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Thaksin Rumoured To Have Rented Satellite


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I'm not sure I can see the country move forward at all; at least not as a democracy.

What's going to be the purpose of holding elections every few years under the new constitution if the elected government is only there but for the grace of the military?

In a democracy Thaksin won't be allowed to run in the first place. The military (so far) only enforces the rules the justice system ignored for too long.

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In a democracy Thaksin won't be allowed to run in the first place. The military (so far) only enforces the rules the justice system ignored for too long.

Why wouldn't he have been allowed to have been elected? Had he been convicted of anything before he was put into power by the people? Or is there another condition that wouldn't allow him in? That's not a dig - I don't know what conditions there are to becoming PM.

The facts of the matter are this: Thaksin has not been convicted (or even charged) with anything yet. If there is a case to answer I want to see him in court, but so far the only people in this sorry affair who have clearly broken the laws of the land are the coup-leaders. Of course they then rewrote the constitution to absolve themselves of such crimes.

Whilst I agree with the notion that the constitution needs tightening up to provide a better system of checks and balances to limit the power of the PM, democracy in this country cannot flourish with the military's sword of Damocles hanging over its head. If, for instance, the coup-leaders offered themselves up for the charge of treason (if that's the right part of law in cases such as these) to a newly elected government, then perhaps I'd hold out more hope.

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Rather amazing how one rumor is morphed into fact, and from there on the wildest phantasies and conspiracies are extrapolated. How long will it take now until someone will construct the idea that Thaksin will use his fantasy satellite to order an armed revolt?


He'll deny it all shortly through his clownish lawyer. Then we'll know it's true.


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Has Toxin actually been convicted of anything yet?....I mean by a government court and not by the kangaroo court here on Thaivisa.



Nothing yet but while depressed at the damage the junta is doing to this country, Thaksin has some serious charges against him.The problem is that the human rights abuses, specifically the murderous drug war and repression in the South, had the support at the time of the Bangkok power elite as well as most Thais.The lese majeste charge, which the hotter heads in the junta would like to press, is sheer nonsense and in any case internationally speaking political dynamite:it will never happen because of the unimaginable dangers involved.So we are really left with corruption charges, more specifically in my view the charge of altering the rules to suit his business interests.My guess is that some kind of deal will be struck, possibly sub rosa, and that no formal charges will ever be pressed.

As for the Thai Visa kangaroo court, I agree it's frustrating but the ignore button is very useful once the main culprits(obsessive posters, posters who produce "amusing" pictures,yobs,the uneducated and the recently arrived "experts") are identified.It doesn't take long to sift out the detritus.

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Well I guess then the only reason to say at this stage of the game that in a democracy he would not be allowed to even run for office is based on completely undemocratic sentiments.....I don't find this surprising because many of the posters here don't know democracy from shinola. No need to use the ignore button....I quite enjoy how they are so enthusiastically supporting this military dictatorship and how it is becoming increasingly obvious that they have little interest in democracy and feel that Thailand should proceed based on their personal prejudices....and this by a bunch of foreigners!!!!

Edited by chownah
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This rush to judgement without evidence may also explain why many Thais don't want to see Taksin nailed for his very instrumental role in the drug war murders.

The blatant hypocricy of seeking to deny Takky due process in the interest of expediency, while at the same time, demanding that Takky be tried for denying the due process of the 2-5 thousand who died virtually at his command- is just a bit too apparant. A slippery slope that is all too obvious.

OK- that's a bit cynical and exaggerated. But I do wonder if the foot dragging on the drug war case isn't because of fear of a pro-Taksin backlash amongst the middle class junta supporters. They still, I think- or the ones I know- do not see the problem with the drug war. It is seen more as a product of this strange and alien concept of 'human rights' that foreigners keep trying to shove down their throats.

Not only that, but to prosecute Taksin for the drug wars, is a sharp rebuke to the support that those events garnered. That their beloved generals would confront them with their own compliance in that murderous episode- would not be welcomed.

On the other hand, maybe Abac - or the Nation- could develop a poll that would demonstrate the miraculous ethical transformation that has swept through the land now that the constitution has been shredded and all semblences of democratic accountability abandoned.

Edited by blaze
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To reach any audience by satellite broadcast, you need your intended audience to be equipped with a satellite dish and to have the motivation and skill to climb on the roof and point it to the correct satellite. You also need a way to tell them which is the correct satellite in the first place. It's impossible to do on a large scale without a network of engineers inside Thailand going around people's houses and doing the installation for them.


simply be hooked up to cable television that does all that for their customers.


The cable television companies in Thailand are under the scrutiny of the governement/CNS and would not be allowed to broadcast anything issued by Thaksin (example, they were not allowed to broadcast a certain CNN interview recently).

