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The week that was in Thailand news: “You get nothing for two in a bed”


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We must have passed each other in Goa, 71 thru 79. I just met a friend here on TVF, who I have not seen in 45 years, we live 50Kms. apart. He has been reading my posts for a year, but this week reading my posts about pot legalization in Canada, and more to the point, before pot, goods came from Lebanon, India, Pakistan and Morocco, he thought maybe I know this guy. He messaged me 

and it was a "I don't believe this is happening moment". We meet next week, you may have met him also. Thanks for mentioning Goa.

Edited by Colabamumbai
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"It costs 147 sobs a year for the downtrodden Brits (49.50 for black and white) to watch TV, though a government website says you can get 50% off…….if you are blind."


Like the unfortunates due the 50% discount - I can't see the logic! (Would you like to start me off with the anomalies of the Council Tax regulations? No? Just as well, it would take up a lot of space, and I don't type very quickly!) 





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We were country lads out in the big city for the first time - London - for a weekend.

Never had been before. Aged 16-17, staying at a youth hostel we had difficulty finding.

Green behind the ears etc etc.

Anyhow, we ended up around the Soho area, still drinking heavily (under age) and were impressed by a local biker lad who wore his underpants (y fronts) OUTSIDE of his jeans. I think they were Barry Sheene y fronts. Impressive fashion statement for 16 y/olds riding mopeds.

Anyhow, I digress, he was selling drugs (even more impressive) and offered us some acid (LSD). We'd never done acid before and were trying to appear nonchalant and uninterested, at the same time as bartering him down.

 We should have realized something was amiss as our purchasing price was less than a quarter of the original asking price.

Obviously we were too scared to do a whole tab at once, so we halved one, waited an hour. Nothing. Took another half. Another hour. Nothing. Looked at each other. Took a whole one. Nothing. So after three hours we find some decent light and inspect our remainder of the purchase.

Matchstick heads....

 We'd paid 20 Pounds Sterling for 10 matchstick heads.

He probably had the real McCoy, but realizing we were daft and innocent and didn't even know what a tab of LSD looks like, and we weren't local, thought he'd have a nice scam and a good laugh...

 He was right...


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47 minutes ago, sambum said:

"It costs 147 sobs a year for the downtrodden Brits (49.50 for black and white) to watch TV, though a government website says you can get 50% off…….if you are blind."


Like the unfortunates due the 50% discount - I can't see the logic! (Would you like to start me off with the anomalies of the Council Tax regulations? No? Just as well, it would take up a lot of space, and I don't type very quickly!) 





council tax >>>>>>> 2 people in house = 100%

                                     1 person in house = 75%

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4 hours ago, overherebc said:

Yep, being offered about half a pound of 'genuine' safron for about 50 pence I remember.


No scams in Goa when I lived there and no Indian tourists. Free liquid lsd, at full moon parties, 15 foreigners living in Colva and Calangute, a few more in Anjuna, before it was widely known. Spent ten years between Goa and Bombay, and travelled throughout the country, hence the moniker colabamumbai, with side trips to Thailand. Would have retired in India, but a little overpopulated. People speak English and one price for all.

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50 minutes ago, cookieqw said:

council tax >>>>>>> 2 people in house = 100%

                                     1 person in house = 75%

Except when you live alone in the house and take a long holiday, and then you only get 10% discount. And if you live in, for instance Zone A and you have a garden, you are not entitled to a "green" wheelie bin to dispose of your garden rubbish (weeds, dead plants etc) so you have to make your own arrangements for disposal, as they refuse to accept it as normal household waste. But if you live in the next street along, (which backs on to your house) which is in Zone B, you can have  a "green" wheelie bin for your garden rubbish even though you do not have a garden!  

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2 hours ago, thaiguzzi said:


We were country lads out in the big city for the first time - London - for a weekend.

Never had been before. Aged 16-17, staying at a youth hostel we had difficulty finding.

Green behind the ears etc etc.

Anyhow, we ended up around the Soho area, still drinking heavily (under age) and were impressed by a local biker lad who wore his underpants (y fronts) OUTSIDE of his jeans. I think they were Barry Sheene y fronts. Impressive fashion statement for 16 y/olds riding mopeds.

