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Trump administration moves to expel some 57,000 Hondurans


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On 5/5/2018 at 7:42 PM, RobFord said:

Yeah I agree.


They should be better paid and the US provide universal healthcare.

How best to increase wages, especially at low end jobs? I say flooding the nation with low end labor puts downward pressure on wages- basic supply and demand theory. Feel free to point out the flaws in my logic.

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20 hours ago, Thaidream said:

I don't do research for other people- google is your friend.  Please refer to the members of the Black Caucus for a discussion on why they feel Donald Trump exhibits racist tendencies and attitudes.


. Yes, they have temporary protected status- but after 20 years in this case- how would it benefit America to deport 57,000 people when most have homes; cars; jobs; children in schools and contribute to American values and society. The job of the President of the US is to protect America and its borders.  This is not doing that..... It is divisive- will cause hardship to these people and actually cause economic disruption.


Take a look around America-


-Who is driving the taxicabs

-Who is doing basic labor on construction sites

-Who is picking vegetables in the fields

-Who is working in  poultry processing plans

-Who is working in car washes


All these jobs pay minimum wage.  Would you take these jobs if immigrants were not filling them?  Of course, we can deport all immigrants and ask the  business owners to start people off at $20 per hour which will raise the prices considerably for all Americans and force some companies out of business. I still doubt if you can find anyone other than immigrant labor to do these essential jobs.


Trump needs to present a comprehensive Immigration Bill to the Us Congress which covers ways to enter the US legally for Immigrant labor; provide a way to legality for those already here; and streamlines  things like legality of children born in America; chain migration; the immigration lottery; investment Visas and more.


He won't do it because he would rather vilify hard working immigrants and play to his racist base than solve the Immigration issue.

Typical flimsy 'if the immigrants won't do the job then who will?!' argument. My mom and her brothers worked in the fields picking fruits and veggies and they aren't immigrants. 

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On 5/5/2018 at 8:05 PM, Thaidream said:

Most working people are provided medical care through their employer and pay a per cent of their salary for this.  If by chance, the company does not provide it- the worker signs up via Obamacare and again pays for the care based upon their income.  There is no 'free' medical care in America.


All of  the people under  protected status are in the US legally and Trump's removal of the status will cause huge economic impact to the US; employers and of course the average Honduran who has been in the Us for almost 20 years.


America is a country of Immigrants and was built on Immigrant labor.  If Trump wants to change the Immigration laws- draw up a comprehensive Immigration Bill and present it to the Congress and see if they will pass it.  They won't because they know a majority of Americans do not want to deport protected status immigrants or the DACA Immigrants.


Trump and his alt right minions- are living in the 19th Century when they tried to exclude certain 'types' of people based upon race or ethnic background. It didn't work then and was found to be discriminatory and it won't work know. Trump just can

t seem to understand- people have a right to due process.


Neither my wife or I have ever paid a percentage of our income for employer-related health insurance coverage. Neither have our grown children. All coverage has been a fixed cost. I seriously doubt your assertion on the issue is correct.


Also, I find your assertion that Trump should seek additional immigration law interesting. He is acting within the bounds of law specific to this situation. And as president, He has virtual Carte Blanche on immigration.

Edited by BuriramSam
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10 minutes ago, BuriramSam said:

And as president, He has virtual Carte Blanche on immigration.

Except when it comes to the courts where he learns his constitutional limitations.

His travel bans and termination of DACA are examples.

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5 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

Except when it comes to the courts where he learns his constitutional limitations.

His travel bans and termination of DACA are examples.

The rulings on bans are wrong and Trump will prevail. I suggest you read 8 US Code 1182 paragraph F and tell me how Trump's ban is illegal:


(f)Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President

Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate. "




Also, if the bans were unconstitutional, why wasn't Jimmy Carter's ban on Iranians fought? Has there been some relevant change in law since Carter banned Iranians from coming to the US?

