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Foreigners now need to keep 800k in Thai bank for three months AFTER retirement extension is granted

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9 hours ago, Justin Side said:
9 hours ago, MrPatrickThai said:

This has to be put in a pinned post at the top of these forums!!! 


it is absolutely disgusting how these pensioners despise Thailand then are surprised when they are not wanted.

It is? Oh. Bizzare post.

not all all bizarre but a very valid point.

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10 hours ago, wgdanson said:

Then do a Transferwise every month, making sure it is say Bht 5oo Bht over 65k. into a Bkk Bank account which will say FFT. 

You seem to have missed a lot of posts. Not all Transferwise transfers into Bangkok Bank show up as FTT or International. I have done two, one was, one wasn't as it used TMB as a partner bank. If one or more of the monthly 12 do not show up as International, potentially no Extension for you.

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1 minute ago, Neeranam said:

It looks like most people don't have more than Thais. The retired Thais I know have a car, house and land worth much more than 800k

Is that before, or after they pay off the massive debt that "most" Thai's carry here in the LOS?

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I really am thinking this is a bid to help bail out the banking intitutions by forcing foreigners to keep hard cash in the banks all year. 

Personally it is merely an inconvenience. But I prefer to keep my money in America where I know it's safe from robbing tellers or data breaches. Plus the value fluctuations are less. 

If they keep making increasing demands though this country may find they are losing more expats like me who easily spend 80,000 here monthly and support large families. 

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immigration do not want the affidavit from consulat because consulat do not check your income! now they want make hard for people to get money they don't have... people are making all the problem no the immigration! for ten years I follow the rule and don't have any problem! if you cant follow the rule do not come in Thailand stay I your own country!

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2 minutes ago, LivinLOS said:

They are for those of us who leave the kingdom on a regular basis.. 

If they apply the same criteria.. Now for my marriage extension I have to be in Thailand on a set date.. To arrange a re-entry permit.. To return 30 days later exactly for my under review.. Maybe get it.. Or maybe return exactly 30 days later again for a second under review (happened to me twice).. And finally return at 90 days from the initial visit (another 30 or 60 from the review dates) to show money.. 

They do understand some of us leave this place huh ??? That much back and forth from the west is a non starter.. 10 year retirement visa getting more appealing by the day. 


They worked on the assumption that you long stayed in Thailand which is why you got the visa in the first place. 

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2 minutes ago, Chicken George said:

This will do nothing to stop the ilegal visa agents who adverise on this site and many others. It will just make it more expensive. Big Joke should warn immergration officers they will loose their jobs if caught. No moving to another desk.

The 800k was there to show funds to live on or to use in an immergency not as a perminant guarantee against using a ilegal agent to obtain a visa.. As I said the agents will now have more customers.

It would seem easier to go back to your iwn country and get a visa which can last 15 months or even 17 months.. Maybe cheaper than an agent now and maybe gor people who do not have the required funds to leave in a bank here..

I would not use an agent . I would rather go back to my home country. Its a prison term of minimum five years if caught.



the original 3 month advance deposit started in 2005

has a it made a difference to the way agents work?




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11 hours ago, Spellforce said:

If you dont want to waste your time and update your bank book every week, can you open a fund deposit account with 800,000 bahts and show that paper every 3 months ?

What's the best option to make it easy ?

That was my thought. At least with a FD passbook I won't chance a consolidated entry which fails to show I have maintained the required balance. 

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We are doing all the crap because of the American and British Embassies.   If they continued to give the letter none this crap would have happened.   Thank you, Trump and May.  You two belong together along with Big Joke.

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3 minutes ago, thesetat2013 said:

I really am thinking this is a bid to help bail out the banking intitutions by forcing foreigners to keep hard cash in the banks all year. 

Personally it is merely an inconvenience. But I prefer to keep my money in America where I know it's safe from robbing tellers or data breaches. Plus the value fluctuations are less. 

