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Labour's Corbyn says Theresa May has not moved enough on Brexit


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Google knows everything, so… search with "brexit divorce bill", and you have enough to read. Pity many British did not do that before the referendum.

Whatever conclusion will be made, many British will hate the deal. Only one solution: let them enjoy a 1 -2 years outside the EU. Not: words, or even facts on paper, but.. own experience.

After that, file a re-entry paper, accept no privileges, Schengen €uro and right lane traffic, or.. enjoy all benefits 

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4 minutes ago, puipuitom said:

Google knows everything, so… search with "brexit divorce bill", and you have enough to read. Pity many British did not do that before the referendum.


Whatever conclusion will be made, many British will hate the deal. Only one solution: let them enjoy a 1 -2 years outside the EU. Not: words, or even facts on paper, but.. own experience.


After that, file a re-entry paper, accept no privileges, Schengen €uro and right lane traffic, or.. enjoy all benefits 


Why does Europe want the UK in the E.U ?

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9 hours ago, ROGER DUNN said:


May Has Destroyed the UK,Made The Country a Laughing Stock And Has killed Democracy 

May has wiped the floor repeatedly with all those complete gutless khunts that occupy the benches beside and behind her,they are the embarrassment,she,s got more balls than most of the "women" that work in Soi Buakhao. 

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4 minutes ago, keithsimmonds said:

May has wiped the floor repeatedly with all those complete gutless khunts that occupy the benches beside and behind her,they are the embarrassment,she,s got more balls than most of the "women" that work in Soi Buakhao. 

Yes but her balls shrunk over the last week and she now looks at her own pitiful legacy before standing down Cameronesque style.

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7 hours ago, sanemax said:

So, where is that deal ?

Why didnt it go through and get signed by all involved ?

May has been trying to get Parliament to approve it since last November!


She's failed because the DUP don't like the backstop, the ERG vote against it because it's not their deal, as do Labour.


Do try and keep up!

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2 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

May has been trying to get Parliament to approve it since last November!


She's failed because the DUP don't like the backstop, the ERG vote against it because it's not their deal, as do Labour.


Do try and keep up!

Its you who needs to keep up with the discussion :

You specifically asked TV posters why they didnt support the deal that May proposed and  why we were hostile to the Government and I made the point that the "deal" hasnt happened and that was the reason as to why people were hostile to the Government .

   It wasnt because of the terms you posted , it was because the Politicans voted against those terms .

   So, you try to keep up with the discussion .

   I didnt mean it as a literal question ????

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10 hours ago, rocketman777 said:

Apart from the fact it is not a deal but an agreement to work out a deal over the next further 2 years, it means paying the EU £39 billion for this crap.


The UK is the EU’s second largest single export market for goods ( The USA is slightly larger) The negative Trade Balance with the EU has grown steadily larger over the past 20 Years




UK has a negative trade balance with all EU countries except Denmark, Luxembourg , Sweden and Ireland.

The surpluses with these are comparatively negligible


  By far the biggest trade deficit is with Germany See attachment And the EU want us , and our politicians are willing to pay £39 billion for to keep this arrangement.


The British people should be totally outraged and out on the streets


 and with what would you replace it? 



WTO rules with trade traffics against many of these EU imported products. So that the UK can start again producing these products themselves and cease this drain on the economy that has impoverished two thirds of the population.

Over a million families in the North of England are dependent on food banks, despite the fact that many are working but with subsistence wages





not sure what youve been smoking but there are NOT a over a million families in the north of england reliant on food banks,i live there and ive never seen one or heard of anyone needing to use one,i did know people who needed them during the miners strike but never since,iam sure though if i followed the smelliest bulldog tattoed,rolly smoking,scrounger out of spoonies at 1730 he/she would lead me to a one via the betting shop.usual labour voting banter "we should start producing" wake up man the UK cannot start producing everything,the world has changed from the one you grew up in the 50s and 60s as my dad told me as a kid there is nothing great about Britain anymore,your dreams have got the better of you mr rocketman.

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56 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

Thank you; an actual answer rather than a mere repeating of slogans.


It is a deal, which will be implemented over the next two years so that the effects on British industry, agriculture etc. can be phased in without causing the damage a sudden change would cause.


The £39 billion is not to pay for the deal, it is to cover monies already committed. This includes the generous lump sum severance payments to our MEPs plus their generous pensions when they reach 65. None of those who have been shouting the loudest about paying this £39 billion, Farage and UKIP MEPS, have volunteered to forgo their payments. The opposite, in fact; Farage in particular basically waving two fingers at the British tax payer whilst confirming he'll be trousering the cash. 


Yes, we do buy more from the EU than they sell to us; but to replace May's deal, or any deal with

is missing a vital point. Most of our manufacturing has not moved to other EU countries; it has moved to the Sub Continent, China and South East Asia. Leaving the EU wont stop that, wont bring those jobs back to the UK Just ask Brexit supporter Dyson, who moved most of his manufacturing to Malaysia why that is so and if he intends to bring that manufacturing back to the UK after Brexit! 


That is the claim; but is it true? No, not for just the North of England, it is the figure for the whole of the UK. Food bank use in UK reaches highest rate on record as benefits fail to cover basic costs.


But as that article says, whilst some people are having to use food banks due to low wages, most are forced to do so due to low state benefits.


These benefits are set by the UK government; leaving the EU, deal or no deal, will have zero effect.


Back to the WTO and joining Mauritania to become only the second member country to trade purely on WTO terms; how any one can seriously consider that an option is beyond me. If trading purely on WTO terms is so beneficial, why is only one country in the world doing it?