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6 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

When I worked in the US-  every 2 weeks I had a deduction for medical care. Some companies carry the full cost but many others charge their employees a share of the cost  so I am certain many of the people on protected status are contributing to their healthcare.

I will say it again- none of these people are illegal immigrants- they have legal status which Trump will remove. He has the right to do it but certainly smacks of a lack of understanding and compassion. These people represent no threat to American jobs; they have been in the US almost 20 years so they have established community rts and sending them back now would be distant to their live and hurt the economy.


If Trump doesn't like the Immigration law which allows for protected status; refugees; asylum and other things associated with a country that  basis it's policy on fairness, equity and compassion- change the law.  Have the guts to write a bill- send it to the Congress and see whether it can be supported.  Trump is afraid to do this because he knows full well he can't even get his own party members to support a bill which takes compassion out of the equations.


Trump is simply grandstanding; playing to his  base of deplorables and acting like he normally does-  no sense; no compassion; doesn't care for the average person and is just plain a nasty bastard.

Why does he need to get the law changed when he is acting within the law? As for compassion: I think I'll save it for American citizens who are getting stuck with the $20 trillion and growing debt.


As to the economy: why do you think returning these people to their homeland will hurt the US economy?

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I never said it wasn't within the law- but sending people back  after 20 years in America is simply cruel.  None of these people are contributing to the national debt as that can be blamed on all Presidents including Trump who seem to believe an over bloated military and intelligence agency is more important than taking care of the basic needs of Americans or providing a tax cut to the wealthy is a necessity.


I would seriously doubt that an American is going to  take these jobs held by the Hondurans- they are mostly minimum wage jobs working in positions that most American won't do but are essential to the American economy.  Just as a side note- I did work in the fields picking fruit when I was 17 years old- never saw another  Anglo doing this work- backbreaking; hot and low paid.  


If Trump really wants to help Americans- he can start by revoking the Visas of the South Asians in  Silicon Valley who have been brought in by tech companies so they can pay them $35,000 per year  instead of hiring an American and paying $70.000 per year.  He has the power to revoke Visas- but he won't as the company owners are billionaires.  He would rather go after the poor and disenfranchised.  Truly a horrid human being.

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1 minute ago, Thaidream said:

I never said it wasn't within the law- but sending people back  after 20 years in America is simply cruel.  None of these people are contributing to the national debt as that can be blamed on all Presidents including Trump who seem to believe an over bloated military and intelligence agency is more important than taking care of the basic needs of Americans or providing a tax cut to the wealthy is a necessity.


I would seriously doubt that an American is going to  take these jobs held by the Hondurans- they are mostly minimum wage jobs working in positions that most American won't do but are essential to the American economy.  Just as a side note- I did work in the fields picking fruit when I was 17 years old- never saw another  Anglo doing this work- backbreaking; hot and low paid.  


If Trump really wants to help Americans- he can start by revoking the Visas of the South Asians in  Silicon Valley who have been brought in by tech companies so they can pay them $35,000 per year  instead of hiring an American and paying $70.000 per year.  He has the power to revoke Visas- but he won't as the company owners are billionaires.  He would rather go after the poor and disenfranchised.  Truly a horrid human being.

We can certainly agree on a bloated military. Trump announcing over $700 billion for our defense was a major disappointment to me. I believe we should cut at least a third, mostly by reducing overseas deployments.


I believe that part of the "jobs Americans won't do" has to do with other bloated budgets like food stamps and Section 8 housing. Cut each of those significantly, and you just watch Americans start doing those jobs Americans won't do.


We can also agree on Silicon Valley. We all know Indians are kicking American a$$ when it comes to engineering and technology. Tech companies are making a fortune. My solution: coordinate reducing the number of H1B visas issued and let tech companies do whatever they need to to staff their job with Amereicans. For example, Envoy Airlines (formerly American Eagle) is offering $45,000 sign on bonuses. That's what they have to do to meet their numbers. Or  maybe tech companies need to invest in wooing US students to needed majors in college and in educating them for today's needs and those of the future. Importing foreign labor only serves to put downward pressure on wages. It's true in Silicon Valley. It's true on Main Street USA. I think reasonable people could get past the politics of it all and find a decent balance.

