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SURVEY: Should citizens be required to vote?


SURVEY: Should citizens be required to vote?  

89 members have voted

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39 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:



Back to Brexit for you..


You do rather well there.Otherwise,throughout the forum you are a complete non event.

If you mention that you'll have all sorts of knob-heads turning up!






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7 hours ago, Pilotman said:

The trouble with compulsory voting is the choice that you have, or in my case don't have.  I am from UK and the politicians there, as in most places in the World,  are universally a bunch of arrogant, self serving, opinionated, pompous idiots, that BREXIT has shown to be cloth eared and dim. I have been disenfranchised by them, as none of them are worth my vote.  Forcing me to vote won't change that situation.  Goodness knows what would, beyond a complete clear out, ban formal parties and start 

My view is that anybody who doesn't vote , has no right to complain about the results.

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11 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

one should add a voice to how that country functions

By voting for one of the two or three people who got on the ballot through a dubious process and choosing one about whom one knows nothing aside from what their PR people manufacture and feed you? 





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I voted yes, but it should be simplified with a mail-in/e-mail/SMS/website system, No travel and waiting for hours, also, it should always have an option for voting "none of the candidates are worthy"

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10 hours ago, Pilotman said:

The trouble with compulsory voting is the choice that you have, or in my case don't have.  I am from UK and the politicians there, as in most places in the World,  are universally a bunch of arrogant, self serving, opinionated, pompous idiots, that BREXIT has shown to be cloth eared and dim. I have been disenfranchised by them, as none of them are worth my vote.  Forcing me to vote won't change that situation.  Goodness knows what would, beyond a complete clear out, ban formal parties and start again.    

A vote no box (as Thailand has!) May go some way to resolving that?

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25 minutes ago, Pilotman said:

I thought:


'None of the above morons'? 

Hmm, expresses your opinion!


What I rather like about the Thai system is (in theory) that if more people vote no than for any of the candidates then the election for that seat has to be rerun, with fresh candidates. Of course I am sure that Thai politics being the open sewer it is there will be a work around, but, as I said, in theory a good idea.

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  Why vote?

 The British in 2016 voted by a majority, in the largest turnout in the countries history, to leave the E.U.

 Now our representatives in the House of Commons, have decided they know better then the citizens. And have now overturned our vote.

  So again, why vote.






Edited by Thairealist
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7 hours ago, Suradit69 said:

By voting for one of the two or three people who got on the ballot through a dubious process and choosing one about whom one knows nothing aside from what their PR people manufacture and feed you? 






And the alternative is. 

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7 hours ago, Thairealist said:


And the alternative is. 

There isn't one, that's the frustration of it. The only people who should never be politicians are the very people who stand as candidates. 

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14 hours ago, Thairealist said:


And the alternative is. 

Benign absolute monarchy. 


Why should there be some alternative? People have managed to screw up every form of government.


My favorite type was in the UAE, but the absence of " popular" public  political noise would probably bother many of the unwashed masses. I found that to be one its most attractive design feature. Party politics are a waste of resources and just diminish  any value government might produce.

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