Anyhow, I digress, he was selling drugs (even more impressive) and offered us some acid (LSD). We'd never done acid before and were trying to appear nonchalant and uninterested, at the same time as bartering him down.

 We should have realized something was amiss as our purchasing price was less than a quarter of the original asking price.

Obviously we were too scared to do a whole tab at once, so we halved one, waited an hour. Nothing. Took another half. Another hour. Nothing. Looked at each other. Took a whole one. Nothing. So after three hours we find some decent light and inspect our remainder of the purchase.

Matchstick heads....

 We'd paid 20 Pounds Sterling for 10 matchstick heads.

He probably had the real McCoy, but realizing we were daft and innocent and didn't even know what a tab of LSD looks like, and we weren't local, thought he'd have a nice scam and a good laugh...

 He was right...


mainly black kids doing that when i was that age but for coke and it'd just be sugar or something. mainly to tourists. easy scam. if they got caught they didn't even have illegal drugs on them. wouldn't surprise me if stills goes on today around soho

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1 hour ago, CliffH said:

£147 a year is a small price to pay for quality tv without any <deleted> adverts!

Guess if you have to pay good money for quality TV, shouldn't you be paid for watching the rubbish dished up on Thai TV. 

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Another good edition, Rooster.  Hey the two Billionaires were spotted in Beijing, were they missing

the pollution of Bangkok perhaps, or just wanted to buy some Chinese stuff? Nice to see the rich Thais spending their time in another polluted city. yuck, yuck.


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On 2/10/2018 at 5:38 PM, rooster59 said:

'.... Thai roads ... see perhaps 25,000 killed each year ... Many Thais call it fate ...

And that will never change unless we get a government with ministers - especially a transport minister - who are not superstitious, and start educating the Thais that fate has s__d all to with it. Preferably alongside lessons in common-sense driving. 

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14 hours ago, Artisi said:

Guess if you have to pay good money for quality TV, shouldn't you be paid for watching the rubbish dished up on Thai TV. 

Definitely!  However, bear in mind that commercial tv isn't free.  A proportion of what you spend in the supermarket, and elsewhere, goes to pay for the adverts.  Admittedly though, the way  the BBC is funded is well past its sell-by date.

And by the way, the dog licence was done away with about 50 years ago.


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On 11/02/2018 at 11:26 AM, faraday said:

Brilliant writing....rotfpmsl!! :laugh:


As for Goa, was there too long ago to remember, apart from the copious scams.

When I was there in 74 an Italian hippy had a monkey he hired out to us to pick out head lice. We ate and drank in shack on Anjuna beach run by an old guy called Diego who taught me how to make chappatis, clam chowder and special cake. I was 20.

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3 minutes ago, The manic said:

I too lived on Anduna beach in Goa in 74. Nobody wore clothes. And stuff was cheap and plentiful.  I got there by boat from Bombay. Now the place is ruined as here is being ruined. The pathetic war on drugs, an American disease, is partially responsible. The new age of Puritanism reinforced by feminism and Islam is leaching joy out of the world.

Pm me if you like. We may know each other, am bad with names from the past. Am from Toronto.   Did the boat many times and by air also. Was well known at Dipties in Bombay. Lived in Colva before moving to Anjuna. Side visits to Thailand.

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5 minutes ago, Colabamumbai said:

Pm me if you like. We may know each other, am bad with names from the past. Am from Toronto.   Did the boat many times and by air also. Was well known at Dipties in Bombay. Lived in Colva before moving to Anjuna. Side visits to Thailand.

I moved to manali for the thingy season eventually then Kashmir, Pakistan ,Afghanistan and worked in Iran for a year. I find Thailand easy after all those countries and can't understand why people moan about here. 

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47 minutes ago, The manic said:

I moved to manali for the thingy season eventually then Kashmir, Pakistan ,Afghanistan and worked in Iran for a year. I find Thailand easy after all those countries and can't understand why people moan about here. 

