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I know Thai logic is different and it equates to " in through the out door " to me.

I have been going out with this thai lady ( 36 years old two kids boy of 14 and daughter 2 1/2 ). She runs her own hairdressers up Naklua way and I've been seeing her off and on for nearly a month now and told her she must take Monday's off so we can a have a day out ( touristy things ) which she did and we do. This morning she went to open up shop and I went to book a flight to Chaingmai ( going alone ) until Sunday. Oh forgot to mention her english is non existent and my thai very limited ( ok for bar lady talk ) so the book turns into the essential tool.

So I thought I'd shoot up to the hairdressing salon to explain that I'll be away until Sunday and that she should come to my place after her work on Sunday night and we'll have dinner. As it happens her younger sister was at the salon chatting and she speaks very good english ( married to an american commercial pilot ) and I was frankly quite astounded when she she said Paylor ( name of g/f ) was wondering when I was going to give her some money for her baby. " pardon " was my reply : sister " yes you have to give her some money to send to her baby " me " I'm not in the habit of paying for the upkeep of other men's babies " sister " well you have been boom boom her for a long time now " me " well I didn't know hairdressers were in the same catagory as bar ladies ( I really was giving them up but after this probaly not ) and if I did I would have chosen a younger one " anyway this discussion went on for awhile and I thought b@ll@cks can't be doing with this so I got a baht bus and came back to my apartment. 10 minutes Paylor pitches up I've come to get my kit, ok and here's 4000baht to be getting on with. Declined the money at first then thought better and took it. Then it was all "I love you I care you " tears and me ok I'll phone you when I get back. Yeah right. Now, every time we made love was she thinking is it pay day ? ( Ignoring the fact I bought her an expensive watch, no not from one of the street hawkers and a dear shoulder bag ) and do they EVER buy you a beer even when running a lucrative business? ( she has on average 15 clients a day ).

'Nuff said . I'm going back to UK 19th April having bought myself a little house out side Pattaya and when I come back in December it's back to the go gos and beer bars for me.

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I know Thai logic is different and it equates to " in through the out door " to me.

I have been going out with this thai lady ( 36 years old two kids boy of 14 and daughter 2 1/2 ). She runs her own hairdressers up Naklua way and I've been seeing her off and on for nearly a month now and told her she must take Monday's off so we can a have a day out ( touristy things ) which she did and we do. This morning she went to open up shop and I went to book a flight to Chaingmai ( going alone ) until Sunday. Oh forgot to mention her english is non existent and my thai very limited ( ok for bar lady talk ) so the book turns into the essential tool.

So I thought I'd shoot up to the hairdressing salon to explain that I'll be away until Sunday and that she should come to my place after her work on Sunday night and we'll have dinner. As it happens her younger sister was at the salon chatting and she speaks very good english ( married to an american commercial pilot ) and I was frankly quite astounded when she she said Paylor ( name of g/f ) was wondering when I was going to give her some money for her baby. " pardon " was my reply : sister " yes you have to give her some money to send to her baby " me " I'm not in the habit of paying for the upkeep of other men's babies " sister " well you have been boom boom her for a long time now " me " well I didn't know hairdressers were in the same catagory as bar ladies ( I really was giving them up but after this probaly not ) and if I did I would have chosen a younger one " anyway this discussion went on for awhile and I thought b@ll@cks can't be doing with this so I got a baht bus and came back to my apartment. 10 minutes Paylor pitches up I've come to get my kit, ok and here's 4000baht to be getting on with. Declined the money at first then thought better and took it. Then it was all "I love you I care you " tears and me ok I'll phone you when I get back. Yeah right. Now, every time we made love was she thinking is it pay day ? ( Ignoring the fact I bought her an expensive watch, no not from one of the street hawkers and a dear shoulder bag ) and do they EVER buy you a beer even when running a lucrative business? ( she has on average 15 clients a day ).

'Nuff said . I'm going back to UK 19th April having bought myself a little house out side Pattaya and when I come back in December it's back to the go gos and beer bars for me.

Dear, Dear, Dear..Sad state of affairs hey Mr Buffalo..That old saying there is no free lunch, ring any bells??

Still if you buy a book you have to pay for it, its a bit cheaper to rent and you get a variety of reading... :o

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I know Thai logic is different and it equates to " in through the out door " to me.

I have been going out with this thai lady ( 36 years old two kids boy of 14 and daughter 2 1/2 ). She runs her own hairdressers up Naklua way and I've been seeing her off and on for nearly a month now and told her she must take Monday's off so we can a have a day out ( touristy things ) which she did and we do. This morning she went to open up shop and I went to book a flight to Chaingmai ( going alone ) until Sunday. Oh forgot to mention her english is non existent and my thai very limited ( ok for bar lady talk ) so the book turns into the essential tool.

