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Bride Price (dowry)for Second Time Marriage ?

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Of course this is all true, why should I make up a story like this.  <_<

I doubt it because I am a Thai woman, my dear. So, I can tell you it doesn't make any sense. To show 1m THB dowry at the wedding, the bride has to be : young, never been married, no kids, etc. You do the math. I start to feel rather weird discussing bride price.

Ignore him Cutie. He is a cultural babe in the woods. Not a skerrick of knowledge about Thai culture ( or is it Kulture for a Dane :o )

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I have a girlfriend from Chiang Rai, we want to marry, and now she informs me, that her parents want 1 million Baht bride price at the wedding ceremony.

After the ceremony I will immmediately get back 700.000 Baht, so according to this it will be 300.000 Baht to pay.

She has been married before and had two children in that marriage, she is 37 years old.

Should there be any bride price at all regarding, that this is her second marriage  ??? :o

I have also heard no sinsot for second marriage.

The million baht is also a crazy amount. Many guys fork over 20,000 - 50,000 baht and high numbers I have heard are 100 - 300,000. 1MM is real money in Chiang Rai.

Be creative: mai mii hai mai dai

Recommend you slow this convoy down partner.

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I have a girlfriend from Chiang Rai, we want to marry, and now she informs me, that her parents want 1 million Baht bride price at the wedding ceremony.

After the ceremony I will immmediately get back 700.000 Baht, so according to this it will be 300.000 Baht to pay.

She has been married before and had two children in that marriage, she is 37 years old.

Should there be any bride price at all regarding, that this is her second marriage  ??? :o

I have also heard no sinsot for second marriage.

The million baht is also a crazy amount. Many guys fork over 20,000 - 50,000 baht and high numbers I have heard are 100 - 300,000. 1MM is real money in Chiang Rai.

Be creative: mai mii hai mai dai

Recommend you slow this convoy down partner.

Stop the train I wanna get off :D

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I have also heard no sinsot for second marriage.

The million baht is also a crazy amount. Many guys fork over 20,000 - 50,000 baht and high numbers I have heard are 100 - 300,000. 1MM is real money in Chiang Rai.

Be creative: mai mii hai mai dai

Recommend you slow this convoy down partner.

I have done that already, actually not only slowing down the convoy, I stopped it completely.

I received many good answers to my question, and two days ago I sent her an E-mail, telling: no money.

She was not very pleased about that, but nothing to do about that.

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Of course this is all true, why should I make up a story like this.  :D

I doubt it because I am a Thai woman, my dear. So, I can tell you it doesn't make any sense. To show 1m THB dowry at the wedding, the bride has to be : young, never been married, no kids, etc. You do the math. I start to feel rather weird discussing bride price.

Ignore him Cutie. He is a cultural babe in the woods. Not a skerrick of knowledge about Thai culture ( or is it Kulture for a Dane :o )

Dr. Pat Pong,

English is not my native language, so that may explain, why I don't quite understand your remarks: " cultural babe in the woods "

( the word " skerrick " I can't find in my dictionary)

But if You mean, that I don't know much about thai culture, you are right.

That's why I started this topic. :D

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Yes. That was what I meant. No offense. Skerrick means very very little of something. The word should be there in any good dictionary.

I think your decision about the money is a wise one, and it is obviously well supported by a majority of commentators on the thread. :o

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I assume from have a very good sense of humour.

your name that English may not be your first language?

Davethailand in NO WAY was making comments about Thai Ladies, Thailand or anything else really.

The STABLE and HORSES connect to make a joke.

I understood it . How come you did not.

Your post in reply was very intersting reading but hardly typical i am afraid. Read the statistices.

And an apology to DaveT may be in order.

I do believe he is married to a Thai girl after all!!


Englisn people

Good afternoon,

Sure, English is NOT my native language, except for some technical talks and for this Thai Forum, otherwise I rarely use it. I think, it is language No. 4... out of 6.


Depending on your mood or what you call very good sense of humour you might find such jokes or remarks funny, but there are for sure people, me included, who are thinking different about it.

To compare stability (=stable) with an animal stable (not any stable is for animals by the way) and to compare not so young women, 30+, who work for their own money and solve their own problems, as smelling horses or horse crap, which some men do not like to accept anymore.......such jokes might be terrible funny for you, but others might not like such a comparison

maybe not all men want a girlfriend that smells of horse crap when she comes home from work

Maybe he had different intentions, bar-talk in Pattaya is different from serious talking - but reading the related postings several times, I do not find any other conclusion or meaning out of it. Sorry -


You wrote:

Your post in reply was very intersting reading but hardly typical i am afraid. Read the statistices.