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I will  agree to many of your proposals and if wages were raised to living wages in many now low paid jobs- Americans may go for them..  However, that will increase the prices of goods and services so there needs to be a balance between Immigrant  labor and American labor.


I really can't go back on my distaste for Trump's desire to deport people whohave been  in America for 20 years.  I am sure many have bought cars which are financed; many have home mortgages and most have adopted the American lifestyle.


What America really needs is a completely new Immigration bill that allows for temporary foreign workers; that allows  limited number of Immigrants and that puts limits if necessary on stays or develops new Visa classes. There needs to be a cooperative relationship between the President; Congress and the various immigrant groups to work out a solution.  Deporting people who have been in America for 20 years; picking up migrants who are working or at their children's schools who are no threat to America and putting them in detention and sending them out on the next plane just isn't humane. Trump has created a toxic atmosphere in America and that is not how you solve a problem.

Edited by Thaidream
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10 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

Cater's action was to pressure the Iranian government into a specific action.

Carter explicitly outlined the reasons behind the issuance of sanctions (including visa cancellation for Iranian nationals) and underscored his intent to apply pressure to Iran’s government release American hostages.

Trump’s proposal was markedly not a sanction, but a security measure framed as a counterterrorism strategy, and one directed at all adherents of a particular religion (regardless of their nationalities) rather than citizens of a particular country.


It's amusing how often Trump and his supporters try to excuse Trump's extremist (sometimes unconstitutional) policies by using previous presidential actions as an excuse, while also criticizing the performance of those same presidents.

 I see nowhere in immigration law that says an action is any more or less legal based on what the president is attempting. The law is clear: the president can pretty much do as he pleases. I've read the Snopes piece. Funny stuff, watching them bend and contort. I love the part about Carter having a "well-defined class of persons". There is no legal requirement or standard on definition of class of aliens being forbidden entry. The standard is "any class". It's mostly huffing and puffing on Snopes.


With their bans, Carter and Trump did the same thing, legally.  The biggest basic fact is that both acted on immigration based 8 US Code 1182. There is simply no way for you to get around that.


I disagreed with pretty much everything Carter did. I disagree with some of what Trump does. I will continue to voice my opinion on presidents without any regard to any other presidents I may have agreed with any more or any less than the current one or any other president(s) I am making comparisons with.



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6 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

I will  agree to many of your proposals and if wages were raised to living wages in many now low paid jobs- Americans may go for them..  However, that will increase the prices of goods and services so there needs to be a balance between Immigrant  labor and American labor.


I really can't go back on my distaste for Trump's desire to deport people whohave been  in America for 20 years.  I am sure many have bought cars which are financed; many have home mortgages and most have adopted the American lifestyle.


What America really needs is a completely new Immigration bill that allows for temporary foreign workers; that allows  limited number of Immigrants and that puts limits if necessary on stays or develops new Visa classes. There needs to be a cooperative relationship between the President; Congress and the various immigrant groups to work out a solution.  Deporting people who have been in America for 20 years; picking up migrants who are working or at their children's schools who are no threat to America and putting them in detention and sending them out on the next plane just isn't humane. Trump has created a toxic atmosphere in America and that is not how you solve a problem.

I suspect we agree on more than it may appear. I'm sure where we differ is yet another round of amnesty. I've seen this enough already. I will never support it without the federal government first demonstrating it can, will and does control our borders and immigration.

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You do have a point on amnesty- it was done before and now America is in the same position again.   This is a really tough subject to debate because there are about 11 million illegals in the US and deporting them all would be impossible and cost billions.