If they keep making increasing demands though this country may find they are losing more expats like me who easily spend 80,000 here monthly and support large families. 

If you are what you said, why are you quibbling about this ‘small’ amount of money required to sit in the bank? I assumed the large families you supported figure more in the equation than the money. 

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22 minutes ago, randy723 said:

no deal you are full of SH**. I have a retirement income of over 350,000 baht per month but I do not have it sent here and put into a Thai bank with NO interest. I leave it in my bank in America and draw 1.75% interest so you are very wrong and should be ashamed of your self or saying people who use the 800,000 are poor expats who do not have the 65,000 each month income. so no deal go craw back into your hole

if you want live in Thailand you have to follow the rule of immigration if you want make money that fine but if you want live in Thailand you have to have 800.000 in the bank that your choice you can't have both way!

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1 minute ago, Mango Bob said:

We are doing all the crap because of the American and British Embassies.   If they continued to give the letter none this crap would have happened.   Thank you, Trump and May.  You two belong together along with Big Joke.

The real reason is that the letter can be bogus ...I wonder who undermined this.? The unqualified expats or the enabling embassy?. 

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1 minute ago, worgeordie said:

Looks like the only screw left to tighten now ,is to raise the requirement

for money in the bank,to say 800,000 THB for marriage,and 1.500,000 for 

retirement,then they can really thin the expat population out,the only

good thing about all these changes,stopping embassy letters,requirement

to keep money in bank permanently,almost, is that there are going to be fewer

people in front of you,when next time you go and do your extension !.

regards Worgeordie

I expect the next dart Big Joke throws at the wall will be just that, so get ready for it!

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11 hours ago, Pattaya46 said:


You missed the main new point. They will check you have keep the money at the following extension, the year after...

At the moment I read at renewal time you will have to demonstrate 800k for 3 months and 400k for the 3-9  months back period. With a demonstration of 800k still there after 3 months. Wonder what first time applicants will need, simply the 2 months, they already have issues getting a bank account!

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27 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

If you are retired and don't make the necessary money, you could always get a job teaching English.

Personally, I think it reasonable to ask for this amount off money in the bank permanently.

If you think it's too much, accept the fact that you can't afford to live abroad. 


People want Thailand to develop in other areas, yet not in their immigration laws.


This is the exact reason I've applied for citizenship, to not have to deal with these people in my golden years.


If I had worked all my life in the UK, I'd have bought a house, and would sell that when retiring abroad.



Indeed, the retired expat/sexpat visa scammer has stooped below the TEFL teacher these days.


Those who can't satisfy the needs of the Thai immigration are probably work shy, they want an easy life, hence have no savings and certainly would want to work here. But I agree, it's so easy to get a job teaching English.

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34 minutes ago, Ctkong said:

Good riddance ! 

good well thought out, logical, measured response to a post


30 minutes ago, Tanoshi said:

Every 90 days you do not go to immigration, you fly off to HK/SG, wherever for a weekend.

Upon arrival back in to Thailand you are stamped in for 90 days

you would be stamped in for the remaining period of your years extension, as long as you have a reentry permit

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6 minutes ago, Mango Bob said:

We are doing all the crap because of the American and British Embassies.   If they continued to give the letter none this crap would have happened.   Thank you, Trump and May.  You two belong together along with Big Joke.

you know that for a fact

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8 minutes ago, Mango Bob said:

We are doing all the crap because of the American and British Embassies.   If they continued to give the letter none this crap would have happened.   Thank you, Trump and May.  You two belong together along with Big Joke.

Well the Embassy letters only affected those using income. Now the money on deposit is being reviewed so somewhat different issues. It is all about the rules being bypassed, Embassies accepting a sworn statement but no true verification, and those using agents not really having 800k deposits. Apparently they can only address this outside the immigration walls and by not upsetting their agent friends. 

Edited by jacko45k
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