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After battling the urge to go on a rampage when enduring the high-pitched screams of some spoilt toddlers for half an hour (in a restaurant), and after nursing my resulting headache, I got a splendid idea: hire-a-cutie.

Waiting for a ticket and queue too long? Hire a cutie! Deposit these three kids right at the ticket booth and give them permission to scream their heads off. Problem solved.

Trouble with your neighbours? Hire a cutie! Drop them on your neighbour's doorstep for only half and hour and you will never see this guy again.

Want attention? Hire a cutie. Nobody will ever forget you (forgiving is something else).

Frustrated at your job? Hire a cutie. Place them right in front of your manager's hole and you will have him on his knees.

Proceeds please send to my bank account. Thanks. :o

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After battling the urge to go on a rampage when enduring the high-pitched screams of some spoilt toddlers for half an hour (in a restaurant), and after nursing my resulting headache, I got a splendid idea: hire-a-cutie.

Waiting for a ticket and queue too long? Hire a cutie! Deposit these three kids right at the ticket booth and give them permission to scream their heads off. Problem solved.

Trouble with your neighbours? Hire a cutie! Drop them on your neighbour's doorstep for only half and hour and you will never see this guy again.

Want attention? Hire a cutie. Nobody will ever forget you (forgiving is something else).

Frustrated at your job? Hire a cutie. Place them right in front of your manager's hole and you will have him on his knees.

Proceeds please send to my bank account. Thanks. :o

What are you on about.... Can someone explain this clearer please? Are you talking about hiring a cute BG whenever something goes wrong?

I don't get it.


Edited by In the Rai!
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What is wrong with Thaivisa this morning? This thread, and some self-indulgent nonsense by an attention-seeking mother-fixed luk krueng in America . . . . not to mention the guy who though gold cost one baht.

All these threads started by relatively new members. If this is a by-products of the survey aiming to get more members to post, I prefer it the old way . . .

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What is wrong with Thaivisa this morning? This thread, and some self-indulgent nonsense by an attention-seeking mother-fixed luk krueng in America . . . . not to mention the guy who though gold cost one baht.

All these threads started by relatively new members. If this is a by-products of the survey aiming to get more members to post, I prefer it the old way . . .

Grumblebum... :o

Topic moved to pub forum.

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What is wrong with Thaivisa this morning? This thread, and some self-indulgent nonsense by an attention-seeking mother-fixed luk krueng in America . . . . not to mention the guy who though gold cost one baht.

All these threads started by relatively new members. If this is a by-products of the survey aiming to get more members to post, I prefer it the old way . . .

You're just a youngster anyway . . .

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What are you on about.... Can someone explain this clearer please? Are you talking about hiring a cute BG whenever something goes wrong?

I don't get it.


You apparently have not sat within hearing distance of a bunch of spoiled toddlers who scream on top of their lungs, just because they want attention.... Lucky you.

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What are you on about.... Can someone explain this clearer please? Are you talking about hiring a cute BG whenever something goes wrong?

I don't get it.


You apparently have not sat within hearing distance of a bunch of spoiled toddlers who scream on top of their lungs, just because they want attention.... Lucky you.

Still does not make the slightest bit of sense, seriously or half heartedly....lower your medication

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Well personally I think it is much more fun to grow your own cutie at home.

Also you can control the way that they behave. Mine is a 2 1/2 year old boy and is the light of my life, even my wife takes second place to him.

We have great fun together however he is learning that Daddy is not always the nicest person in the world.

When he plays up as all children do, Daddy is the one who speaks in the loud voice which can reduce him to tears and he does stop what he is doing wrong.

Daddy is also the one who has sweeties hidden in his pockets for good boys.

My main problem now is that he is spending time at pre pre school and much more time learning Thai and less time learning English, so now Daddy HAS to learn to speak Thai and hopefully also to read and write it.

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Bill...sweets in the pocket..bad bad daddy.

I am the same, my boy is now nearly 5, we have a great time together, he is my best mate and my daughter is nearly 2. We get on so well cos we are the same maturity level I think.

My son was translating for me at 2yo, he now does it all the time when we out. I thought that I could learn thai with him and develop together, he passed me years ago and I am floundering in his wake....so is she now...sad really.

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