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Anti Foreigner Feeling By Thailand


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any chance "we" can read it ?

Yes but you'll have to wait until after morning

Casundra; would be very interested in hearing what you presented

Indeed, we all sit waiting breathlessly...

perhaps today?


ok then, today for sure?


most assuredly today?


Nothing since the 22nd, spooky. :D

Been any bodies found floating in Pattaya bay, any 15th floor condo flying lessons?

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Today in the morning a Philipino teacher in one of the International schools in Prawet was run by a crazy driver who ran away from the scene after making sure she was killed and shreded into parts.

Although many witnesses had written his number but untill now he wasn't caught.

May God rest her soul ,she was really a decent woman and a kind teacher.

Edited by zaza
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Well I've now read this entire thread, I doubt that a expats life anywhere is really that much different in any country. Until you learn how to not be a square peg for a round hole, it's frustrating.

Is Thailand perfect no, but I'm not perfect either so I fit right in LOL.

Cops I have been stopped many times, but I have everything to make myself legal. I paid one time in Bangkok 500 baht for running a red light, but I slaughtered it. So I paid with no argument. Hey I was wrong and was caught, there are prices for that anywhere.

We are invovlved in a law suit with a dishonest builder or at least that is my opinnion of the man. We won the first case he has appealed. But I followed Thai law and proceedures, will I eventually win. I don't know. But, is that really that different then anywhere else.

I have had Thai's be very rude to me, but then again at times I have been very rude to Thai's. Is that really different in the rest of the world. Thais are not magical they are just people like everyone else, they have bad days to.

Do some of us send the wrong message and get drunk out of mines as tourist, sure we do. But Thai's do as well. again Just People.

Thai's nationalisitic you bet but don't you take some pride in your own countires tradtions?

There is nothing magical about living here, it's just a another spot on the globe. It's up to you to make the best of it.

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Nothing since the 22nd, spooky. :o

Been any bodies found floating in Pattaya bay, any 15th floor condo flying lessons?

Not from me there won't be as I dislike Pattaya, besides my heads too screwed on to go jumping off tall buildings :D

Anyway, the problem I am faced with now is that the result of the meeting is way too close to home and could affect me personally and so I am reluctant to elaborate on what happened except that it was very interesting indeed.

The thing that astounded me the most was that my boss and his colleagues were all rather abashed and gobsmacked once the different rules (i.e. FBA, Visa regs, Baht strength, political uncertainty etc...) were connected with dots to show how when all of these were interlinked had a far greater impact on foreigners than when they were considered in isolation.

After putting all of this to them in my paper and at the meeting, the thing that worried me the most was the realisation by these influentials that they hadn't even considered the impact of how all of these things worked when combined into one issue. Sure, they understood them as individual items but not one jot lot of them thought of them as a package before. Go figure eh!

Anyway, I have since received two subsequent visitations on this subject. One visit was to understand the details in greater depth and to go over specific examples and the other was for someone to come over and 'offer' me in a very Thai fashion, a solution to some of the issues raised by using their influence.

Unfortunately that doesn't change the fact that the underlying rules and laws will remain in the background after their 'influence' has been and gone and as with all things Thai, was just a quick fix to the immediate issues thrown up at them. I could go on of course and say a lot more on this especially with regards to what was offered in terms of them using their influence but I won't... at least not at the moment as it will come back to bite me.

That's all I can say for now, and I am sorry for being vague guys on this but this one is way too close to home right now which is why I have kept my mouth shut since the meeting last week.

As an update, I did receive another phone call this morning on this subject with someone expressing that I now have my boss 'rather worried' but that's probably more about me bringing these policies to their doorstep and showing them how it has now affected them more than anything else. Or at least that's how I see it. Sorry I cannot elaborate anymore on what this means but maybe an update later on will be in order.

Cheers Cas.

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So Scotland means Land only for Scots.. no.. I didn't think so either. It's misguided nationalism that holds Thailand back in the 1800's.

If the tourists stopped coming it would be disastrous for the economy my question is what would the powers that be in Thailand do then?

It'll probably never happen and in the big scheme of things they'll probably not notice. The current trend is to encourage better quality tourists to come here, but if there are more bombs in Bangkok and if the Southern angst moves north to say Phuket or Pattaya and foreigners start getting killed then 'maybe' it will have an affect.

The visa rules and other things you mentioned only affect those of us who want to live here longer than the average quality tourist and at the end of the day they don't really want us here long term. However, you have to make a choice and either come and go as a tourist or decide to live with it and work within the rules and accept that is the way it is. It is their country and they can do what ever they like with it. Remember Thai + land = Land for Thai's.

