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Start Up Is Slow


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I'm running XP.

Back in the day of Windows for workgroups, you could manually configure which programms auto loaded on boot up. This was in the day of 4mb of RAM so anything running in the background took up a lot of valuable ram and slowed your computer down.

Since getting Broadband internet, i have downloaded a number of programmes, not all of which i want loading so that they appear in the bottom right hand corner. I think it used to be called TSR ? (Terminal Stay Resident) or something?

Anyway, i run some progs that may conflict with each other and i want keep them, but only want them to work when i tell them to. Not auto load.

E.g. i run both Ad-Aware SE AND Spyware terminator. Ad-aware doesnt auto load. (Good) but spyware terminator does.

I downloaded Stealth Encryptor - and this also auto loads. (not required - i want to use it only on demand, which will be very occasionally)

I also have AVG free AND avast. They both auto load.

Boot up takes 2 full English minutes. Then i have to fanny about unloading all the <deleted> that is slowing my PC down and i didnt want loading in the chuffing first place.

Can anyone tell me how to stop these things from automatically loading when my pc boots up.

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Running two antiviruses is the main problem. They are actually fighting each other like two Siamese fighting fish in a tank. Uninstall the AVG.

Go get Advanced Windows Care and run the optimiser. It will help you deselect startup programs and explain wht you need and don't need on startup.


Edited by cdnvic
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Running two antiviruses is the main problem. They are actually fighting each other like two Siamese fighting fish in a tank. Uninstall the AVG.

Go get Advanced Windows Care and run the optimiser. It will help you deselect startup programs and explain wht you need and don't need on startup.


Thanks for the reply Vic. I unload AVG free after boot up. I dont want to unistall it just yet - lets not get into that one eh?!

So what you're saying is that Windows doesnt let the user select what programs to load on boot up? I have to go online and get some 3rd party software to do it for me? WfWG used to let me do it?

Am i just a technophobe?

Ehhhh i dunno. Pass me the cranking handle, i'm off to re-vulcanise my tyres.

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If you really want two AV programs installed then to avoid problems you should ensure only one is doing real-time scanning. I don't know how you are unloading AVG but I recommend you turn off the Resident Shield.

Windows has an in-built program to disable/re-enable startup programs, it just isn't very good.

Select Start->Run and type msconfig and press OK

For normal 3rd party apps, look on the Startup tab and try disabling some unimportant ones. There are no Windows-critical items on this tab, but there might be some user-critical items so I'd recommend you positively ID them before disabling them.

This program doesn't give much info so I'd recommend Sysinternals' Autoruns, which is what msconfig should have been.


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From Windows itself you can run MSCONFIG from a command prompt to do what you want, but IIRC you'll get a nag screen each time you boot into Windows if you deselect some auto-load choices.

A long list of shareware and freeware to manipulate start-up items: http://www.sharewareconnection.com/titles/startup.htm

I use an old version of (freeware) Startup Cop (v and am happy with it. There are newer versions of Startup Cop now. I can't recall the details why, but I recall that when I tried "new & improved" Startup Cop versions, I liked the original better and reverted to it.

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Go get Advanced Windows Care and run the optimiser. It will help you deselect startup programs and explain wht you need and don't need on startup.


Not THAT is what i call a neat prog.

Small, simple and unobtrusive. It does exactly what it says on the tin.

Now, why cant i get a wife like that?

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If you really want two AV programs installed then to avoid problems you should ensure only one is doing real-time scanning. I don't know how you are unloading AVG but I recommend you turn off the Resident Shield.

Yup thats what i want. One to load on boot up and stay running. The other to load when i demand it. The prog that Vic suggested has sorted this out for me thankfully.

To unload AVG i just right click the icon in the tray, and select Quit AVG Control centre.

Then i would load by deman, avast.

I'm running both systems because i like AVG free, though i know Vic has problems with it and doesnt recommend it. I'm being as patient as i can with avast but i ve found it slows my system right down and is a bit intrusive.

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