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Boris Johnson demands UK PM May scrap her Brexit proposals


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12 hours ago, ThaiPauly said:

Rees-Mogg is my guy for the top job, I think he would make a good prime minister........and what a great Public School accent!!


He would sort it out, I don't know anyone who seems to have more knowledge of what Brexit actually is


Rees-Mogg plays in a well rehearsed two part act with English cap-doffers.


He a member of the elite talks garbage in his posh accent and the English cap-doffers play their part as plebs looking upto one of ‘their betters’ and swallowing his garbage as ‘wisdom’.


Meanwhile Rees-Mogg serves himself and his elite chums while stuffing everyone else.

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3 hours ago, nabbie said:


You can ask People's Vote


Why would I want to ask People's Vote?


I didn't vote for them. I voted in a referendum about leaving the EU.


Where were People's Vote at the referendum when it was held?

Edited by billd766
edited for bad spelling after I had posted it.
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19 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

It’s quite amazing how Brexiteers twist this into a binding decision about (not only leaving but even) future relationship.

The referendum was endorsed by manifestos in 2 General Elections and by a promise to honour the outcome by the British Government. It's quite amazing how the remainers chose to ignore this. 


in addition to which the leaders of the 2 main parties don't support another referendum, and we are out of time.



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21 hours ago, puck2 said:
  • Until now, not a single realistic idea about the consequences of Brexit.

  • Not a single idea of the Brexit procedure. If you have a plan (to leave) you should know in advance what will or may happen to the UK. A catastrophic failure.

  • Uninformed people voted about what they didn't know exactly.

  • No unbiased information – or not enough - for the voting people about pro and con. That means only voting by emotion not by brain! Only Blah-blah- preachers.

  • No idea about the advantages of the EU membership. That doesn't only refer to money/the economy.

  • The list goes on.

> There are reams of forecasts about the consequences of Brexit, positive and negative, with GDP impact over 15 years estimated at +7% to -10%

> No one has exited the EU before, so while there is a procedure, it's never been tried and tested, and does have some holes in it

> Uninformed people? Very few people, including politicians, knew about the details of the EU's workings, regardless of which way they voted

> Nothing wrong with gut feel in politics, better than just following bureaucratic rules; everyone uses a combination of gut feel and information; it can't be any other way because full information is never available and human beings are not robots

> The advantages of EU membership have been trumpeted by most of the MSM since before the referendum. The advantages of Leaving much less so: this is clearly a political bias.


One thing that concerns me even now is that there has been little clear detailed information provided in some key areas of the "debate".

Edited by My Thai Life
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9 hours ago, billd766 said:


Why would I want to ask People's Vote?


I didn't vote for them. I voted in a referendum about leaving the EU.


Where were People's Vote at the referendum when it was held?


https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2018/sep/29/tory-mp-says-she-would-back-new-brexit-vote#img-1    For example, it is today's update. 

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1 hour ago, nabbie said:


quote from the Guardian


"Allen’s comments came as the former prime minister John Major made the case for another vote and described attacks made by some Tory MPs over May’s leadership as “completely unacceptable”.

Speaking at an event in South Shields alongside the former Labour foreign secretary David Miliband, Major said: “I do not think routine attacks on the PM in the most lurid fashion is either the spirit of politics that one would wish to see, or is it in the interest of the negotiating posture of the United Kingdom."


John who and David who?


John "I stabbed Margaret Thatcher in the back" Major and David, "I couldn't even win the leadership of the Labour party so I quit politics", Miliband.


Am I supposed to be impressed by these two?


Poor try and no cigar.


However it is the Guardian. That totally unbiased newspaper which begs for donations every time I check a post on their site.

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16 hours ago, vogie said:

Jacob Rees Mogg on his bad day is streets ahead of Corbyn on his good day.

So we have established one of the reasons you don't like him because he has a "posh accent," the mind boggles.

If you havn't watched Question Time this week, it would be worth watching, it would just show you how narrow your views are.


Its always a bad day listening to either Rees-Mogg or Corbyn, but at least they appeal to the nutters on both sides.

