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Accomodation For Settlement Application

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hi i am due to apply for my thai girlfriend to have a settlement/fiance visain the uk . and hope to live with my mother for the first few months, in a 3 bedroom house 2 double rooms and a single. currently there are 3 of us living here ( me , my brother and mother) my mothers boyfriend will be moving into the house soon. will this mean there will be an overcrowding issue if i apply for the visa ? ie. a total of 5 persons if my thai girlfriend was to move in? thus mean a refusal from the embassy?.regards .jim

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Given the recent form of the embassy in BKK do not give them something on which to hang their hat. Surely your moms boyfriend will be moving in AFTER you apply to the Embassy and therefore does not need to be disclosed on the form because it may never happen.

Good luck.

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As according to the housing act a 3 bedroom house can house 5 adults so you have no worries in that area,what i would suggest to you from my own previous experience is that your mother should explain who lives in the house at present and with your girlfriend arriving what the sleeping arrangments are,ie.your mother in one room your brother in one and you and your girlfriend in the other,i would also suggest that your mother says how long this offer is open for.

well goodluck fella

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As long as there is at least one room for the exclusive use of you and your girlfriend/wife then the accommodation requirement is satisfied. See Chapter 9 – The maintenance and accommodation requirements, especially 9.12 - Overcrowding. Refer to this in your sponsor's letter if you wish.

Your mother should write a letter inviting her to live in the house. She should briefly describe the accommodation available and list all those currently living there. As her boyfriend will presumably be sharing her bedroom he wont be a problem. If she owns she should provide some proof of this, a mortgage statement will do. If she rents then she will need a letter from her landlord confirming that there is room for your girlfriend and that they have no objections to her staying there.

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