But... that was nationwide UBC that did that, I believe. Much easier to do with local carriers. With over 300 local cable TV operators in Thailand, I could well imagine some of them would be willing to carry it. Particularly, local cable companies owned by Thakky's old friends. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Newin et al own some of these local companies.

I didn't know there were so many operators, thanks for the information. That makes the scenario feasible, technically.

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I back Tony's assessment of the former PM. People have said he's emotionally immature, but I think he's psychologically unstable. It's a bit pathetic that Time and co give the guy such a dream run; it makes them look like gooses, I reckon, with little recognition or acknowledgement of what's gone down here.

Tricky person to deal with mind you, cos I reckon he's a pathological liar, as Tony Clifton's logo suggests. As for Thaksin's state of mind, it's hard to say. I suspect he's partly, or largely, driven by guilt or awareness (even if his consicous mind fights that) of the bad things he's done and the trouble he probably knows will eventually arrive on his door.. whether it's a court case for inciting police/army hit squads to gun down drug dealers, or deemed to have given the nod to large-scale corruption at Suvarnabhumi. Some serious stuff has happened, obviously.. eg, police accused of abducting and killing Somchai contacted Thaksin's advisers on the night of the Muslim lawyer disappeared.

additional updates here:


But there have been other serious crimes such as the shooting several years back of a Revenue Dept official who claimed to have evidence of ShinSat involvement in avoiding customs duty. That fellow was snipered, I think, in Chiang Mai, after fleeing Bangkok (that case that deserves more media coverage).

still searching for this one, I know it's been mentioned before here.

Thing is, if he's carrying on like this now, what's he going to do when they finally get him into court - on not just on something like the dodgy land deal (Ratchada) invovling his wife, but something serious?


Additional information available as per above links.

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Isn't all this talk of denying him the opportunity to run rather redundant considering he's already said himself on 215 occasions that he's through with politics, won't run, quit, enough is enough, no interest, etc. ?

In discussing this denial it's all just rehashing an unnecessary hypothetical situation that won't come to pass anyway since he said he's done... that is, unless he's been lying the whole time.

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The chairman of Traffic Corner Holdings is Pol.Gen. Yongyuth Thepjumnong and it's biggest shareholder Pol. Col. Ruamnakorn Tublimthongchai (sp).

The army won't be happy :o

Is that a change from what is said on Yahoo Finance page?:

Traffic Corner Holdings Management

Sorachak Kasemsuwan > Chairman of the Board

Worathep Wongvithawat > Chairman of the Executive Board, Acting Chief Executive Officer, Director

I got the first name from their website www.traffic-corner.com but it could be out of date.

The 2nd name was mentioned on yahoo finance on 3 jan. 2007 when it was announced that Tublimthongchai sold a large chunk of shares.

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To reach any audience by satellite broadcast, you need your intended audience to be equipped with a satellite dish and to have the motivation and skill to climb on the roof and point it to the correct satellite. You also need a way to tell them which is the correct satellite in the first place. It's impossible to do on a large scale without a network of engineers inside Thailand going around people's houses and doing the installation for them.


simply be hooked up to cable television that does all that for their customers.


The cable television companies in Thailand are under the scrutiny of the governement/CNS and would not be allowed to broadcast anything issued by Thaksin (example, they were not allowed to broadcast a certain CNN interview recently).

But... that was nationwide UBC that did that, I believe. Much easier to do with local carriers. With over 300 local cable TV operators in Thailand, I could well imagine some of them would be willing to carry it. Particularly, local cable companies owned by Thakky's old friends. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Newin et al own some of these local companies.

I didn't know there were so many operators, thanks for the information. That makes the scenario feasible, technically.

You're quite welcome, glad I could explain. It's refreshing to read an interaction that doesn't include flames and insults.

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Without wishing to panic you all, I heard Thaksin had installed some death ray on his satellite and could quite literally ""laserise"" his detractors by feeding in IP addresses of those people saying unkind things about him.

Rather like Ming the Merciless.

Not that I wish to panic you all, as you're all already in a state of constant semi-erect frenzy over his perfidy. Still being vigilant (about your upcoming vaporization) doesn't hurt. Try wearing a saucepan on your head when you go out to stop the fatal Thaksin-beams.

Not that I wish to panic you all.

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In a democracy Thaksin won't be allowed to run in the first place. The military (so far) only enforces the rules the justice system ignored for too long.

Why wouldn't he have been allowed to have been elected? Had he been convicted of anything before he was put into power by the people? Or is there another condition that wouldn't allow him in? That's not a dig - I don't know what conditions there are to becoming PM.

Back in 2001 he was charged with concealing his assets under names of his maid and his driver. He cited "honest mistake" in his defence. He also bragged on TV about buying Alpine Golf Course that similarly didn't appear on the list of his assets. He said "I forgot".