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6 hours ago, billd766 said:

quote from the Guardian

"Allen’s comments came as the former prime minister John Major made the case for another vote and described attacks made by some Tory MPs over May’s leadership as “completely unacceptable”.

Speaking at an event in South Shields alongside the former Labour foreign secretary David Miliband, Major said: “I do not think routine attacks on the PM in the most lurid fashion is either the spirit of politics that one would wish to see, or is it in the interest of the negotiating posture of the United Kingdom."

John who and David who?

John "I stabbed Margaret Thatcher in the back" Major and David, "I couldn't even win the leadership of the Labour party so I quit politics", Miliband.

Am I supposed to be impressed by these two?

Poor try and no cigar.

However it is the Guardian. That totally unbiased newspaper which begs for donations every time I check a post on their site.


Am I supposed to be impressed with the repetitive Brexiteer posturing contributions of the above type? As for the Guardian, they just use a different business model than the firewall model, but that is a little beyond the ken of some Brexiteers whose strangely enough continuing attraction to the Guardian is that it is free access. Fancy that!

Edited by SheungWan
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3 hours ago, SheungWan said:


Its always a bad day listening to either Rees-Mogg or Corbyn, but at least they appeal to the nutters on both sides.

You never give much away with your one line remarks, but I suppose some are quite amusing. Come on SW open up who would be your choice......Alan Sugar?


I agree with you on Corbyn, infact I either have to go lie down in a dark room or seek councilling after listening to him. But how can you debase JRM, after listening to him I can gleefully skip down to soi Bhukao in a state of total euphoria.


Edited by vogie
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On 9/29/2018 at 7:39 AM, nabbie said:


You can ask People's Vote

And what is all this "people's vote" nonsense. Just call it what it is. A referendum. Do you think by calling it something else, it might in some way distract people from the fact that you are advocating one referendum be ignored but at the same time calling for another one to be had - presumably not to be ignored should it go your way?

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As an outsider (Brexit/Remain won't make one iota of difference to my life.)....


The original referendum campaign claims on both sides were shrouded in lots of hype and mythology.


Now that the clouds have shifted, and the real consequences of Brexit are clearer to UK voters, wouldn't it make more sense to have a second referendum based on more reliable information?


If the result is Brexit, so be it.
If the result is Remain, wait two or 3 more years and have a third referendum. Best out of 3.

I know referenda are expensive affairs; so is making the wrong choice.
Quite a momentous decision for UK especially for its younger population. Wouldn't it be better for whatever the outcome that it was the result of the best possible information and experience?

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50 minutes ago, dexterm said:

As an outsider (Brexit/Remain won't make one iota of difference to my life.)....


The original referendum campaign claims on both sides were shrouded in lots of hype and mythology.


Now that the clouds have shifted, and the real consequences of Brexit are clearer to UK voters, wouldn't it make more sense to have a second referendum based on more reliable information?


If the result is Brexit, so be it.
If the result is Remain, wait two or 3 more years and have a third referendum. Best out of 3.

I know referenda are expensive affairs; so is making the wrong choice.
Quite a momentous decision for UK especially for its younger population. Wouldn't it be better for whatever the outcome that it was the result of the best possible information and experience?

An addendum I forgot to include.

If it does go to a third decider referendum, establish as part of the deal by law that's the final say for at least another 10 years.

Obviously one can't continue having referenda indefinitely.

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13 hours ago, billd766 said:


quote from the Guardian


"Allen’s comments came as the former prime minister John Major made the case for another vote and described attacks made by some Tory MPs over May’s leadership as “completely unacceptable”.

Speaking at an event in South Shields alongside the former Labour foreign secretary David Miliband, Major said: “I do not think routine attacks on the PM in the most lurid fashion is either the spirit of politics that one would wish to see, or is it in the interest of the negotiating posture of the United Kingdom."


John who and David who?


John "I stabbed Margaret Thatcher in the back" Major and David, "I couldn't even win the leadership of the Labour party so I quit politics", Miliband.


Am I supposed to be impressed by these two?