However, Trump's border wall isn't going to really atop anyone who wants to get in- there has to be a complete legal reform so as to allow legal entry to needed immigrant labor. If you can come in legally- albeit temporary- no reason to come illegally.  Then there is the question of anchor babies; chain migration; immigrant Visa lotteries; investment visas- how should these be handled?  The decision has to be made on real, documented research not the whims of Presidents or members of Congress who believe in unproven theories or outdated concepts.


There does need to be stiff penalties for coming in illegally for both the person entering and the American who hires that person and the border itself needs expanded numbers of agents doing their duty.  There has to be a plan that allows the 11 Million illegals now in the US to remain (not people with felony records or threats to security) It might involve paying all back taxes; security investigations and   other  earmarks to be met - but America simply can't deport all these people.  Couple this with a new immigration law; increased border security; and a zero tolerance for 'new' illegals and  it might work.


People of good will need to sit down from all political shades as well as representatives of countries in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere and work out a reasonable solution.


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22 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

None of us are here because our country had a disaster 20 years ago, and we pay our way. We get nothing for free from LOS. Every baht I pay here comes from overseas, so i'm of net benefit to Thailand.

Despite all the deflections to non relevant subjects, the point of this thread is that people that were only in the US under TEMPORARY status have been allowed to stay on long past time they should have returned to their own countries. If they want to become permanent US citizens they should apply for residence.

BTW, it's not Trump's job to make legislation about immigration; that is what congress is supposed to do.

I forgot to add that most of us expats are here on a temporary visa extension which only last a year. Try not extending and see how long the Thai authorities allow us to stay.

Seems some posters expect the US authorities to be more lenient than the Thais.

I don't think the Hondurans would be accommodating to any that violated their rules either. 

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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17 hours ago, Thaidream said:

If Trump doesn't like the Immigration law which allows for protected status; refugees; asylum and other things associated with a country that  basis it's policy on fairness, equity and compassion- change the law. 

He doesn't need to change the law to allow him to deport the Hondurans. It's already the law.

Seems to me it's those in congress that want them to stay that should make a new law to allow them to stay. Same with DACA, but they wouldn't do that, when they could have.

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17 hours ago, Srikcir said:

Cater's action was to pressure the Iranian government into a specific action.

Carter explicitly outlined the reasons behind the issuance of sanctions (including visa cancellation for Iranian nationals) and underscored his intent to apply pressure to Iran’s government release American hostages.

Trump’s proposal was markedly not a sanction, but a security measure framed as a counterterrorism strategy, and one directed at all adherents of a particular religion (regardless of their nationalities) rather than citizens of a particular country.


It's amusing how often Trump and his supporters try to excuse Trump's extremist (sometimes unconstitutional) policies by using previous presidential actions as an excuse, while also criticizing the performance of those same presidents.

Trump doesn't need to justify his actions on immigration. He has the power to make any ruling and it can be disputed in the courts if people disagree ( as has happened ).

That is the way the American constitution was set up, to provide checks and balances.

Far as the Hondurans are concerned, he has the right to not extend their TEMPORARY stay, and unless congress makes a law to allow them to stay it's case closed.

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I am not debating the fact that the President has the legal right to end temporary protected status- I am indicating that since these people have been here for 20 years- and established close ties to America with jobs; mortgages and children in school- it would be cruel and inhumane to end their status.  Why do it?  What does America gain except a further loss of prestige in the World by going after people who are not a threat to America or taking away jobs from Americans.


Instead of going after the South Asians who are coming to America and taking jobs from Americans under the H1 Visa program- Trump goes after the most vulnerable.


I am well aware that the US Congress passes laws- but I am also aware that a President can formulate his own bill and ask the Congress to put it into the record- debate it and  see if it passes/


Not only is Donald Trump an incompetent President- he is also a poor human being without any real compassion for people.  If   any of the temporary protected classes actually formed a threat to security or jobs- I might give him a pass- but not in this case.   He's just being himself- a miserable human being and a piss poor  President.

