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Pattaya adds ‘no smoking’ signs, ashtrays to Dongtan Beach


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Pattaya adds ‘no smoking’ signs, ashtrays to Dongtan Beach


PATTAYA:--Pattaya is increasing signage and public relations to salvage its smoking ban on Dongtan Beach.


After being humbled for poorly enforcing the nationwide law, which bars smoking on beaches, Pattaya City Hall restarted its PR machine, getting volunteers to talk to tourists and asking beach vendors to educate smokers on where it is permissible to light up.


More signs have gone up on Dongtan Beach to publicize the smoking ban and the city is creating more smoking zones with ash trays to make it more convenient for tourists to get up and puff away from the sand.


Dongtan was the first beach to get the smoking ban and, as such, will be the test to see if the renewed measures actually prove successful.


-- © Copyright Pattaya Mail 2018-09-07


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On 9/7/2018 at 10:56 AM, Rimmer said:

Pattaya City Hall restarted its PR machine, getting volunteers to talk to tourists and asking beach vendors to educate smokers on where it is permissible to light up.


I know meny tourists smoking but jomtien beach I mostly only see Thais sit smoking and just dumb their garbish and cigarettes meaby Pattaya City Hall could educate themselves and learn all the rubbish, butts ,soi dogs etc  are a Thai made problem and start to take responsibility for their own mess and stop blaming the tourists 

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On 9/7/2018 at 11:24 PM, Kim J said:

For once the Thai's have it right.. Only if they enforce this law.

The more places this disgusting habit is banned from, the better for the vast majority of non smokers.

I find intolerant people to be disgusting.

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22 hours ago, Mac98 said:

I find intolerant people to be disgusting.

Opinions about smoking are not really intolerance, especially as health issues are involved. But one can hardly defend somebody's right to smoke in the prescence of non smokers.  Such behaviour,  imposing smell, ill health and discomfort on other people is not acceptable and the action is a show of intolerance and contempt. Its 2018 not 1958. Times have changed and smokers should face reality. 

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6 hours ago, The manic said:

Opinions about smoking are not really intolerance, especially as health issues are involved. But one can hardly defend somebody's right to smoke in the prescence of non smokers.  Such behaviour,  imposing smell, ill health and discomfort on other people is not acceptable and the action is a show of intolerance and contempt. Its 2018 not 1958. Times have changed and smokers should face reality. 

Aha! You admit it's smoking around others that is the problem. So why ban people from smoking on an empty beach at 3 a.m., or 100 yards away from anyone? There is no health issue for others. It's just spite. A power trip. 

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On 9/12/2018 at 6:11 AM, Kim J said:

I find smokers to be disgusting. And also inconsiderate towards others.

I often wonder if smokers actually realise how bad they smell and how offensive their addiction is to other people.


On 9/12/2018 at 6:11 AM, Kim J said:

I find smokers to be disgusting. And also inconsiderate towards others.

I often wonder if smokers actually realise how bad they smell and how offensive their addiction is to other people.

What about the smokers who are considerate? I smoke a pipe and do so in areas it is allowed and get many compliments. It was good enough for Einstein, Twain, MacArthur, Hefner, Popeye, and Santa Claus. I think fat people are stinky, offensive, a drain on the health care system and should be taxed into starvation. Anybody want to join in about drinkers? Sexually active singles? The homeless? Big-mouthed activists?

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7 minutes ago, Kim J said:

People regularly will sit next to a non smoker and just light up without a thought, then I go home smelling like an ash tray. Yes as most people I enjoy a few drinks, we all know what the residue from that is, maybe next time I am in a bar and a smoker sits and lights up next to me, when I am ready to relieve myself, maybe I should p**s down his leg?

I see the list of ex smokers you mention Einstein for example was born in 1879 when nobody was aware of the dangers of tobacco. Things have moved on in that time. Smoking will not make you clever, smoking will not make you look clever, but it will kill you and others that breathe your residue.

Einstein was quoted saying he did his best work when having a smoke. It also reduces stress (ask any soldier). Stress is a major killer. If a smoker lights up next to you in a bar with ash trays, complain to the manager. Otherwise, if in a no-smoking area, then piss down his leg.

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17 hours ago, Mac98 said:

Aha! You admit it's smoking around others that is the problem. So why ban people from smoking on an empty beach at 3 a.m., or 100 yards away from anyone? There is no health issue for others. It's just spite. A power trip. 

What you suggest is difficult to enforce just to please wilfull and what many consider dirty, inconsiderate self harmers who spread poison...

but yes of course its about other people. Other peoples rights. Many smokers lack this insight. If you really believe doctors and health officials battle the corporate tobacco mafia out of spite you need help. I think the authorities should provide glass boxes on the beach like they do at airports for people to smoke in until they learn to control their self destructive urges.

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On 9/14/2018 at 4:07 AM, The manic said:

What you suggest is difficult to enforce just to please wilfull and what many consider dirty, inconsiderate self harmers who spread poison...

but yes of course its about other people. Other peoples rights. Many smokers lack this insight. If you really believe doctors and health officials battle the corporate tobacco mafia out of spite you need help. I think the authorities should provide glass boxes on the beach like they do at airports for people to smoke in until they learn to control their self destructive urges.

There are many self destructive urges. Let's ban them all. I'll let you list the top 100.

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