"For those of you not familiar with Mauritania, it’s GDP is $4,714million (0.2% of the UK’s), 50% of its exports consist of Iron Ore, and between 1% and 17% of the population still live in slavery."



Every other WTO member has trade agreements with it's most common trading partners; especially those who are also near neighbours. We'd be stupid beyond belief not to do the same.

a trade deal with mauratania has to be struck at all costs to add to the faroe islands,chile,and palastine,snooze we lose,that piece of cake is just getting bigger and bigger,just watch Great Britain rise from the ashes to dominate the world again,in 20 years time we will look back and think if it werent for rocketman where would we be.

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12 hours ago, sanemax said:

Its you who needs to keep up with the discussion :

You specifically asked TV posters why they didnt support the deal that May proposed and  why we were hostile to the Government and I made the point that the "deal" hasnt happened and that was the reason as to why people were hostile to the Government .

   It wasnt because of the terms you posted , it was because the Politicans voted against those terms .

   So, you try to keep up with the discussion .

   I didnt mean it as a literal question ????

What I actually asked was 


23 hours ago, 7by7 said:

May's deal means that we:-

Leave the customs union

Leave the single market

Leave the freedom of movement directive

Leave the common agricultural policy

Leave the common fisheries policy

Leave the jurisdiction of the ECJ.


So, I ask all you who have criticised and insulted May and her deal, called her incompetent and the EU's puppet; what don't you like about that, and with what would you replace it?

Most Brexiteer posters were against May's deal from the day it was announced, long before Parliament rejected it. Are you now saying that you were not among them, that you approve of May's deal? Last time I asked, you said that you couldn't be bothered to read even any of the summaries of it!


You asked 

19 hours ago, sanemax said:

So, where is that deal ?

Why didnt it go through and get signed by all involved ?

I replied


12 hours ago, 7by7 said:

May has been trying to get Parliament to approve it since last November!


She's failed because the DUP don't like the backstop, the ERG vote against it because it's not their deal, as do Labour.


Do try and keep up!


Which is where May's deal currently is; stuck in Parliament.


Which is why May's deal has not been signed yet by anyone.


Which are the answers to your questions; rhetorical or not.

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21 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


But please, how do you think leaving the EU is going to improve low wages and how are we suddenly going to produce things again? Who is going to make this all happen and how?

The UK government needs to start spending money directly into the economy by infrastructure projects, nationalization of essential services , electricity, rail travel, water etc. Theses services should not be run for profit  by private corporations. 

Commercial banks need to be directed into lending to small and medium size businesses , particularly manufacturing.  As this will be difficult to achieve as the UK Banking sector is dominated by 5 overly large banks that are only interested to loan (Money create) for housing and large corporations. Over 80% of Bank 'lending' in the UK is for mortgages creating ever increasing house prices (and rent) that make the UK noncompetitive in the world due to corespondent need to pay high wages. Furthermore , the large corporations are borrowing money from the banks for the past 10 years not for investment in their core business, but for share buy backs. Thereby artificially boosting the share prices and the CEO's bonuses.


Therefore, to achieve this the UK need to get directly involved in the Bank business, setting up multiply regional peoples banks and providing interest free 'loans' again for  SME's and entrepreneurial projects. At the same time legislation needs to be passed preventing commercial banks from creating money through debt.


Also a negative tax rate system (Milton Friedman) that would put spending power into the pockets of the poor whilst not discouraging working.


Well that's a start , but just a pipe dream as there would be so much resistance from the elites it will need a catastrophic economic collapse to occur before the status quo will be overturned.







Edited by rocketman777
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12 hours ago, bomber said:

not sure what youve been smoking but there are NOT a over a million families in the north of england reliant on food banks,i live there and ive never seen one or heard of anyone needing to use one,i did know people who needed them during the miners strike but never since,iam sure though if i followed the smelliest bulldog tattoed,rolly smoking,scrounger out of spoonies at 1730 he/she would lead me to a one via the betting shop.usual labour voting banter "we should start producing" wake up man the UK cannot start producing everything,the world has changed from the one you grew up in the 50s and 60s as my dad told me as a kid there is nothing great about Britain anymore,your dreams have got the better of you mr rocketman.

Four million British workers live in poverty, charity say

Number of workers entering poverty rising faster than employment, says Joseph Rowntree Foundation


The number of uses of Trussell Trust food banks has increased over this period from 41,000 to 1.2 million, but we don’t know how many individual people use food banks in total. The Trust estimates it had 560,000 users in 2016/17, but this won’t reflect the total number of people using food banks in the UK.




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49 minutes ago, rocketman777 said:

Four million British workers live in poverty, charity say

Number of workers entering poverty rising faster than employment, says Joseph Rowntree Foundation


The number of uses of Trussell Trust food banks has increased over this period from 41,000 to 1.2 million, but we don’t know how many individual people use food banks in total. The Trust estimates it had 560,000 users in 2016/17, but this won’t reflect the total number of people using food banks in the UK.




Food banks are where the druggies and alcoholic wasters go to dine...min wage is £8.20 per hour,nobody is starving,wake up for gods sake

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2 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Please go away with your 'poor people are scum' agenda.


Not even remainers like your posts.

Sorry to disappoint you but there is no way anyone is starving in the UK today,your sob stories get no sympathy of bomber,pathetic moaners ready to defend the lazy alcoholic druggies at the drop of a hat...these people have bankrupt the UK and all folks can do is feel sorry for them or blame the EU...open your eyes

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