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Bank of England's Carney spells out no-deal Brexit hit to UK


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1 hour ago, LucysDad said:



Mervyn King has more marbles left than you would have in a lifetime.

Back in the day, when he was working closely with Gordon Brown, I respected the man. Sadly, senility has turned him into a cantankerous right wing old Gammon. Ignore him is my advice.

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Never mind. I'm sure it's all going to be wonderful. As the ship goes down, the people will be assembled in their serried ranks on the foredeck, singing 'Land of Hope 'n Glory'.


Oh dear, I have tears in my eyes already.

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21 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

I’m waiting for the first Brexiteer to suggest it’s a biased source. 

It's nonsense.

21 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

It's nonsense. Just a smoksscreen for the gullible

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18 minutes ago, Spidey said:

Spoken like a true Brexiteer. Never let the facts get in the way of a good story.

Who owns the Bank of England - the two shares that are spoken of on the BoE website?


Due to the Companies Act in 1976, we are not allowed to know who the shareholders are who own the company which carries out Central Banking in the UK. There is evidence to show that the BoE has 2000 shareholders; but just a handful of those own over 90% of the shares. But the information is secret. We (the people) are not allowed to know. In fact, just having a list of shareholders on one's person in the UK, is against the official secrets act, and could result in a charge of treason. The Queen is probably a shareholder. Maybe a major one. 


The Bank Of England is entitled to issue cash, then lend it and charge interest to the Government! Allowed to be owned, by secret concerns and allowed to be a private business with a shroud of secrecy protecting it.


There is evidence that the BoE was involved in the LIBOR fixing scam.


MEP question.

Anyone wishing the full transcript of the Bank of England history please PM me.

Edited by owl sees all
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5 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

Who owns the Bank of England - the two shares you speak of?


Due to the Companies Act in 1976, we are not allowed to know who the shareholders are who own the company which carries out Central Banking in the UK. There is evidence to show that the BoE has 2000 shareholders; but just a handful of those own over 90% of the shares. But the information is secret. We (the people) are not allowed to know. In fact just having a list of shareholders on one's person in the UK, is against the official secrets act, and could result in a charge of treason. The Queen is probably a shareholder. Maybe a major one. 


The Bank Of England is entitled to issue cash, then lend it and charge interest to the Government! Allowed to be owned, by secret concerns and allowed to be a private business with a shroud of secrecy protecting it.


There is evidence that the BoE was involved in the LIBOR fixing scam.


MEP question.

Anyone wishing the full transcript of the Bank of England history please PM me.

I have already posted a link to the history of the BoE. The video is of a UKIP thicko getting confused between nominees and shareholders. Would have been interesting to hear the reply to this halfwit.


H.M. The Queen banks with Coutts.

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3 minutes ago, Benroon said:

Every single word of that is absolute crap. 

Some people have heads buried in the sand so much that only their feet can be seen.


Don't be duped bro'. Do some research.

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1 minute ago, owl sees all said:

The MEP is not getting confused.


If you are thinking that the stuff on the BoE's website is the real deal, then you can list yourself amongst the gullible.


The Queen's ancestors, the German lot, had shares in the BoE and probably still do. It's all secret squirrel stuff Spidey. Don't be fooled any longer.  

As my post verified, the BoE was nationalised in 1946 and all the existing shareholders paid out. Technically it is now wholly owned by the Treasury.

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5 minutes ago, Spidey said:

As my post verified, the BoE was nationalised in 1946 and all the existing shareholders paid out. Technically it is now wholly owned by the Treasury.

Sorry, but that's nonsense. No shareholders were paid anything in 1946. The UK was broke. The FED lent money to the UK in return for certain favours. One being that the Integrity (secrecy) of the BoE remained, and the other with a certain middle east state (as yet unformed then).

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9 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

Some people have heads buried in the sand so much that only their feet can be seen.


Don't be duped bro'. Do some research.

I am a signatory to the Official Secrets Act. I've done my research. Trust me your conspiracy theory holds no water.

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1 minute ago, owl sees all said:

Sorry, but that's nonsense. No shareholders were paid anything in 1946. The UK was broke. The FED lent money to the UK in return for certain favours. One being that the Integrity (secrecy) of the BoE remained and the other with a certain middle east state (as yet unformed)

When you're in a hole, stop digging. It's all complete nonsense.

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4 minutes ago, Spidey said:

I am a signatory to the Official Secrets Act. I've done my research. Trust me your conspiracy theory holds no water.

Yes!! Me too Spidey. 


Virtually all the world's central banks are privately owned, and loosely based on the BoE model. Also the IMF, WB and BiS.


What makes you think the BoE is different?

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3 minutes ago, billd766 said:

They are called Remainers.


cue for more abuse.

Of course, if that post had come from a remainer, talking about Brexiteers, it would have been called out as abuse. However, coming from a Brexiteer, it's just seen as par for the course.

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6 minutes ago, nausea said:

It's a gamble, on the one side we have the new world order, on the other we have a total mess. We're in for a ride. Guys who pontificate are full of sh@t, no-one knows how this is gonna turn out. But I'm pretty certain the British people didn't vote for this roller coaster ride. Just get out, do it and take the consequences, that's all I can say. The fact the majority of people are now against it means FA. You screwed it up big-time politicians. Just wait until the ordinary man feels it in his pocket.

It ain't over until the fat lady sings.

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46 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

Yes!! Me too Spidey. 


Virtually all the world's central banks are privately owned, and loosely based on the BoE model. Also the IMF, WB and BiS.


What makes you think the BoE is different?

Research done:


  • Attachment

Hope this helps.

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8 minutes ago, Spidey said:

Research done:


  • Attachment

Hope this helps.

If you think that the BoE belongs to the UK then so be it.


I have a list of the BoE's shareholders and it makes interesting reading.


The BoE and the government do not see eye-to-eye all the time. The last big bust-up was Gordon Brown selling off the gold. This Carney chap just takes his orders from the shareholders.

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1 hour ago, owl sees all said:

Some people have heads buried in the sand so much that only their feet can be seen.


Don't be duped bro'. Do some research.

Don’t forget the RAND corporation. Them and the Freemasons. And the papists. They are all behind it. 

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