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10 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

I am not debating the fact that the President has the legal right to end temporary protected status- I am indicating that since these people have been here for 20 years- and established close ties to America with jobs; mortgages and children in school- it would be cruel and inhumane to end their status.  Why do it?  What does America gain except a further loss of prestige in the World by going after people who are not a threat to America or taking away jobs from Americans.


Instead of going after the South Asians who are coming to America and taking jobs from Americans under the H1 Visa program- Trump goes after the most vulnerable.


I am well aware that the US Congress passes laws- but I am also aware that a President can formulate his own bill and ask the Congress to put it into the record- debate it and  see if it passes/


Not only is Donald Trump an incompetent President- he is also a poor human being without any real compassion for people.  If   any of the temporary protected classes actually formed a threat to security or jobs- I might give him a pass- but not in this case.   He's just being himself- a miserable human being and a piss poor  President.

Regardless of your personal opinion of POTUS, he is just carrying out a campaign promise ( something few presidents do- "if you like your Dr you can keep your Dr, if you like your plan, you can keep your plan" etc etc ).

The ball on this situation is entirely in Congress's court. If they care, they can pass a bill to keep the Hondurans in the US. That they haven't, says much about them.


BTW, why in a world where cruel and inhumane things happen every day in other countries is the US expected to be different? Who made them the world's saviour?

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I am not going tp comment on whether these people should be allowed to stay or not

I was in Honduras Honduras for Hurricane Mitch

business was basically back to normal with in 24 to 47 hours

Politicians were stockpile aid in warehouse to sell to stores at a later date

in the city of Tela people were laughing at the churches there rebuilding houses

why laugh ,, well the bamboo hut with tin roof and dirt floor had somehow turned

into a house,,,: "yea that's it,,thats what it used to look like"

the damage was mostly shingles blown off older houses 

so if people came to escape this,,, it was a scam and a fraud from day 1

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19 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

BTW, why in a world where cruel and inhumane things happen every day in other countries is the US expected to be different? Who made them the world's saviour?

You really need to understand what you are saying.  America should never be a country that condones the cruel and inhuman things that occur anywhere and always fight against this type of behavior.


What ever happened in Honduras 20 years ago is now irrelevant-  The Hondurans were allowed in on temporary protected status and have been reaffirmed by  3 Presidents. They are in America legally- they have jobs; they have mortgages. they have children in school.  There is absolutely no logical reason to end this status and deport them.


If anyone is actually supporting deportation for these people- I fell sorry for you- you have become as hardened and inhuman as President Trump.  This is not how America  operates or how the majority of the American people feel that America should operate. Americans are mostly compassionate and caring people.   Read the inscription on the Statue of Liberty and then look in the mirror.

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On 5/5/2018 at 5:44 PM, atyclb said:

that plane is us postal service is it not?  the tail logo

Nah its Nok air or that cement company here...got to keep it Thai hahaha

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2 hours ago, Thaidream said:

You really need to understand what you are saying.  America should never be a country that condones the cruel and inhuman things that occur anywhere and always fight against this type of behavior.


What ever happened in Honduras 20 years ago is now irrelevant-  The Hondurans were allowed in on temporary protected status and have been reaffirmed by  3 Presidents. They are in America legally- they have jobs; they have mortgages. they have children in school.  There is absolutely no logical reason to end this status and deport them.


If anyone is actually supporting deportation for these people- I fell sorry for you- you have become as hardened and inhuman as President Trump.  This is not how America  operates or how the majority of the American people feel that America should operate. Americans are mostly compassionate and caring people.   Read the inscription on the Statue of Liberty and then look in the mirror.

They are in America legally-

Only as long as a president continues the temporary protection order. Now they are illegally in the US.


I have no skin in this game so I'm not pushing for their deportation. What I said is that the ball is in Congress's court to pass a law to allow them to stay, because legally they have no right to do so. Either America abides by it's laws or it doesn't, but it can't make it up depending on the headline of the day, and pretend they have some legal right to remain.