Constitution Court has aquited him in the most controversial way and later on the judges basically spilled the beans that they were offered bribes and ruled not in accordance with the law.

Apart from that there's a question of Shin sale - it's obvious to everyone that Thaksin's children were holding and selling shares on his behalf, practive explicitly prohibited for office holders.

Thai justice system had completely lost all credibility when Constitution Court simply refused to consider the case. Calling them a kangaroo court is technically illegal, so I'll restrain myself.

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But....he has never been convicted of anything...right?

So any reason why he should be barred from seeking office is all conjecture at this poiint...right?

Have the Thai courts ever had credibility?

Have the Thai courts ever ruled against a sitting PM (or equivalent) in recent history?....ever?.....I don't know.

Edited by chownah
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But....he has never been convicted of anything...right?

So any reason why he should be barred from seeking office is all conjecture at this poiint...right?

Have the Thai courts ever had credibility?

Have the Thai courts ever ruled against a sitting PM (or equivalent) in recent history?....ever?.....I don't know.

Read the news over the next 3 months Chownah and your questions will be answered. Thaksin is not a sitting PM, he's a on-the-run ex-PM who is foolishly angering the elite more and more each day with his lies to the international press,' I never suppressed the media' etc.

The junta deliberately didn't seize his assets on gaining power because they wanted to prove his guilt through the judicial process, that is now underway.

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But....he has never been convicted of anything...right?

So any reason why he should be barred from seeking office is all conjecture at this poiint...right?

Have the Thai courts ever had credibility?

Have the Thai courts ever ruled against a sitting PM (or equivalent) in recent history?....ever?.....I don't know.

Read the news over the next 3 months Chownah and your questions will be answered. Thaksin is not a sitting PM, he's a on-the-run ex-PM who is foolishly angering the elite more and more each day with his lies to the international press,' I never suppressed the media' etc.

The junta deliberately didn't seize his assets on gaining power because they wanted to prove his guilt through the judicial process, that is now underway.

So if I understand you correctly, one's legal eligibility to run in an election in Thailand is now determined by events that will transpire in the future.

The fact he is angering the elite brings to mind a wonderful observation by the great historian Hannah Arendt:

"Only the mob and the elite can be attracted by the momentum of totalitarianism itself. The masses have to be won by propaganda."

Edited by blaze
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Read the news over the next 3 months Chownah and your questions will be answered. Thaksin is not a sitting PM, he's a on-the-run ex-PM who is foolishly angering the elite more and more each day with his lies to the international press,' I never suppressed the media' etc.

The junta deliberately didn't seize his assets on gaining power because they wanted to prove his guilt through the judicial process, that is now underway.

As if the "elite" has ever cared about issues such as 'supression of the media', or the for most of us westerners, and a few Thais, so important issue of the drugwar...

Some of the people now giving us their lectures, such as Tanin giving us one about morals, have led some of the most oppressive governments in Thailand, and/or have been at Thaksin's side during his worst excesses without complaining.

The elite now in power cared about one thing only - Thaksin has undermined their own power base, and tried to replace it with his own network. These people and vested interests had decades to improve conditions in Thailand, and never did so.

Why should they suddenly do so?

Just because they hold sycophantic speaches, and promote themselves as "virtous"?

Smoke and mirrors...

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But....he has never been convicted of anything...right?

So any reason why he should be barred from seeking office is all conjecture at this poiint...right?

Have the Thai courts ever had credibility?

Have the Thai courts ever ruled against a sitting PM (or equivalent) in recent history?....ever?.....I don't know.

Read the news over the next 3 months Chownah and your questions will be answered. Thaksin is not a sitting PM, he's a on-the-run ex-PM who is foolishly angering the elite more and more each day with his lies to the international press,' I never suppressed the media' etc.

The junta deliberately didn't seize his assets on gaining power because they wanted to prove his guilt through the judicial process, that is now underway.

Thaksin's recent comments on the media are certainly misleading, since he exerted pressure which went beyond that which would be considered acceptable in a democratic society.I'm not sure I would call it suppression since the printed media at least was never cowed.TV tended to be in hock to Thaksin as it is of course to the present junta.I would take issue with the reference to Thaksin's "lies to the international press".I have read all the articles and transcripts of interviews, and they are unexceptional and surprisingly respectful.If anyone is telling lies it is the illegal and incompetent junta with their ludicrous accusations of lese majeste.You forget that the elite he is supposed to be angering is mostly a self serving and greedy oligarchy, and they loathe Thaksin for giving voice to the majority of Thais.

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All the media organizations seem to think he's been lying:


Nice to see the truth revealed in how the journalists themselves felt about media freedom during Thaksin's regime. Those that were in the thick of things then and now and what their assessment reveals.

