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Video: Tourist Police make their intentions clear - we are going after illegal tourists committing crime in Thailand


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16 hours ago, JAZZDOG said:

I must be from an alternate universe. If you are an immigrant from another country it goes without saying you need to carry and produce paperwork verifying you are legal. It also is required to understand and abide by the laws and terms of your visa . That's the deal from the jump, it is what you agreed to when you entered the country. If you no longer wish to abide to the agreement you made when you entered Thailand there are many international airports from which you can depart. I can't even understand the point you are trying to make. It's almost like reasoning with a 5 year old.

It is not a requirement of my life that you understand me. I abide by the laws of the country, and have the relevant stamps in my passport to make me legal. Whether it is a requirement to carry your passport at all times has also been discussed somewhat here and for me is ambiguous. I am quite sure I can produce it, when required, within 24 hours, and as stated have pictures of the stamps in my phone. What I do not understand are people like you who choose to go around making derogatory comments to strangers on an internet forum. And dear oh dear, not the old 'if you don't like it go home line' Get a life.

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On 3/15/2018 at 9:16 AM, YetAnother said:

should we, long stay expats, be worried about efforts like this ? i believe we should, simply due to the prevailing thai attitude that anyone not thai is a tourist; how can these tourist police make an accurate snap judgment that we are either tourist or long-stay expat ? they can't, as a result we are ever more subject to harassment as an easy vent to their racism

We have a, different stamp in our passport! 

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A tourist goes on holiday and spends money in a foreign country, stays in a hotel, resort, guest house,  or a friends house and they bring millions in foreign currency to that country.


A criminal is a person that commits crimes. No matter their nationality.


When are these 8 year old xenaphobic bullies in adult bodies going to start telling the difference ? Probably never. Not even when the millions stop coming.

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