powder for 4000Baht and I ended up mixing it with choclate powder just so it didnt taste so bad. Best bet is to get some imported. Ive got about a months supply which i brought off a guy on this forum and once that runs out ill be gettting a years supply shipped over.

Food was also a big struggle, I went from eating very healthy high protein meals, tuna chicken etc to eating high fat Thai food. Everything seems to be deep fried over here and every dish seems to have spoonfulls of sugar. At first the drastic change in diet also made me sick until i got used to it.

Probably the most important reason why I gave up and have struggled to get back in to it is I now have a 3 month old son who keeps me up most the night and ive just lost all motivation. Also im stuck behind a computer workin gall day long when back in England i was actively working outside.

All of that aside im on the verge of getting back into things now, to be honest im probably in the worst shape of my life after 7 months here and I ve put on a shed load of weight and basically feel crap. Once the little one starts to sleep through the nights im going to reniew my membership and start again.

4000bht for protein powder!!! gahhs thats crazy.

Anyhoo,thnx for the response.The biggest problems i had half the time was lack of time,motivation and lack of a gym to train in.Mainly because i was travelling all other the place(all around SEA).I won't be that this time around.Finding a gym and getting a decent diet sorted will be of high prioity!


I always go by the 30,30,40 rule :D 30% sleep,30% diet,40% Gym.Its all down to the individual i guess.

Tesco lotus is a good place for tuna,shitloads of canned tuna their.


Jonson83 - I see what you mean with the 30,30,40 rule but I was just stressing the importance of the effort needed during the training sessions, not neglecting the importance of other factors :o Or the ratio of time spent doing each. I'm sure you wouldnt advise putting 40% effort in at the gym :D Although some days I guess we feel like it

Jonson83 - I see what you mean with the 30,30,40 rule but I was just stressing the importance of the effort needed during the training sessions, not neglecting the importance of other factors :D Or the ratio of time spent doing each. I'm sure you wouldnt advise putting 40% effort in at the gym :D Although some days I guess we feel like it

haha, good point :o

Jumbo, how long have you been training for?

Started a month ago with seriuos training, a combination of conditioning and weights

4 days a week with one and two days rest


WOW jumbo m8 no no no, you should even be thinking about taking the juice m8, thatll never work for you and will cause some bad shit at this stage. Your body does not even know you have started training till at least 8-12 months.

your body is not in condition yet to recover quickly and the juice will just put 12lbs of water on you, not muscle.

4 days a week is fine, best to have one day in the gym and one day out, no longer than 1 hour training get in and get out.

forget the juice for now, eat a good diet, rest in between days, follow a good routine eat lots of good food and you will grow, steriods will teach you to run before you can walk.

Thanks for your advice

I wasn't really thinking about steriods, hence the titel of the post.

I found some interesting information such as creatine and protein which will help me, maybe notyet in this stage, but I need some extra good food that my body can use instead of nibbing on my muscles and me trainin for nothing.

Maybe my body needs 8-12 months to know it is started training; but then I wonder where the pain comes from...and why I lost 3 inches in 4 weeks......


Sorry, i must have misread post somewhere, if you are trying to loose weight, then recovery is not that important nor long because you are burning off weight and thats an easier process than gaining muscle.

If you are loosing weight, i wouldnt take protein as protein supps contain fatigue nutriants and may result in you actually loosing weight in less time or not at all. If you want protein, get it from tuna or chicken instead.


Sorry, i must have misread post somewhere, if you are trying to loose weight, then recovery is not that important nor long because you are burning off weight and thats an easier process than gaining muscle.

If you are loosing weight, i wouldnt take protein as protein supps contain fatigue nutriants and may result in you actually loosing weight in less time or not at all. If you want protein, get it from tuna or chicken instead.

Thanks for the advise, will follow, allthoug I also read that protein helps to loose weight as well

found a website here where they seem to seel protein etc maybe usefull




its very possible it can. Its not the protein itself that prevents the weight loss in supplents but more like the rest of the stuff they put into them, personally theyve never done anything for me.


Greetings Jumbo,

Its great to hear that at the age of 50, you're taking a step towards regaining more energy into your life. I'm in the business of bodybuilding supplements but fret not, I'm not here to illicit any sales. Just to drop a word that at your age, I would recommend you to take dosages of "Colostrum" to tie in with your training schedule.

Within the gym, builders are always so focused on whats the best protein for the best price. And what other supplements to stack on top of that. What they fail to realise is that all the supplements consumed in the world would lead to little if your body's absorption rate is low.

Usage of colostrum will assist your body to take in more supplements effectively. There might be minor side effects for 2 weeks like frequent bowel movement or tingling sensation in your head. Should you consistently take if for a month, I guarantee that you'll see a leap in your performance.

I'm based in Singapore so I've no idea where you might purchase Colostrum from in Thailand, so perhaps the other Posters can keep you notified. ***Should you purchase from GNC, I'd recommend you take 1.5 times of their stated dosage.

All the best,



To all

Well, I finished my 1st 6 weeks of training, results

1,5 inch decrease on the waist/belly

.5 decrease on the chest

.5 increase on the arms

2.5 kg increase of my weigth

Overall I feel in a better general shape, more muscles and going up the stairs has become an easy thing to do

Well obviuosly the weight increase is bothering me, when will this stop and turn into decrease



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