On a side note but similar theme, I wrote a paper yesterday for a rather influential set of Thai's on the issues of the FBA, visa regulations, economy and current uncertainties in Thailand and more importantly how they affect foreigners here. To my surprise I was 'visited' late this evening by the senior man in charge for a chat. It seems my paper has set off a debate and I have now been commanded to present it tomorrow to the other men of influence for a discussion. Who knows tomorrow could be my last day in Thailand. ha ha! :o

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Good work Cas!!!

If things really are how you discribe it,the info you pass on will be massive ,and for sure a lot of smiles in a lot of familys can stay,even when all these families do not even know,it doesn't matter.If you believe in karma,man you make a lot of good of those.Keep going on the backwork ,and who knows what a difference it can make..................... The best! :o

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any chance "we" can read it ?

Yes but you'll have to wait until after morning

Casundra; would be very interested in hearing what you presented

Indeed, we all sit waiting breathlessly...

perhaps today?


ok then, today for sure?


most assuredly today?


oh well, the unsurprising anti-climatic end result...


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I like this post. Straight to the point, like some of the gits floating around this innocent nation.

Gits by the way (get in theway suckers.-foreigners.)

Ferang messed up this kind nation, and continue to with medling,sourcery,trick,illusion,dellusion

So you want an answer, here it is.

Oh and BTW, some of the above work on this site.

Kind nation? Innocent nation? :o

This is not a kindergarden here, this is a country with grown up people, who are in no need of farang to mess things up - they have been very succesful in doing that by themselves, if you care to read about Thai history, and current events.

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Well that is a good analysis from Emperor in regard statistics,if he could also give us a link where this is stated,everybody can see it with their own eyes......

And also can say that many comments on this topic will be endless....And that the xenophobic attitude feelings from expats in Thailand is not wrong at all.

Thank for these statistics,interesting!!! :o

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Xenofoby against migrants in Thailand is mostly directed against Lao, Burmese, Khmer, Indian

I think it littlle concerns farang. Anyway in 12 years I had maybe 5 bad encounters which could be ascribed to anti foreigner feeling, but maybe I was acting out or it was a Thai with a bad hair day or it was too ###### hot. Acceptance is about you accepting Thailand not about Thailand accepting you. Some farangs here behave as if they were the second coming of christ, fair enough, but this is mainly a budhist country.

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Oh dear even The Bangkok Post is getting in on the act of lampooning foreigners. There's an article on circumcision and the chances of getting HIV on page 5 of the Outlook section today and it's just impossible the director's name of WHO's Aids department is what they have printed.

It's got to be a joke, surely? Surely this director can't really be introduced at conferences with the name they've printed?

It's got to be a stitch-up!

Check it out.

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Xenofoby against migrants in Thailand is mostly directed against Lao, Burmese, Khmer, Indian

I think it littlle concerns farang. Anyway in 12 years I had maybe 5 bad encounters which could be ascribed to anti foreigner feeling, but maybe I was acting out or it was a Thai with a bad hair day or it was too ###### hot. Acceptance is about you accepting Thailand not about Thailand accepting you. Some farangs here behave as if they were the second coming of christ, fair enough, but this is mainly a budhist country.

Well said, sir, you speak for me. Having seen, not personally experienced, strife between Thai and farang , the question begs: how much can you provoke somebody on his turf before he pulls out the race card? Call anyone stupid, ignorant or obtuse and they'll look for a way to offend you too.

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Well I've now read this entire thread, I doubt that a expats life anywhere is really that much different in any country. Until you learn how to not be a square peg for a round hole, it's frustrating.

Is Thailand perfect no, but I'm not perfect either so I fit right in LOL.

Cops I have been stopped many times, but I have everything to make myself legal. I paid one time in Bangkok 500 baht for running a red light, but I slaughtered it. So I paid with no argument. Hey I was wrong and was caught, there are prices for that anywhere.

We are invovlved in a law suit with a dishonest builder or at least that is my opinnion of the man. We won the first case he has appealed. But I followed Thai law and proceedures, will I eventually win. I don't know. But, is that really that different then anywhere else.

I have had Thai's be very rude to me, but then again at times I have been very rude to Thai's. Is that really different in the rest of the world. Thais are not magical they are just people like everyone else, they have bad days to.

Do some of us send the wrong message and get drunk out of mines as tourist, sure we do. But Thai's do as well. again Just People.

Thai's nationalisitic you bet but don't you take some pride in your own countires tradtions?

There is nothing magical about living here, it's just a another spot on the globe. It's up to you to make the best of it.

I like this , ray, straight from the hip and soooooooooooo true. Good on yer!

