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Does Your Thai Gf/wife Over Order At Restaurants?


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It's a national pastime and also a 'face' thing... '..hey look, i've got money to throw away..!'

For this reason i don't take her to restaurants anymore, she's permanently chained to the kitchen work top where i throw her a few scraps every evening

'that'll teach ya...'

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It's a national pastime and also a 'face' thing... '..hey look, i've got money to throw away..!'

For this reason i don't take her to restaurants anymore, she's permanently chained to the kitchen work top where i throw her a few scraps every evening

'that'll teach ya...'

Good thinking.

I'll try that.

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I have come to the conclusion that most Thai's live in permanent fear and dread of death by starvation.

Last week I took a party of locals on a shortish trip, and you just would not believe how much food they packed for the journey......

and, of course, every few miles, there was a halt for "personal reasons"....at which all others not relieving themselves.....started eating....voraciously...

The whole trip took about five hours,and after all 'brought' food had been eaten, they then started to buy more at roadside stalls.....during which time, I had not eaten a thing.....to their utter amazement!!

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3-4 dishes (average size) are pretty standard for an Asian meal for two people

When I go to neighborhood Thai diners and I usually see couples ordering 3/4/5 dishes. Granted the servings are small and I could probably eat 4 dishes by myself. It has something to do with liking variety to their meals.

On the other hand, a Thais once asked me why farangs don't like to share. He pointed to two farangs at the next table, one guy was tucking into a big fried fish with a bowl of rice while his buddy was eating his tom yum gung directly from the big bowl.

I told him it was okay to share your food with a woman, but it certainly wasn't "manly" to share food with another guy :o

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It's a national pastime and also a 'face' thing... '..hey look, i've got money to throw away..!'

For this reason i don't take her to restaurants anymore, she's permanently chained to the kitchen work top where i throw her a few scraps every evening

'that'll teach ya...'

And i thought i was the only one who did that, although mine is locked in the cupboard... :o (just kidding) What i do now is make her ask for a doggie bag if we have leftovers. That soon makes them think twice, as the face she gains will soon be lost if she has to ask for that.. Try it, it works..

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It's a national pastime and also a 'face' thing... '..hey look, i've got money to throw away..!'

For this reason i don't take her to restaurants anymore, she's permanently chained to the kitchen work top where i throw her a few scraps every evening

'that'll teach ya...'

And i thought i was the only one who did that, although mine is locked in the cupboard... :o (just kidding) What i do now is make her ask for a doggie bag if we have leftovers. That soon makes them think twice, as the face she gains will soon be lost if she has to ask for that.. Try it, it works..

Not with my lovely it doesn't :D

Shamelessly asks for a doggie bag (box) whenever we eat out!

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3-4 dishes (average size) are pretty standard for an Asian meal for two people

When I go to neighborhood Thai diners and I usually see couples ordering 3/4/5 dishes. Granted the servings are small and I could probably eat 4 dishes by myself. It has something to do with liking variety to their meals.

On the other hand, a Thais once asked me why farangs don't like to share. He pointed to two farangs at the next table, one guy was tucking into a big fried fish with a bowl of rice while his buddy was eating his tom yum gung directly from the big bowl.

I told him it was okay to share your food with a woman, but it certainly wasn't "manly" to share food with another guy :o

i genuinely hope you are taking the piss.

if not, i reckon think you shouldn't put forth your own hangups regarding sexuality as the reason a whole race doesn't share food. I know when i eat thai food, i couldn't care less whether or not the person i am eating has genitalia similar to mine.

and yes my girlfirend does the same. another knack she has in farang restauraunts is ordering what is likely to be the most disappointing dish on the menu. Ie she orders the fish at a german brahaus

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Thai women not only order two tons of food, but they eat it all without gaining an ounce. :o

No complaints here. :D

too true Vic, too true. I only have to look at dish and I put on 2 stone. The missus can eat like a horse (amongst other things) and still stays a slender 85kg (ok 45kg)...

Is a coincidence how we all know the weight of our thai partners, its not like they talk about it everyday right?! 555555


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Why do they do it? Because they can. It all depends on whose money they are spending; my wife has a certain monthly household budget to work with and doesn't order any more than necessary unless I say dinner's on me, in which case the bill will be 500 baht for 4 people instead of 150 baht.

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Thai women not only order two tons of food, but they eat it all without gaining an ounce. :o

No complaints here. :D

too true Vic, too true. I only have to look at dish and I put on 2 stone. The missus can eat like a horse (amongst other things) and still stays a slender 85kg (ok 45kg)...

Is a coincidence how we all know the weight of our thai partners, its not like they talk about it everyday right?! 555555


Well we certainly couldn't mention the weight of our farang partners when we were living in Oz/UK etc. It would put you off your meal.

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It's a national pastime and also a 'face' thing... '..hey look, i've got money to throw away..!'