Can you explain this to me? What statistics, and what is not typical? I really like to know that....I have no idea.

Thank you!


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English is not my native language, so that may explain, why I don't quite understand your remarks: " cultural babe in the woods "

( the word " skerrick " I can't find in my dictionary)

But if You mean, that I don't know much about thai culture, you are right.

That's why I started this topic.

I am not a native speaker of English, the word SKERRICK I never heard in my life, and it is not in any of my dictionaries.

Also not in the database of the German-English-German dictionary (LEO) in the internet. In our office, nobody is an English native speaker, and nobody of our staff heard that word before.

I made some search to find the meaning:

The word skerrick means “a small amount; a small fragment; the slightest bit”. It’s use is almost always negative: we might easily say that we don’t have a skerrick of something, but it would unusual to say that we do have a skerrick – unusual, but not entirely unknown, as in “How much is left?” – “Just a skerrick”. Skerrick is one of those words that began life as a British dialect word, came to Australia with the early settlers, and survived here in colloquial Australian English while fading out of existence in the land of its birth. It’s recorded in Australia as early as 1854 (in a book called Gallops and Gossips) in the statement: “I have plenty of tobacco, but not a skerrick of tea or sugar” (which is, clearly, the modern sense of the word). So, where did the word come from? The 1823 edition of Grose’s Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue records the word “scurrick” which is said to be thieves’ cant for a half-penny (it’s recorded in the same sense, in the same year, in a Dictionary of Turf by “Jon Bee”). And this word “scuddick” is sometimes recorded as “scuttick” and sometimes as “skiddick” so it is probably the origin of “skerrick” – especially as the meaning seems to match: a half-penny being “a small amount”.

Is this word in use now only by Australians?

Sample of Australian English about the meaning of

Skerrick - Strine for a small amount.

Congratulations on your bonzer comments re gender. You have more than a skerrick of nous. It's about time the feminist lobby was exposed. Too many politicians, especially those greenies, are "two kangaroos short in the top paddock", "two Falcons short in the top carpark", "a couple of snags short of a barbie", and "two raspberries short of a punnet", plus being "a couple of tinnies short of a six pack" and that is pretty short, almost as short as Gerry Bates!!!

Letter to Hon. Mr Shulze MP, as read by Mr Shulze in Parliamant, Tasmanian Hansard, 21 October 1997 - Part 2

Since the election campaign in July 1995, the previous Labor Government had eight months in which to do something about the program they took to the people. During those eight months, not one skerrick of work.


Australian English is not an easy language!


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I assume from have a very good sense of humour.

your name that English may not be your first language?

Davethailand in NO WAY was making comments about Thai Ladies, Thailand or anything else really.

The STABLE and HORSES connect to make a joke.

I understood it . How come you did not.

Your post in reply was very intersting reading but hardly typical i am afraid. Read the statistices.

And an apology to DaveT may be in order.

I do believe he is married to a Thai girl after all!!


Englisn people

Good afternoon,

Sure, English is NOT my native language, except for some technical talks and for this Thai Forum, otherwise I rarely use it. I think, it is language No. 4... out of 6.


Depending on your mood or what you call very good sense of humour you might find such jokes or remarks funny, but there are for sure people, me included, who are thinking different about it.

To compare stability (=stable) with an animal stable (not any stable is for animals by the way) and to compare not so young women, 30+, who work for their own money and solve their own problems, as smelling horses or horse crap, which some men do not like to accept anymore.......such jokes might be terrible funny for you, but others might not like such a comparison

maybe not all men want a girlfriend that smells of horse crap when she comes home from work

Maybe he had different intentions, bar-talk in Pattaya is different from serious talking - but reading the related postings several times, I do not find any other conclusion or meaning out of it. Sorry -


You wrote:

Your post in reply was very intersting reading but hardly typical i am afraid. Read the statistices.

Can you explain this to me? What statistics, and what is not typical? I really like to know that....I have no idea.

Thank you!


