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High-spirited Thailand Holidaymakers Sometimes Pay Dearly


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Overall, however, tour operators regard Thailand a safe destination, especially its traditional resorts.

Of course they do. There's money to be made. Tour operators can say its safe because of a relatively low body count, fair enough. But what about the complete failure of Thailand to publish any statistics on crime rates against tourists? And do you honestly think those would be honest and accurate numbers?

Is or are there countries which publish honest and accurate statistics on crime rates against tourists?anf if,why do you believe they are honest and accurate?

Right on the money, a lot of changes would have to take place for Thailand especially Phuket, Pattaya, Koh Samui, and Phang Gna, and other high tourist destinations, before there could be accurate reporting. A first step would be a police force that isin't intimidated (bribed???) by the mafia, or local gangs.


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A 3x4 feet drain cover has been missing for 2 days near here, right on an unlit corner and you know how Thais love to cut corners when driving, be it motorcycle or car. Has anyone bothered doing anything about it? Nope. "I,m moving forward , therefore I can't see it anymore and it's no longer my problem". :o

I just rode by , stopped and at least stuck a wooden pole with a plastic bag in it.

A few years ago in Savannaket there was a giant hole in the middle of the road. Me and a friend walked up and looked into it to see a 4ft x 4ft sign laying in the bottem which said, "Warning, Hole!" Ive been laghing about that one ever since. I couldnt begin to say how many dangers Ive seen on the roads here where pipes have caved in and roads have just washed away. All I can say is, if you see tree limbs on the road, hit the breaks, there is danger ahead.

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