Followed much the same route as you. The people that moan here would do the same in their country. I made the move here too as opposed to India.  During the past 8 years on the forum here, I find many comments and replies to posts are very negative, compared to what they once were. Interesting to know how many live here and how many do not. TVF should do a survey. Thanks for your reply. Namaste, boom Shiva. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/02/2018 at 9:55 AM, sambum said:

Except when you live alone in the house and take a long holiday, and then you only get 10% discount. And if you live in, for instance Zone A and you have a garden, you are not entitled to a "green" wheelie bin to dispose of your garden rubbish (weeds, dead plants etc) so you have to make your own arrangements for disposal, as they refuse to accept it as normal household waste. But if you live in the next street along, (which backs on to your house) which is in Zone B, you can have  a "green" wheelie bin for your garden rubbish even though you do not have a garden!  

Except when you live alone in the house and take a long holiday, and then you only get 10% discount


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2 hours ago, cookieqw said:

Except when you live alone in the house and take a long holiday, and then you only get 10% discount


OK - I am  sorry that you are so shocked by the revelation, but let me ask you to try to explain why  when I live in the house on my own, and the Council are collecting my rubbish on a fortnightly basis, and I have to put the kitchen waste in a "wheelie bin", the cans and paper and glass jars in a "greenbox", the cardboard and plastic in a "greenbag", but if I have any garden waste, I have to get rid of it myself because I am living in the wrong Zone, if I have a problem with drunks outside my house, or have unruly neighbours, I can phone the Police, and eventually they will attend to the complaint? That is why I pay my Council Tax and get 25% discount.


However, when I do not live in the house, and the house is unoccupied, then there is no kitchen waste for the Council to collect, no "wheelie bins", no "greenboxes", no "greenbags",  no need to bother the Police with calls about drunks or unruly neighbours - I do not even take advantage of the street lighting, or free bus passes provided by the Council from the aforesaid Council Tax. Yet in this situation, I only get 10% discount.


So if I am not there, why do I have to pay more? It is not a holiday home, or a "second property". I am merely looking after my health by escaping the Winter, and the higher fuel prices and inconvenience that goes with it. (By the way, I am also not overburdening the NHS with my prescription charges as while I am away, I have to pay for all my medications)


Maybe you could have a word with "Your Buddha", because when you are living on a pension, the difference between 25% and 10% discount can make a big difference in your living standards, but I can tell by the tone of your comment that you are totally sympathetic to the less well off, and I am so pleased that you appreciate the problems faced by your Senior Citizens.  

Edited by sambum
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On 13/02/2018 at 5:58 PM, Colabamumbai said:

Followed much the same route as you. The people that moan here would do the same in their country. I made the move here too as opposed to India.  During the past 8 years on the forum here, I find many comments and replies to posts are very negative, compared to what they once were. Interesting to know how many live here and how many do not. TVF should do a survey. Thanks for your reply. Namaste, boom Shiva. 

Boom Shiva - Boom Shiva Sankra! 

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On 06/03/2018 at 11:25 PM, sambum said:

OK - I am  sorry that you are so shocked by the revelation, but let me ask you to try to explain why  when I live in the house on my own, and the Council are collecting my rubbish on a fortnightly basis, and I have to put the kitchen waste in a "wheelie bin", the cans and paper and glass jars in a "greenbox", the cardboard and plastic in a "greenbag", but if I have any garden waste, I have to get rid of it myself because I am living in the wrong Zone, if I have a problem with drunks outside my house, or have unruly neighbours, I can phone the Police, and eventually they will attend to the complaint? That is why I pay my Council Tax and get 25% discount.


However, when I do not live in the house, and the house is unoccupied, then there is no kitchen waste for the Council to collect, no "wheelie bins", no "greenboxes", no "greenbags",  no need to bother the Police with calls about drunks or unruly neighbours - I do not even take advantage of the street lighting, or free bus passes provided by the Council from the aforesaid Council Tax. Yet in this situation, I only get 10% discount.


So if I am not there, why do I have to pay more? It is not a holiday home, or a "second property". I am merely looking after my health by escaping the Winter, and the higher fuel prices and inconvenience that goes with it. (By the way, I am also not overburdening the NHS with my prescription charges as while I am away, I have to pay for all my medications)


Maybe you could have a word with "Your Buddha", because when you are living on a pension, the difference between 25% and 10% discount can make a big difference in your living standards, but I can tell by the tone of your comment that you are totally sympathetic to the less well off, and I am so pleased that you appreciate the problems faced by your Senior Citizens.  

Well said mate.  The treatment of Expats in the UK is a, disgrace especially compared to how immigrants are treated 

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