From The Nation:

Media groups slam 'Time' magazine

The Thai Journalists Association and the Thai Broadcasters Association yesterday sent a letter to the management of Time magazine to present the truth regarding deposed Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra's allegation against the Thai media.

The letter read as follows:

Dear Editor,

Shame on your interview with Thaksin Shinawatra (Time Asia edition Feb 13).

Time magazine allowed Thaksin to tell lies. Thaksin has the audacity to say that the Thai press printed "groundless

information" about him and that he never "intervened" in Thai media activities or closed them down. Let the truth be told.

Before he came to power, the Thai press was considered one of the freest in the world, ranking 29th in the survey done by Freedom House in 2000. During his reign until September 19, the Thai press fell to a depressing 107th position last year.

Similar conclusions can be found on indexes and reported by the Committee to Protect Journalists and Reporters Without Frontiers. Thaksin constantly interfered with the Thai print and broadcast media using advertising revenues and stock acquisitions as key strategies. He shut down community radios, websites and TV programmes critical of him.

Political power was used to intimidate the media, particularly the broadcast media, which are largely owned by the state. The management of these outlets came under tremendous government pressure to put him in a positive light, while those who failed to conform or attempted to expose corruption faced the risk of being intimidated through various means, including the threat of staggering lawsuits.

The legal battles between Shin Corp, which is owned by the Shinawatra family, and the Thai Post and media rights activist Supinya Klangnarong, are some of the cases in point. English language daily, the Bangkok Post, also faced the wrath of Thaksin after reporting about cracks on the runway at the Suvarnabhumi International Airport.

We are opposed to all kinds of media interference, intervention or intimidation, and have protested strongly against signs of such actions by the leaders of the September 19 coup. But the truth is, so far, no Thai leaders have messed up the Thai media more than Thaksin.

- Thai Journalists Association & the Thai Broadcasters Association

Thai media informs Time that ousted PM lied

Three media organisations have sent a letter of protest to Time magazine for allowing ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra to lie about press freedom during his administration. In the letter, the Thai Journalists Association, Thai Broadcasters Association, and National Press Council of Thailand denounced an interview with Mr Thaksin who claimed the press had printed ''groundless information'' about him and he ''never intervened'' in their activities or closed them down. ''No Thai leaders have messed up the Thai media more than Thaksin,'' the letter concluded.

Continued here:


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Anyway... it seems his idea has been killed off before it got off the ground:


Chinese Ambassador to Thailand Zhang Jiuhuan

China promises not to allow Thaksin to attack Thailand

China will not allow deposed Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra to use its territory as a launch pad to attack Thailand and Thai citizens, Chinese ambassador to Thailand Zhang Jiuhuan said Tuesday.

"As an alliance, China will not allow anybody to use our territory to oppose Thailand and Thai citizens. China will not interfere domestic affairs of any countries," Zhang told Nation Channel.

The programme will be aired on Siam This Morning on Channel 5 at 6:15am Wednesday.

Thaksin was ousted by a military coup in September but remains worrisome for the people in power in Bangkok as he continue with his relentless attacks against the government from various cities around the world.

Thaksin is reportedly in the process of setting up a China-based satellite television network to sustain his assault against the government.

Zhang said however, Chinese authorities were not aware of Thaksin's new plan, said Zhang.

When asked if Beijing would order the private sector who run the television to bar Thaksin from broadcasting his message against the junta, the ambassador replied indirectly that China is a sovereign country with full authority to enforce its law.

The ambassador Zhang said China could not bar Thaksin from entering the China, saying he has the same privilege as other Thai nationals.

"As long as we are unable to reject entry of Thai citizens, we are also unable to bar him from entering China, be it for tourism or else," Zhang said.

"I hope Thai people would understand. We will not allow anybody to spoil relations of the two countries as he has not met any Chinese officials," Zhang said.

- The Nation

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I can’t believe Thaksin’s gall. I can easily visualize him just slamming away with a sledge hammer just hitting harder and harder to get his way. He is ramping up there is no doubt at all. I just wonder how far he will go.

SJ not to say anything but I do recall a post you made in early October about we should leave Thaksin alone as he was history, what a difference a few months makes.

To say he is innocent and that many are waiting for the letter of the law to be used. That would be like saying a murder is innocent because the evidence has been removed.

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I can’t believe Thaksin’s gall. I can easily visualize him just slamming away with a sledge hammer just hitting harder and harder to get his way. He is ramping up there is no doubt at all. I just wonder how far he will go.

He has what is known as 'small man complex' ...like Alexander the Great, Hitler, Napoleon Bonaparte.

I think he'd like to be some kind of Emperor.

He was regarded some years back as heir presumptive to the 'leadership' of ASEAN.

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