Blimey Yohan,

the sentance was a joke, it was no way meant to describe thai women, my wife is a 30 year old thai girl, even cutethaigirl got it,

are you suggesting that because i live in pattaya i'm the type of person that props up bars talking shiht?

read my earlier posts and you will see that you have got me all wrong.

you are most definatly too serious and uptight, relax :o

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have you only corresponded to this lady via the internet and telephone?

maybe by living in thailand you will be able to understand things here a bit better before you take the step to marry a thai lady again, even an extended holiday spending time outside bangkok and other tourist areas.

yohan..I am sure dave had no intention of being offensive to thai ladies... if he had intended to offend I reckon(aussie slang) he would have spelt it out very clearly.

understanding strine is helpful if you intend to venture out from the cities in straylya.

it allows you to easily order a beer from the bar at the pub.


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have you only corresponded to this lady via the internet and telephone?

maybe by living in thailand you will be able to understand things here a bit better before you take the step to marry a thai lady again, even an extended holiday spending time outside bangkok and other tourist areas.

No, I met her some months ago on a holiday in Thailand.

I am sure you are right about living in Thailand for some time, and I'd love to do just that. I'm thinking of asking my manager at work if I can have an extra holiday, about 3 months in the autumn, stay in Thailand and be able to learn more about the culture and maybe meet an nice woman, that don't need a million baht.

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Skerrick means very very little of something. The word should be there in any good dictionary.

Its in my "Concise Macquarie Dictionary"

skerrick /'skerik/, n. a very small quantity. a scrap

A quick "google" found two quotes from Australian polititions.

Congratulations on your bonzer comments re gender. You have more than a skerrick of nous. It's about time the feminist lobby was exposed. Too many politicians, especially those greenies, are "two kangaroos short in the top paddock", "two Falcons short in the top carpark", "a couple of snags short of a barbie", and "two raspberries short of a punnet", plus being "a couple of tinnies short of a six pack" and that is pretty short, almost as short as Gerry Bates!!!
Letter to Hon. Mr Shulze MP, as read by Mr Shulze in Parliamant, Tasmanian Hansard, 21 October 1997


Since the election campaign in July 1995, the previous Labor Government had eight months in which to do something about the program they took to the people. During those eight months, not one skerrick of work.

Hon Mr Quinn, Qld Legislative Assembly Hansard, 28 November 1996

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There is no problem paying for the celebration(piss up,drunken party)

but it is the same no matter what part of the planet you come from.

there is on average an 18 year attachement to the outlaws.....

and believe a similar percentage as your home country are dickheads..

there is no problem with cynicism...it is most probably closer to reality than optimism...

look first...you might find yourself sorted


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Skerrick means very very little of something. The word should be there in any good dictionary.

Its in my "Concise Macquarie Dictionary"

Exactly what I posted:

Macquarie is also an Australian English Dictionary....


seems to be used only in Australia/New Zealand...

and nowhere else....


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Of course a little bit off topic! :o

Being a member of the OFCS (old farts chat show) I frequently use my dictionary to translate (difficult,unknown) english words.

Also I had to look for the meaning of skerrick and to be honest it is mentioned in THE biggest existing English/Dutch dictionay "Van Dale."

No use to write the dutch word here,but NO negative meaning.

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Of course a little bit off topic! :o

Being a member of the OFCS (old farts chat show) I frequently use my dictionary to translate (difficult,unknown) english words.

Also I had to look for the meaning of skerrick and to be honest it is mentioned in THE biggest existing English/Dutch dictionay "Van Dale."

No use to write the dutch word here,but NO negative meaning.

I think we keep you fairly busy with that Dictionary Dutch, all in good fun though. :D

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Of course this is all true, why should I make up a story like this.  :D

I doubt it because I am a Thai woman, my dear. So, I can tell you it doesn't make any sense. To show 1m THB dowry at the wedding, the bride has to be : young, never been married, no kids, etc. You do the math. I start to feel rather weird discussing bride price.

Ignore him Cutie. He is a cultural babe in the woods. Not a skerrick of knowledge about Thai culture ( or is it Kulture for a Dane :o )

For a million Baht I would be looking for a pure virgin, a girl never touched by a human hand.

As this would be almost impossible to find (unless you wait outside the pre-school gates) forget it.

Even 300,000 Baht (the net figure) is way over the top for someone who is 37 and definitely "shop soiled"

If you are ###### bent on proceeding with your mission you are looking down the barrel of a life of sheer misery with a money grabbing family of low life's.

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