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New Thread On Karting -- Bb Vs. Mm

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Well TA 22 HAS to be Mutley :o wahahahahaha

MM...Dick Darstardly for sure

BB...Got to be the fat bloke from what I have heard..or was that UG...I have never met either of these gentlemen!

Dustoff...CAN I PLEASE HAVE MY WIG BACK :D Bring it when you come along !!

I'm the dog

I think the dog looks strangely like "Chuchok" don't you think... The dude with the orange hair would be MJM and the fat f**ker would be my good self.. Which one is Ta22...??? To be contined.........post-31110-1172740467_thumb.jpg

Sooooooo . . . . what time are the festivities set to begin? And Maejo, is your mojo working? Have you checked to make sure the track will be open for the event? I'd ask Blinky, but as everyone remembers he blew it last time, forgot to check and the event went up in smoke, so I'm looking this time for someone who has the maturity that comes with age. :o

You obviously missed this post Rass! It's all set, and they are expecting us...Even Dustoff now :D

I made point of actually going down to the track today, and for those that don't know where it is. Take the Hang Dong road from Airport Plaza and you'll see the track on the right hand side of the highway at the 7.5 Km mark. You will have to drive past it and make a "U" turn further along. Ample parking in the car park.

I spoke to the manager at length, and told her to make sure there is plenty of ice and beer in stock. I also ran into my old mechanic who still works there, and he let me check out a couple of the karts.......They are working just fine!!!!!

I'll be having a cool one there at eleven on sunday, also a bit of a warm up

For those that get the hungries, there is a Thai restaurant/bar right next door!!

Sooooooo . . . . what time are the festivities set to begin? And Maejo, is your mojo working? Have you checked to make sure the track will be open for the event? I'd ask Blinky, but as everyone remembers he blew it last time, forgot to check and the event went up in smoke, so I'm looking this time for someone who has the maturity that comes with age. :o

You obviously missed this post Rass! It's all set, and they are expecting us...Even Dustoff now :D

I made point of actually going down to the track today, and for those that don't know where it is. Take the Hang Dong road from Airport Plaza and you'll see the track on the right hand side of the highway at the 7.5 Km mark. You will have to drive past it and make a "U" turn further along. Ample parking in the car park.

I spoke to the manager at length, and told her to make sure there is plenty of ice and beer in stock. I also ran into my old mechanic who still works there, and he let me check out a couple of the karts.......They are working just fine!!!!!

I'll be having a cool one there at eleven on sunday, also a bit of a warm up

For those that get the hungries, there is a Thai restaurant/bar right next door!!

Thank you for that, Sir. Yes, I looked for such a post by you, but I confess that the wisps of silly lint on this thread have gotten so thick I missed it.


For you rass... (silly)DRYER LINT

I actually have found a few (useful?) things that you can do with dryer lint. For instance...

Dryer Lint Clay

1 1/2 c Lint from the dryer

1 c Water

1/2 c Regular flour

2 drops Wintergreen mint flavouring

(What the heck is this for.. To make it taste better?)

Old newspaper


Place the lint in a saucepan and cover it with the water.

When the lint is saturated, add the flour and stir until it is smooth.

Add the drops of wintergreen oil flavouring.

Cook the mixture, stirring constantly, until it forms peaks and holds together. (Serve steaming hot to freinds and family.. Echhh.)

Pour it onto newspaper to cool.

Shape and model figures, or cover a form with it, such as a balloon.

Allow to dry for 3 to 5 days, then paint and decorate as required.

In the spring and summer, put dryer lint and bits of string on tree branches so that birds can use it to build nests.

Handy fire starter. Save lint out of lint filter in clothes dryer. Place lint under kindling and use as tinder.

Use it as padding when shipping small items through the mail.

Put it in the compost pile.. Or maybe you can use it as insulation. But I guess when all else fails.. You can throw it away like everyone else.

TIP: Clean your lint trap often.. It saves energy, And you'll get more lint to have fun with!

Stick your finger in the dryer to check out the lint guy project!


I understand that, in Thailand, it is a matter of great honour to a "big man" that he pick up the tab at any social gathering at which he occupies the position of greatest centrality and importance. If two big men are present at the same gathering and both occupy a similarly central and important position, there will invariably be a kind of competition or battle between them over the question of which will have the honour of treating all those gathered there, unless the matter is settled otherwise.

With that in mind, and thinking about how our two big men on Sunday, Maejo Man and Blinky Bill, will be in exactly this position, I wonder if it might not be appropriate and civilized for there to be an accepted rule, following the principle of "To the victor, the spoils", that whichever of them defeats the other on the field of competition that day, which is to say, on the track, shall have the privilege of covering, as the big man, all the beverages and comestibles consumed by the TV members who gather that day at the track.

