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British lawmakers defy May to reject no-deal Brexit, to vote on three-month delay


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33 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:

Corbyn has indeed added a totally new depth of meaning to the word useless, inadequate no longer suffices. The competent Blackford should take some exercise, he is beginning to resemble a roly poly pudding. (God knows how you spell it).

Meilie Pudding?

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34 minutes ago, bomber said:

she is long gone and wont ever be replaced,your now stuck with people who couldnrt run a bath,and your sovereignty dream wont even happen,but you will have a miss mash of idiots to worship,enjoy

Wasn't that exactly my point?

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2 hours ago, tomacht8 said:

I have nothing against a Brexit as long as a clearly formulated advantage is apparent.

Unfortunately, you only hear slogans.

Brexit would have a lot more chances if clear advantages were presented comprehensibly. 

But after 2.5 years the air gets thin.

OK. The Brexiteers want to have their sovereignty again. 

But what does that mean in concrete terms?

Would like to know what should improve there in the next 5 years.

For the hard right of the Tory party it has been all about politics of internal destruction and confusion, to cause as much havoc as they can within their own party and for one of them to take control over it. 


Brexit was a useful tool in this process. A bit like trump I don’t think they planned on winning, but yet here they are. 


To the extent they care about where their country ends up, I doubt they think very much about it.


These same types are usually very well off to begin with and subscribe to the ethos of survival of the fittest. They have the firm belief that it will work out anyway - and as such, no planning is really necessary. 

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1 hour ago, evadgib said:

Any other Govt watching us & hoping to follow should learn by this ballsup and leave the week after their mandate to do so is confirmed & keep both hands on their finances until Barnier & co are brought to heel.


Imagine how different this would've been under Thatcher!


It wouldn't have happened under Thatcher.  She would never have been naïve enough to give the public a referendum.  


I suspect that any other countries in the EU wouldn't ever get themselves into this situation either.  They would negotiate first, find out what was at stake and not rely on if's and maybes.  Pity the UK weren't as savvy! 

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Amendments flying around left right & center...


Looks like TM is trying to deflect the Indicative vote one which will give MP's control of Brexit with an offer of they can have it if her deal is defeated again next week...   


I have not heard but to me the most important thing if tonight's motion is carried and we can not get an extension then the government must be mandated to revoke article 50 before it runs out. 

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3 minutes ago, Basil B said:

Amendments flying around left right & center...


Looks like TM is trying to deflect the Indicative vote one which will give MP's control of Brexit with an offer of they can have it if her deal is defeated again next week...   


I have not heard but to me the most important thing if tonight's motion is carried and we can not get an extension then the government must be mandated to revoke article 50 before it runs out. 

The length of the extension will be crucial if they vote for it.

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See Trump is sticking his nose in again...


Speaking to reporters at the White House ahead of his meeting with Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar, the US president said he did not think a new Brexit referendum would be "possible" as it would be "unfair to people who have won".

He said the issue of Brexit was a "very complex thing right now, it's tearing a country apart, it's actually tearing a lot of countries apart and it's a shame it has to be that way..."

Mr Trump added. "I'm surprised at how badly it has all gone from a standpoint of negotiations but I gave the prime minister my ideas of how to negotiate it, she didn't listen to that and that's fine but it could have been negotiated in a different manner."

What any intelligent person will know when Trump speaks he speaks for his interests.

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13 hours ago, joecoolfrog said:

A general election would lead to another hung parliament so would achieve nothing.

It would achieve a lot. It would give the electorate the opportunity to kick out or keep in those MPs who have chosen to ignore their constituents in the referendum result. The New Independent party MP's for one.

It also has the possibility of MP's actually doing what they should be if reelected. A wake up call for many.

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14 hours ago, Grouse said:

I don't give a damn what you call it.

I assure you neither do I.


14 hours ago, Grouse said:

All this I want I want extreme Brexit is for the birds

There you go again adding words to what the leave campaign was all about but remainers now water it down or put adjectives on the end, for justification.


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Still not good but at least not another referendum, for now.




Finally an MP who listens to her constituents, as she should.



Probably guaranteed her victory at the next GE. Shame on the rest.

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please continue:


British lawmakers overwhelmingly back Brexit delay

By Elizabeth Piper, Kylie MacLellan and William James


LONDON (Reuters) - British lawmakers voted overwhelmingly on Thursday to seek a delay in Britain's exit from the European Union, setting the stage for Prime Minister Theresa May to renew efforts to get her divorce deal approved by parliament next week.


Full story: https://forum.thaivisa.com/topic/1089499-british-lawmakers-overwhelmingly-back brexit delay/




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