America should never be a country that condones the cruel and inhuman things that occur anywhere and always fight against this type of behavior.

Tell that to the Diego Garcians!

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There is such a thing as the letter of the law and the spirit of the law.  I don't have any skin in the game either but it is completely logical not to deport people who have lived peacefully in the US for 20 years.  Trump could easily simply extend their stay and then send his staff to Capital Hill and lobby for a bill to be passed giving them permanent residency.


In fact- Trump can have his staff draw up a bill- send it over to the House and Senate  and get a member of Congress to sponsor it.


Trump keeps saying that the Us Immigration law is abhorrent and rants and raves about 'illegals' but he chooses only confrontation to solve what he perceives as a problem. He is actually out of step with the wishes of the majority of the US population.   Instead of proposing a rational Immigration bill which would solves the issues of DACA people already in the US; legitimize  the temporary status people and establishing long needed temporary worker Visas- he chooses chaos.


In addition- there has been widespread abuse of the H1 Visa program in which wealthy tech companies in Silicon Valley have brought in mostly people from the Indian Sub Continent on the guise of not having enough Americans to fill positions- paying them half of what an American citizen would demand and in essence  use foreign labor to make a profit.  This is illegal and Trump could stop it.


Instead- Trump goes after the most vulnerable- makes false claims that they are 'stealing' American jobs and tries to spark resentment.


I am completely unconvinced Donald Trump has the best interests of the US in mind when he does anything.  He has only his own best interests in mind and his whole demeanor; his lies; his immorality are a poor example to Americans of all stripes.


As far as Diego Garcia- I  know where it is and what has been done-  owned by the British; leased by the Americans- a military Base in the Indian Ocean.  The US and the UK has not acted honourably at all and I do not approve of the actions to remove the population-  and i condemn it as much as I condemn what Trump is trying to do.


Just remember- something can be legally correct at a particular time but morally and ethically wrong.

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7 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

They are in America legally-

Only as long as a president continues the temporary protection order. Now they are illegally in the US.


I have no skin in this game so I'm not pushing for their deportation. What I said is that the ball is in Congress's court to pass a law to allow them to stay, because legally they have no right to do so. Either America abides by it's laws or it doesn't, but it can't make it up depending on the headline of the day, and pretend they have some legal right to remain.


America should never be a country that condones the cruel and inhuman things that occur anywhere and always fight against this type of behavior.

Tell that to the Diego Garcians!

You also said it is ok for the USA to be cruel and inhumane because others are as well.

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On 5/5/2018 at 4:28 PM, Trouble said:

What do you suppose it costs to provide medical care for someone making $20,000 a year?  How about education for their kids?  At $20,000 per year they are not probably paying state or federal taxes when adding in deductions for dependents. Sorry but to the taxpayer it's a net loss. 

you certainly are not a loss. having moved to thailand. I feel the sun has burned the back of your head too much.

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22 hours ago, Thaidream said:

Trump could easily simply extend their stay and then send his staff to Capital Hill and lobby for a bill to be passed giving them permanent residency.

Why should Trump do congress's job? It's not his responsibility. If congress wants them to stay it's up to them to pass a law.

You may not have noticed, but he's been a tad busy with things that are his job recently.

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On 5/8/2018 at 11:12 PM, Thaidream said:

There is such a thing as the letter of the law and the spirit of the law.  I don't have any skin in the game either but it is completely logical not to deport people who have lived peacefully in the US for 20 years.  Trump could easily simply extend their stay and then send his staff to Capital Hill and lobby for a bill to be passed giving them permanent residency.

Nah.  They had 20+ years to find a way to legalize their status, and they didn't.  Many of them still don't even speak fluent English, despite living here all this time.  These people came in taking a gamble thinking that "temporary" would mean "forever", just like the Dreamers and illegals immigrant parents who brought them in, and then Trump came to town and quashed it.  Time to leave and find a way to return legally.

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