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Divorcing an Australian who is out of contact (Thai marriage)


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I have a Thai woman friend who is married to an Australian guy, they were legally married in Thailand. They have separated and have rather drastically fallen out by the sounds of it. She wants a divorce so she can move on with her life but can't get the man in question to sign any papers. From what I can tell, he has purposefully cut all contact, withdrawn from Facebook, changed phone numbers etc. so she cannot communicate with him at all.


She also claims that he told her he got the divorce sorted in Australia, although I am not sure how this is possible as she didn't and wasn't asked to sign anything. Does the Thai family law system have anyway to address this sort of situation if one party from outside Thailand refuses to co-operate. Surely she can't be held to ransom forever.

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Suggest you do a Google for:  australia divorce records


Several hits available where the lady can check to see if a divorce was actually done in Australia.


Then do another Google for:  thailand divorce


Lots of hits, suggest looking at the one for Siam-Legal, Grounds for Divorce.  Note, my comment is not an endorsement of this law office, but their info looks good.  In any case, it'd be a "contested" divorce and would need to be processed through a Thai court.





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20 hours ago, Rhys said:

  Must really be a control addict...it must have been some falling out.


Control issues? (Eeehhm...clears throat) I wouldn't know anything about that! Yeah, I don't really know any of the particulars but seems pretty messy.


Thanks heaps for all your responses and the PM I got too, it will be a lot of help for my friend.

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