Ah, Blinky's fluttering eyelids signify a yes! Wonderful!

And we have no Maejo nays -- waiter! -- from our other hero!

Excellent, then it's settled!

Ah, Blinky's fluttering eyelids signify a yes! Wonderful!

And we have no Maejo nays -- waiter! -- from our other hero!

Excellent, then it's settled!

:D:D:D:D Never a dull moment with you around Rass!

May I enquire if you will be on your raspberryade diet on sunday? :o


I appreciate your generously offered thoughts on lint, Austhaied. I can't help but wonder, though, selfish as it may be of me, whether you could provide us in respect of your suggestions with one or more of the kind of photographs that you often post helpfully to illuminate points made by others on this forum.

I understand that, in Thailand, it is a matter of great honour to a "big man" that he pick up the tab at any social gathering at which he occupies the position of greatest centrality and importance. If two big men are present at the same gathering and both occupy a similarly central and important position, there will invariably be a kind of competition or battle between them over the question of which will have the honour of treating all those gathered there, unless the matter is settled otherwise.

With that in mind, and thinking about how our two big men on Sunday, Maejo Man and Blinky Bill, will be in exactly this position, I wonder if it might not be appropriate and civilized for there to be an accepted rule, following the principle of "To the victor, the spoils", that whichever of them defeats the other on the field of competition that day, which is to say, on the track, shall have the privilege of covering, as the big man, all the beverages and comestibles consumed by the TV members who gather that day at the track.

Ah, Blinky's fluttering eyelids signify a yes! Wonderful!

And we have no Maejo nays -- waiter! -- from our other hero!

Excellent, then it's settled!

I'm going.

If the winner has to pay for everybody, it will be interesting watching them battle to come in last! :o

I understand that, in Thailand, it is a matter of great honour to a "big man" that he pick up the tab at any social gathering at which he occupies the position of greatest centrality and importance. If two big men are present at the same gathering and both occupy a similarly central and important position, there will invariably be a kind of competition or battle between them over the question of which will have the honour of treating all those gathered there, unless the matter is settled otherwise.

With that in mind, and thinking about how our two big men on Sunday, Maejo Man and Blinky Bill, will be in exactly this position, I wonder if it might not be appropriate and civilized for there to be an accepted rule, following the principle of "To the victor, the spoils", that whichever of them defeats the other on the field of competition that day, which is to say, on the track, shall have the privilege of covering, as the big man, all the beverages and comestibles consumed by the TV members who gather that day at the track.

Ah, Blinky's fluttering eyelids signify a yes! Wonderful!

And we have no Maejo nays -- waiter! -- from our other hero!

Excellent, then it's settled!

I'm going.

If the winner has to pay for everybody, it will be interesting watching them battle to come in last! :o

I'm delighted you'll be going. I look forward to meeting you. But it is very important to remember that it is only the winner, as between BB and MM, who will be paying for everyone. If, hypothetically, the two of them were to engage in anything like the implausible and dishonourable activities you suggest, he of the two who won would still be our honoured host for the day. In no event was I proposing that our host would be some poor third person who, gifted by such hypothetical misdeeds, ended up the winner of the race overall.

Never a dull moment with you around Rass!

May I enquire if you will be on your raspberryade diet on sunday? :o

I will be pleased to offer whatever rassberries happen to ripen in my head at the time, but I can make no promises.


Can someone please bring some kind of dictionary on sunday so that this mere mortal can understand what the hel_l Rasseru & Ta22 are talking about? Tried running some of their previous posts through an online translator and it just replied "<deleted>" - surely not? :o



Can someone please bring some kind of dictionary on sunday so that this mere mortal can understand what the hel_l Rasseru & Ta22 are talking about? Tried running some of their previous posts through an online translator and it just replied "<deleted>" - surely not? :o



:D :D :D

My Lord, Pikey, surely you're not trying to "understand" the "meaning" of any of those posts!? Big mistake!! There is none there! They are nothing but frolics, as your online translator tried to tell you, in its slightly muddled way.

If it is a competition to come last, it would be folly to ignore Blinky Bill's natural ability. Assuming he turns up.


After screwing up the first time, he would loose every last ounce of credibility for a no show this sunday! He simply has to perform!!

am looking forward to meeting up on Sunday . -

??????Ta22? ?????????? :o

Well, I've now learned that one cannot post in Japanese! So, using roman letters phonetically,

Kochira koso, Ta22, tanoshimi ni <deleted> masu! :D

am looking forward to meeting up on Sunday . -

??????Ta22? ?????????? :D

Well, I've now learned that one cannot post in Japanese! So, using roman letters phonetically,

Kochira koso, Ta22, tanoshimi ni <deleted> masu! :D

Not a bad massage? :o

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