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"On a side note but similar theme, I wrote a paper yesterday for a rather influential set of Thai's on the issues of the FBA, visa regulations, economy and current uncertainties in Thailand and more importantly how they affect foreigners here. To my surprise I was 'visited' late this evening by the senior man in charge for a chat. It seems my paper has set off a debate and I have now been commanded to present it tomorrow to the other men of influence for a discussion. Who knows tomorrow could be my last day in Thailand. ha ha! ""

you mean they did not know about it all?

head in sand?

still many aus citizens have no idea how difficult it is for an asian person to get a simple tourist visa to aus.

but there is no excuse for ignorance.

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It's kind of bizarre for farangs to accuse Thais of not liking or even being racist against farang. Let's face it, be honest, we individual farangs have a very low opinion of most other farangs in Thailand, most of us don't even like the blacks particularly that hang out here on soi 3, we try to avoid stupid farang as much as possible and certainly wouldn't engage in much business activity with the low life farangs on the run in Thailand. Those with female children would shudder with the thought that they would ultimately hook up with a typical farang hanging out here.

It's the disgust for farang, with notable exceptions, that unites us farang and Thai!

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It's kind of bizarre for farangs to accuse Thais of not liking or even being racist against farang. Let's face it, be honest, we individual farangs have a very low opinion of most other farangs in Thailand, most of us don't even like the blacks particularly that hang out here on soi 3, we try to avoid stupid farang as much as possible and certainly wouldn't engage in much business activity with the low life farangs on the run in Thailand. Those with female children would shudder with the thought that they would ultimately hook up with a typical farang hanging out here.

It's the disgust for farang, with notable exceptions, that unites us farang and Thai!

Yes, its wonderful to be part of such a strong, united foreign community here, isn't it? :o

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It's kind of bizarre for farangs to accuse Thais of not liking or even being racist against farang. Let's face it, be honest, we individual farangs have a very low opinion of most other farangs in Thailand, most of us don't even like the blacks particularly that hang out here on soi 3, we try to avoid stupid farang as much as possible and certainly wouldn't engage in much business activity with the low life farangs on the run in Thailand. Those with female children would shudder with the thought that they would ultimately hook up with a typical farang hanging out here.

It's the disgust for farang, with notable exceptions, that unites us farang and Thai!

Yes, its wonderful to be part of such a strong, united foreign community here, isn't it? :o

Bit strong, mdeland, but unfortunately mostly true, or should I say topical. But some of my best friends are black or Thai; as I grew up in a multi cultural milieu I rarely discriminate when it comes to race. As for my farang behaviour in Thailand or even at home, (I'm an expat too) I do try hard (even in the bars over there)to exercise decorum at all times, which is not always easy. But I take a broader view of this issue when I say there are repellent scabs in all races and nationalities (I've seen many, everywhere) and LOS only gets its fair share of these monsters. All credit to the Thais, they "mai pen rai" the disgusting offensive drunks (mostly men) along with the whinging, sun scorched, overweight women with a natural grace, patience and tolerance which I could never hope to aspire to. Okay, you may say, they'll do anything if there's farang money at the end of it but I for one would not swop places with them even for loadsa money!

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Not from me there won't be as I dislike Pattaya, besides my heads too screwed on to go jumping off tall buildings :o

Anyway, the problem I am faced with now is that the result of the meeting is way too close to home and could affect me personally and so I am reluctant to elaborate on what happened except that it was very interesting indeed.

The thing that astounded me the most was that my boss and his colleagues were all rather abashed and gobsmacked once the different rules (i.e. FBA, Visa regs, Baht strength, political uncertainty etc...) were connected with dots to show how when all of these were interlinked had a far greater impact on foreigners than when they were considered in isolation.

After putting all of this to them in my paper and at the meeting, the thing that worried me the most was the realisation by these influentials that they hadn't even considered the impact of how all of these things worked when combined into one issue. Sure, they understood them as individual items but not one jot lot of them thought of them as a package before. Go figure eh!

Anyway, I have since received two subsequent visitations on this subject. One visit was to understand the details in greater depth and to go over specific examples and the other was for someone to come over and 'offer' me in a very Thai fashion, a solution to some of the issues raised by using their influence.

Unfortunately that doesn't change the fact that the underlying rules and laws will remain in the background after their 'influence' has been and gone and as with all things Thai, was just a quick fix to the immediate issues thrown up at them. I could go on of course and say a lot more on this especially with regards to what was offered in terms of them using their influence but I won't... at least not at the moment as it will come back to bite me.

That's all I can say for now, and I am sorry for being vague guys on this but this one is way too close to home right now which is why I have kept my mouth shut since the meeting last week.

As an update, I did receive another phone call this morning on this subject with someone expressing that I now have my boss 'rather worried' but that's probably more about me bringing these policies to their doorstep and showing them how it has now affected them more than anything else. Or at least that's how I see it. Sorry I cannot elaborate anymore on what this means but maybe an update later on will be in order.

Cheers Cas.

lol, just lol

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