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Thai Embassy In Bahrain Is Furious

sriracha john

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Embassy furious

A public police campaign to catch a woman allegedly spreading the HIV virus deliberately has been criticised by the Thai Embassy.

Police announced last week that a special squad had been set up to trace Wassana Kamchad-phairphon following a tip-off from her former sponsor.

It is suspected the 36-year-old, who left Bahrain in November 2005, may have re-entered the country using a different identity.

However, the Thai Embassy is unhappy over the handling of the nationwide search - which included releasing the woman's photograph to the Press.

She has yet to be traced, but an embassy spokesman confirmed the woman was Thai and said officials were working with authorities in Bahrain and Thailand to find her.

"She left Bahrain in November 2005 on a Thai passport and apart from that we do not have any information about whether or not she has come back to Bahrain," he said.

"We share the Bahraini authorities' concern about this matter and we have pledged to give them all the assistance we can."

But the spokesman argued that publishing Ms Kamchadphair-phon's personal information, including her photograph, was not the correct way to go about it.

"We are concerned that this issue has become a public matter in this way," he said.

"As a sufferer of this disease, having her name and picture published in the newspapers could be seen as a violation of her rights.

"There have been cases in the past where some of our nationals had Aids and we sent them home through the proper channels.

"Instead of naming and shaming her in this case, we should try and give her the appropriate assistance."

The spokesman also questioned the validity of allegations that Ms Kamchadphairphon had returned to Bahrain to deliberately infect men with HIV.

"It is a sensitive matter," he said.

"Whether she has come back using another passport is impossible for us to verify.

"Apart from the word of her former sponsor that she is trying to spread HIV, there is no more concrete information than that.

"Unfortunately, she has HIV but there is no reason to discriminate against her."

The spokesman said embassy officials had not been in contact with Ms Kamchadphairphon, but urged anyone with any information about her whereabouts to contact the embassy on 17274142. Police are also urging anyone with information to call 17712768.

- Gulf Daily News (Bahrain)

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I’m led to believe there’s recently been a reduction in the number of Thai women working in Bahrain as visas for Thais are harder to obtain.

The number of Chinese women has increased in the places where Thais normally worked.

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Strange, recently in a thread here on TV someone commented on how fond the Thai police and media is of showing pics of farangs suspected and/or accused of wrongdoings. Was a high-profile case of just such a situation, someone accused of spreading HIV virus deliberately, recently. Sure was a lot of photos around.


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commented on how fond the Thai police and media is of showing pics of farangs suspected and/or accused of wrongdoings.

ahh , but there are different rules and rights for thais and falangs.

as corporal jones used to say on "dads army"

.... "they dont like it up 'em."

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Intentionally spreading AIDS is mass murder. No matter who is doing it.

Mass murderers forfeit their rights to being kept out of media scrutiny by being mass murderers.

I think that in the USA, having sex with ONE person while knowing you had AIDS would be first degree murder or some similar charge.

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Is this face issue or something? :o

When they just print the pictures of all "suspected" pictures in their newspapers here in Thailand, so why not Thais in some other countries?

What a double standard? Another typical example of Thai mentality.

Anyone spreading the HIV knowing that she, herself has HIV, is equivalent to intentional murder and must be dealt accordingly. However, I do agree that there is not much strong evidence that she is in fact doing this, that she in fact has HIV (if i understand it correctly) and that she in fact is in Bahrain.

If they printed her picture in the newspaper than whats the big deal? :D

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"Instead of naming and shaming her in this case, we should try and give her the appropriate assistance."

there was a case last year of a one legged german man , allegedly knowingly hiv+ , and allegedly having sex with hundreds of schoolgirls here , no concrete evidence , only hearsay , yet his picture and details were published widely when he was arrested.

as far as i know , none of the accusations were true.

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Intentionally spreading AIDS is mass murder. No matter who is doing it.

Mass murderers forfeit their rights to being kept out of media scrutiny by being mass murderers.

I think that in the USA, having sex with ONE person while knowing you had AIDS would be first degree murder or some similar charge.

Yes, but I don't think a "tip-off" from her ex is quite the same as being found guilty in a court of law.

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more good publicity for thai women overseas.no wonder many governments all over the world thinks theyre bad news and makes it difficult for them to travel.what are most thai women working as over there?(or is that a stupid question!)

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'Hunt for Thai woman' denounced

A public police campaign in the Arab region to catch a woman allegedly spreading the HIV virus deliberately has been criticised by the Thai Embassy in Bahrain, media in the Gulf reported today. Police announced last week that a special squad had been set up to trace the woman, photographed and named in local media as Wassana Kamchad-phairphon, following a tip from the firm that sponsored her for her work visa. It is suspected the 36-year-old, who left Bahrain in November 2005, may have re-entered the country using a different identity. A spokesman said, "Whether she has come back using another passport is impossible for us to verify."

Continued here:


Edited by sriracha john
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Ah well, the Thai press is hardly famous for its restraint, sensitivity, and good taste, is it? :o The Thai Embassy over there might do well to hush up about this, as no good publicity can be made from protesting about legitimate concerns of this woman's whereabouts.

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