For this reason i don't take her to restaurants anymore, she's permanently chained to the kitchen work top where i throw her a few scraps every evening

'that'll teach ya...'

And i thought i was the only one who did that, although mine is locked in the cupboard... :o (just kidding) What i do now is make her ask for a doggie bag if we have leftovers. That soon makes them think twice, as the face she gains will soon be lost if she has to ask for that.. Try it, it works..

Not with my lovely it doesn't :D

Shamelessly asks for a doggie bag (box) whenever we eat out!

Nothing shamefull about it, it would be shamefull to leave perfectly good food to go in the bin when there are millions of people who don't have enough to eat. Good on her i say.

I told him it was okay to share your food with a woman, but it certainly wasn't "manly" to share food with another guy :D

You have to be joking, or are you realy that backward?

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It's a national pastime and also a 'face' thing... '..hey look, i've got money to throw away..!'

For this reason i don't take her to restaurants anymore, she's permanently chained to the kitchen work top where i throw her a few scraps every evening

'that'll teach ya...'

And i thought i was the only one who did that, although mine is locked in the cupboard... :o (just kidding) What i do now is make her ask for a doggie bag if we have leftovers. That soon makes them think twice, as the face she gains will soon be lost if she has to ask for that.. Try it, it works..

Not with my lovely it doesn't :D

Shamelessly asks for a doggie bag (box) whenever we eat out!

Same here, having 10 dogs may have something to do with that though ....... more that a couple of them really do like spicy :D

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The ever so slim Ms C seems to eat her own body weight at a sitting - to be seen to be believed.

I found the best policy when going out for dinner or lunch is to point her in the direction of a buffet so irregardless of how much she eats you know the bill in advance.

'Not manly' to share food?. What a strange comment..........................

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> Why do they do it?

Becuase food is cheap, and variety is good.

A 'complete' Thai meal would need to have a balance of dishes/flavours.

Note that she doesn't force you to eat it all.

And that asking to have leftovers packed in a bag is perfectly fine.

Edited by chanchao
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Every time I go out I order what I want (which is heaps) and then my light-eating 39kg Thai gf orders another 3 or 4 dishes.

It's not only her but gf's I've had in the past.

My wife always did that. I always started a discussion about thai people in generell don't take care of food while in other countries people die and in europe we take care and never over-order, blablabla

As Mrs h90 is not the lovely Isaan girl instead a proud ex-rich half southern/half chinese one, this always quickly developed in a terrible fight on which country has less culture/less smart people. With a result of beeing at least 2 days angry.

Now she don't overorder for me anymore (we have a different taste, we don't share much), overorder for herself only a little bit, but telling (of course NOT) as an excuse that she was so hungry and the eyes were bigger than the stomach.

As well sometimes begging that I help her finishing her food as it would be ugly to not finish it (I can see her trying to build the sentence, of Thai people always finish it, just the farangs (who don't have any culture) order more than they can eat, and than breaking as she knows that it is simply not true).

Now she also kills a lot of our staff, that it is not thai culture to order more than you can eat blablabla.

Recently she found an explanation why Thai people do it --it comes from America, it is American style-- Can't agree or disagree, neither beeing in Thailand before US were here nor knowing what Americans do......

Well thats my story....

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I used to enjoy taking my wife to the sunday buffet at one of the hotels close by - seeing her eat was like a world record attempt at getting the most people in a mini...well worth the asking price too after she wipes her lips after the 8th course :o

When the family came to visit i'm sure the managers there uttered a groan at another loss making buffet lunch.

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> Why do they do it?

Becuase food is cheap, and variety is good.

A 'complete' Thai meal would need to have a balance of dishes/flavours.

Note that she doesn't force you to eat it all.

And that asking to have leftovers packed in a bag is perfectly fine.

My wife over orders even when we go to a falang eatery. She will first complain about the prices and then order twice as much as she can eat. I have learned to order less than I can eat so I can clean up her leftovers.

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yes they all over order and they never finish thier meal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, i mean i eat what i can order, i dont over order like they do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why whyw whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy >< ; ;

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Every time I go out I order what I want (which is heaps) and then my light-eating 39kg Thai gf orders another 3 or 4 dishes.

It's not only her but gf's I've had in the past.

My wife always did that. I always started a discussion about thai people in generell don't take care of food while in other countries people die and in europe we take care and never over-order, blablabla

As Mrs h90 is not the lovely Isaan girl instead a proud ex-rich half southern/half chinese one, this always quickly developed in a terrible fight on which country has less culture/less smart people. With a result of beeing at least 2 days angry.

Now she don't overorder for me anymore (we have a different taste, we don't share much), overorder for herself only a little bit, but telling (of course NOT) as an excuse that she was so hungry and the eyes were bigger than the stomach.