So I thought I'd shoot up to the hairdressing salon to explain that I'll be away until Sunday and that she should come to my place after her work on Sunday night and we'll have dinner. As it happens her younger sister was at the salon chatting and she speaks very good english ( married to an american commercial pilot ) and I was frankly quite astounded when she she said Paylor ( name of g/f ) was wondering when I was going to give her some money for her baby. " pardon " was my reply : sister " yes you have to give her some money to send to her baby " me " I'm not in the habit of paying for the upkeep of other men's babies " sister " well you have been boom boom her for a long time now " me " well I didn't know hairdressers were in the same catagory as bar ladies ( I really was giving them up but after this probaly not ) and if I did I would have chosen a younger one " anyway this discussion went on for awhile and I thought b@ll@cks can't be doing with this so I got a baht bus and came back to my apartment. 10 minutes Paylor pitches up I've come to get my kit, ok and here's 4000baht to be getting on with. Declined the money at first then thought better and took it. Then it was all "I love you I care you " tears and me ok I'll phone you when I get back. Yeah right. Now, every time we made love was she thinking is it pay day ? ( Ignoring the fact I bought her an expensive watch, no not from one of the street hawkers and a dear shoulder bag ) and do they EVER buy you a beer even when running a lucrative business? ( she has on average 15 clients a day ).

'Nuff said . I'm going back to UK 19th April having bought myself a little house out side Pattaya and when I come back in December it's back to the go gos and beer bars for me.


Oh, disenchantment,and grim reality of the thai live

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It's not about paying for sex. In Thai culture, the person with the money is expected to pay and be generous. You are expected to help take care of the family of your girlfriend. Thai men with money in the same position would do so. That's just the way things are in Thailand. If you don't do it, while a girlfriend may not say anything, she will not be happy and will think you are stingy.

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There are wonderful, kindhearted, honest women in Thailand.

It's true.

I married one.

Get out of the bar if you want to meet someone special (yes, it's possible to meet a good one in a bar also....but not easy)

Don't give up....when you least expect it....there she'll be :o

Good luck.

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I agree with mr. pumpuiman. Thailand is a big country and many lovely women await you. Meeting a girl in a beauty shop in Naklua is not exactly a world away from a BG on Walking Street. Be adventurous and wander a little further from where you've called home!

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As it happens her younger sister was at the salon chatting and she speaks very good english ( married to an american commercial pilot )

So her sister is married to an american commerical pilot. Dude, claim poverty and have the pilot chip in some bucks. Afterall he is her brother in-law. :o


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Even successful hair dressing businesses don't turn over big bucks, once all the overheads, wages etc have been paid. It's mainly subsisitance living - most don't charge enough to make good money.

There's many a budding hairdresser that's ended up in a bar, as there wasn't enough for offspring and family back home.

It's dangerous to generalise, but there's more than one profession from which to ensnare a farang ATM, especially in Pattaya, and hairdressing would be pretty high on that list.

Write it off to experience, and enjoy the rest of your time here.

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Even successful hair dressing businesses don't turn over big bucks, once all the overheads, wages etc have been paid. It's mainly subsisitance living - most don't charge enough to make good money.

There's many a budding hairdresser that's ended up in a bar, as there wasn't enough for offspring and family back home.

It's dangerous to generalise, but there's more than one profession from which to ensnare a farang ATM, especially in Pattaya, and hairdressing would be pretty high on that list.

Write it off to experience, and enjoy the rest of your time here.

Yes - bar/salon, a lot bounce back/forth.

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Even successful hair dressing businesses don't turn over big bucks, once all the overheads, wages etc have been paid. It's mainly subsisitance living - most don't charge enough to make good money.

Yes they certainly do not make much money cutting my hair! :o

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It's not about paying for sex. In Thai culture, the person with the money is expected to pay and be generous. You are expected to help take care of the family of your girlfriend. Thai men with money in the same position would do so. That's just the way things are in Thailand. If you don't do it, while a girlfriend may not say anything, she will not be happy and will think you are stingy.

So how generous are you expected to be?

If I had a regular non bar girl I would not mind helping her out, after all you pay for it one way or another, hey!

I suppose they all want looking after, just don't be taken for a fool.

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Had a similar experience once in Patpong in one of the infamous hair dressing saloons where I went for a "special" haircut. Ended up with her giving me her everlasting love. I gave it, naturally. Funny thing was, as soon as I declared my "everlasting" love for her, perhaps 2 seconds later, she burped up that her old lung (uncle) had terminal cancer and had to go for urgent treatment abroad and that I was a heaven sent angel of mercy who could save the old lung if I chipped up the measly sum of 80000 Bht. Sweet mouth that I am I quickly promised her the sum, told her that I'd go get the cash at the atm around the corner. Told her to wait for me. She told me she'd wait for me "for ever". Poor little thing, she's probably still standing there with her outstretched hand and round innocent eyes waiting for the handsome man that gave her a bit of her own medicine. :o

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I went the company route and the lawyer reckons it will cost 15,000baht a year to show that the company is trading, i.e. " creative accounting " btw still seeing the haidresser :D

hope shes not on your company otherwise good bye home :o

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I know Thai logic is different and it equates to " in through the out door " to me.

