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The United Kingdom will provide aid until 2020 for demining operations to clear unexploded ordnance in Cambodia. Senior Minister Ly Thuch, who is also the first vice chairman of the Cambodian Mine Action and Victims Assistance Authority, met with Elizabeth McGarva, senior policy adviser with the UK Department for International Development on Monday to discuss details of the aid.


Mr Thuch said after the meeting that Ms McGarva committed to continued aid for demining until 2020. Mr Thuch said he thanked Ms McGarva for the continued support to solve the problem of mines and other unexploded ordnances left over from decades of war. “The government has vowed to clear mines and UXO which impact the social economic development in Cambodia,” he said. “The Mine Authority has been working hard to implement a strategy to clear all mines in the country.”


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50520187/united-kingdom-to-aid-demining-until-2020/


-- © Copyright Khmer Times 08/08
8 hours ago, generealty said:

Why does the new government of Cambodia not deal with this instead of relying on foreign assistance ?

Because it's a lot easier to use other peoples' money than to use your own.  One of the reasons why Western Governments throw money around like confetti.  

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