As well sometimes begging that I help her finishing her food as it would be ugly to not finish it (I can see her trying to build the sentence, of Thai people always finish it, just the farangs (who don't have any culture) order more than they can eat, and than breaking as she knows that it is simply not true).

Now she also kills a lot of our staff, that it is not thai culture to order more than you can eat blablabla.

Recently she found an explanation why Thai people do it --it comes from America, it is American style-- Can't agree or disagree, neither beeing in Thailand before US were here nor knowing what Americans do......

Well thats my story....

I don't know where she got that from. I am American and every one usually orders for themselves only. If you over order then it is by accident. Maybe the portions are larger than what you expect but none do so on purpose.It is too easy to order what you think you can eat and then if you are still hungry order more or order a desert.

Unless it is from the tourist showing off. When I first started coming here I would order 1 dish for myself and then when it was too small order another. It did not take long before I started ordering 2 or 3 right off the bat since I knew it would be about right. Every once in a while I would run into a place that gave more food than normal for thailand and i would not be able to eat it all.

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I don't know where she got that from. I am American and every one usually orders for themselves only. If you over order then it is by accident. Maybe the portions are larger than what you expect but none do so on purpose.It is too easy to order what you think you can eat and then if you are still hungry order more or order a desert

You're telling me the portions are big in the US, a guy over there told me it was because you pay the same amount of tax on a large plate of food as you would on a small one, I thought is it any wonder that your all over-weight then?

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I don't know where she got that from. I am American and every one usually orders for themselves only. If you over order then it is by accident. Maybe the portions are larger than what you expect but none do so on purpose.It is too easy to order what you think you can eat and then if you are still hungry order more or order a desert
You're telling me the portions are big in the US, a guy over there told me it was because you pay the same amount of tax on a large plate of food as you would on a small one, I thought is it any wonder that your all over-weight then?

The tax issue is different for every state and usually based on price not the size of the meal.

Yes the portions are much larger than Thailand. If you order a steak dinner in Texas you better be Hungry. I don't remember the name of the place, maybe peaceblondie knows if you want to go, but they will give you the meal free if you can eat it all in an hour.

The reason most of the US citizens are so fat is the massive choice of fast food available. In my hometown you could get McDonalds breakfast at 6am and they stayed open until 3am to catch the crowds leaving the bars.

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As far as being manly to share food if you even touch my brother's plate he will break your arm. Nothing to do with manly. He is paranoid of germs and always has been. My oldest brother used to torment him when we were kids. He would touch the edge of his plate and the fight would be on. Then the rest of us would divvy up his food.

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my g/f is skinny even for a Thai but she orders half the menu,eats most of it.I think her stomach starts in her feet,the one thing that annoys me is sometimes what she doesnt eat she takes home in a doggybag.We have had umpteen arguements through this,i hate it.

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I used to enjoy taking my wife to the sunday buffet at one of the hotels close by - seeing her eat was like a world record attempt at getting the most people in a mini...well worth the asking price too after she wipes her lips after the 8th course :o

When the family came to visit i'm sure the managers there uttered a groan at another loss making buffet lunch.

Hah!!....my wife also packs it in at a buffet.

I'm amazed that she puts pumpuiman to shame. I think they expect me to be the one they will lose money on......but she eats three times what I do!!

She actually bounces in her seat, trying to make more room!! :D

And still slim and trim.

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just to clarify....its not about spending money or showing off. theres a few aspects of the culture at play here.....

eating thai style usually means there are a variety of dishes .....since the old days when there were no restaurants thai style meal has always constituted of 'courses' if i can use that word.....not in the sense that is western where dishes are brought out in sequence, but more the fact that there needs to be a combination...you will have an appetiser style dish ...wish can be 'nam prik' or similar light dish... a yum perhaps....a soup/gravy based dish....a curry maybe even 2, and also some fried stuff.

in more recent days I think its the wanting to try many things while eating is another reason. this is why you will see that thai people always share dishes, even when ordering a farang meal......or will swap the other person for a portion of their meal.

maybe some will have different reasons that some of you describe...but dont put it down to culture. cos its not in our culture to waste /throw away food. growing up as a thai Ive always been taught to finish my food, and anything thats really left over is kept for the next meal, and yes doggie bags, unless its such a small portion left to pack....then its back to...try and finish it :o

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Not such much as over-order - more a case of always eating.

Last visit: Dinner at 8pm. Hungry by 10pm. Next thing we are asleep in bed at 1am. I am woken up. Yes - bf is hungry again! How can somebody who eats 10 times a day still be hungry and only weigh 38kg?


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I just went away for the weekend with 9 Thais. Every meal they would order a ridiculous amount of food.

I never seem to like the same foods as other Thais (whenever we go away they always seem to eat alot of seafood?), so i generally order my own seperate dish.

They wasted loads of the food they ordered, but my wife has already become accustomed to asking for my dish on a seperate bill, so that we dont end up paying twice for all the other peoples food still sat on the table every time.

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