Poor try and no cigar.


However it is the Guardian. That totally unbiased newspaper which begs for donations every time I check a post on their site.


More criticism, backstabbing and rhetorical media/comments are getting crazy & out of control today but don't blame both proud Brexiters and proud Remoaners. Needless to say that all media is really awful & exaggerating - controlled by rich & greedy people, too many promising failures by uneducated Oxford/Cambridge political figures. Everything is the real mess. Regretfully to say both B & R still deserve to have Final Say as the current deal is about half-out, half-in. Who wants that?  Jeremy Corbyn made good down-to-earth speech but the question is How? It will be interesting to see what happening at Tory party conference starting today..... erm... Have a nice day..... 

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3 hours ago, vogie said:

You never give much away with your one line remarks, but I suppose some are quite amusing. Come on SW open up who would be your choice......Alan Sugar?


I agree with you on Corbyn, infact I either have to go lie down in a dark room or seek councilling after listening to him. But how can you debase JRM, after listening to him I can gleefully skip down to soi Bhukao in a state of total euphoria.



You really must take a break from posting for a while.


It confuses Chomper Higgot.

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2 hours ago, dexterm said:

As an outsider (Brexit/Remain won't make one iota of difference to my life.)....


The original referendum campaign claims on both sides were shrouded in lots of hype and mythology.


Now that the clouds have shifted, and the real consequences of Brexit are clearer to UK voters, wouldn't it make more sense to have a second referendum based on more reliable information?


If the result is Brexit, so be it.
If the result is Remain, wait two or 3 more years and have a third referendum. Best out of 3.

I know referenda are expensive affairs; so is making the wrong choice.
Quite a momentous decision for UK especially for its younger population. Wouldn't it be better for whatever the outcome that it was the result of the best possible information and experience?


Meanwhile the world goes on.


quote "If the result is Remain, wait two or 3 more years and have a third referendum. Best out of 3."


What happens to Brexit in that case? Will it be enacted, put on hold, chucked in the bin?


Will the EU wait for 2 or 3 years while the UK has a break, certainly a general election with a possible change of government?


What about if the Remainers win a second referendum and the UK stays in and then they lose the third referendum and the UK decides to leave? Do we go through Brexit 2 or what?

Edited by billd766
edited for bad spelling after I posted it.
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4 hours ago, vogie said:

You never give much away with your one line remarks, but I suppose some are quite amusing. Come on SW open up who would be your choice......Alan Sugar?

I agree with you on Corbyn, infact I either have to go lie down in a dark room or seek councilling after listening to him. But how can you debase JRM, after listening to him I can gleefully skip down to soi Bhukao in a state of total euphoria.


Difficult call working out whether one's euphoria skipping down Soi Buakhaow is induced by listening to speeches of Rees-Mogg, poisonous fumes from the baht buses or an invigorating massage. Probably a mix, some would say. The new series of The Apprentice (UK edition) with Alan Sugar starts next week and looking forwards to it. Brexiteers? Team Shambles.

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1 hour ago, SheungWan said:


Difficult call working out whether one's euphoria skipping down Soi Buakhaow is induced by listening to speeches of Rees-Mogg, poisonous fumes from the baht buses or an invigorating massage. Probably a mix, some would say. The new series of The Apprentice (UK edition) with Alan Sugar starts next week and looking forwards to it. Brexiteers? Team Shambles.

Will Team Democracy for Dummies be hosting a team this year, I've heard that they don't agree with the rules of the show so the teddy has left the cot, can you shed any light on this?


Anyway must dash my Moggcast is just about to begin. ????

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9 hours ago, vogie said:

You never give much away with your one line remarks, but I suppose some are quite amusing. Come on SW open up who would be your choice......Alan Sugar?


I agree with you on Corbyn, infact I either have to go lie down in a dark room or seek councilling after listening to him. But how can you debase JRM, after listening to him I can gleefully skip down to soi Bhukao in a state of total euphoria.


RJM (and for that matter, BJ) could read the dictionary and make it entertaining. And for a change, he'd be reciting facts instead of fictions.

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