I have been going out with this thai lady ( 36 years old two kids boy of 14 and daughter 2 1/2 ). She runs her own hairdressers up Naklua way and I've been seeing her off and on for nearly a month now and told her she must take Monday's off so we can a have a day out ( touristy things ) which she did and we do. This morning she went to open up shop and I went to book a flight to Chaingmai ( going alone ) until Sunday. Oh forgot to mention her english is non existent and my thai very limited ( ok for bar lady talk ) so the book turns into the essential tool.

So I thought I'd shoot up to the hairdressing salon to explain that I'll be away until Sunday and that she should come to my place after her work on Sunday night and we'll have dinner. As it happens her younger sister was at the salon chatting and she speaks very good english ( married to an american commercial pilot ) and I was frankly quite astounded when she she said Paylor ( name of g/f ) was wondering when I was going to give her some money for her baby. " pardon " was my reply : sister " yes you have to give her some money to send to her baby " me " I'm not in the habit of paying for the upkeep of other men's babies " sister " well you have been boom boom her for a long time now " me " well I didn't know hairdressers were in the same catagory as bar ladies ( I really was giving them up but after this probaly not ) and if I did I would have chosen a younger one " anyway this discussion went on for awhile and I thought b@ll@cks can't be doing with this so I got a baht bus and came back to my apartment. 10 minutes Paylor pitches up I've come to get my kit, ok and here's 4000baht to be getting on with. Declined the money at first then thought better and took it. Then it was all "I love you I care you " tears and me ok I'll phone you when I get back. Yeah right. Now, every time we made love was she thinking is it pay day ? ( Ignoring the fact I bought her an expensive watch, no not from one of the street hawkers and a dear shoulder bag ) and do they EVER buy you a beer even when running a lucrative business? ( she has on average 15 clients a day ).

'Nuff said . I'm going back to UK 19th April having bought myself a little house out side Pattaya and when I come back in December it's back to the go gos and beer bars for me.

This is a very normal request if you're seeing someone with children. You take the package as you find it. if you don't want to confronted with this request again, I suggest you limit your dating to women who have never had children. You'll be limiting yourself quite a lot however.

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I think pretty much anywhere in the world, if a guy gets together with a woman who has kids, it's pretty much understood that he'll help her out with them.

You've been together with a woman who has two kids for a month and hadn't given her any money before that day?

And now you're complaining because she asked you for money the first time after one month?

I'm sorry, but you really take the cake.

I can't imagine myself going with a woman for a month and not offering to help her out at least a little.

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Just recently befriended a guy in the Uk in his sixties. He has a thai wife who used to have her own hairdressing shop near to Pattaya.He married her and brought her and her two kids to England. Since then he had paid for her house to be built ( around £7000 excluding the land) her family were the builders :o A shed that sould have cost no more than 300,000 baht!

He speaks no Thai and I was shocked when she spoke thai to me and in front of him bragged about how much money she was ripping him off for and how much she now has in the bank and invested in land(but do not tell him Paul)

She made it perfectly obvious that she was available for a quick romp whenever I wanted and when I did not take her up on the offer she then took a local mechanic for her bit on the side.

Thai wife or any other nationality---if they view you as only a meal-ticket you have nothing of any worth and would really be better off renting if sex is that important to you!

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I think pretty much anywhere in the world, if a guy gets together with a woman who has kids, it's pretty much understood that he'll help her out with them.

You've been together with a woman who has two kids for a month and hadn't given her any money before that day?

And now you're complaining because she asked you for money the first time after one month?

I'm sorry, but you really take the cake.

I can't imagine myself going with a woman for a month and not offering to help her out at least a little.

Not after one month! If and when you move in with them, that's different.

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My Thai girlfriend has a 10 year old son. We have been together for over 1 1/2 years. She has NEVER asked me for money. In fact, every time I have offered, she has refused to accept it. On the day I leave I usually wait until she is in the shower and slip some money into her wallet. She doesn't usually find it until I have left the country.

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I think pretty much anywhere in the world, if a guy gets together with a woman who has kids, it's pretty much understood that he'll help her out with them.

You've been together with a woman who has two kids for a month and hadn't given her any money before that day?

And now you're complaining because she asked you for money the first time after one month?

I'm sorry, but you really take the cake.

I can't imagine myself going with a woman for a month and not offering to help her out at least a little.

Not after one month! If and when you move in with them, that's different.

I see where you're coming from.

But I still can't see myself ging with a woman for that long without helpng her out.

You know, finding little excuses to give her money so it's not obvious P4P.

"tip for you" "here, buy yourself something nice" "here, get a gift for your baby" "here, a little something to help you out" etc.

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