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Thai Starting A New Job At A Posh Hotel


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This one confounds me... is it true that a thai person needs to pay their new emoployer 10 000 baht before they can start working.

This refers to a posh (not too posh) hotel, and doesn't include health checks, uniform etc etc

Or am I being fed a line?

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its quite possible, a friend of the wifes went to work for coca-cola and had to pay some sort of bond, 20,000 baht if i remember correctly, he definately got the money back though, but whether that was while he was still working or after he left i have no idea.

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Yepp I know a guy whose family coughed up money as deposit for him to work as a security guard at an ashtray factory. The deposit would be paid back after 3 months good behaviour. He blew the deposit and his job by getting drunk and not showing up for work on more than one occasion.

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Yeah well apparently this hotel return the baht when you finish working.

So if you stay 10 years... you wait 10 years to get it back...

To me this seems like too much temptation for a thai worker, who knows that almost a months salary is there for the taking... all he/she has to do is QUIT!!

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What position will she have? If it's cash control, accounting, money handling, etc., then she may have to deposit a large guarantee amount. But house cleaners, no. That's the word I get from my partner, who says it's been common in Thailand at all hotels for many years. He was in hotel management until recently.

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one industry that this is very much a requisite is in the banking sector. you need to provide either cash/or a person as your gaurantor.

but i guess working as teller in a bank...this quite makes sense. and as PB mentioned...by extension any positions that handled money the applied the same logic I suppose.....

have even seen sales position that make this requirement....

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Had an ex that was told 10K deposit to work in a boutique in Siam Centre.

After my astonishment and meeting with the manager all was forgotten about, so guess it does exist but is a flexible arrangement depending on the person concerned...

A bit cr*p as it turned out though, as my ex ended up working with no deposit or guarantor, and she was the biggest con merchant that I have ever known! :o

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yes my gf had to pay a 10k deposit when she started working at Davis Hotel Bangkok, was her last day yesterday but she can't get the money back until the 1st of March.... a big <deleted>!! you quit then you have to WAIT to get money back thats YOURS! TIT

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