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Dutch Beggar In Bangkok


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What about dignity?!!!!!!!!

Have we (as farangs) not more than enough disputible excamples of how Thai people look at farangs.???????????

And "sometimes" quit rightly soo.

The man is a discrace to himself , my Country and me and my family

I am a Dutchman too.

It shows how much the policeforce in Thailand is disabled to function as it should according to the Thai Law.

only 1 advice.....................

get him of the streets......and fast!!!!!!!!!!!!


Would it be possible for you to call your Embassy, and ask for their opinion on a matter such as this? And ask particularly if they have a program to send home Dutch people who are out of money?

It would be useful to add some facts to this thread which is now just mostly speculation and opinion.

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ANYBODY who comes to a foreign country to live should have the means to take care of themselves. If they don't, deport their sorry asses back to whatever hole in the ground they came from. This story is as much an indictment of the Thai police as it is this creep. I am an American who has been living and working in Thailand for almost 2 years now. When I first arrived here, it was common knowledge among farang that you could stay on a tourist visa indefinitely by simply leaving every 30 days by going to Cambodia, etc., and getting your passport re-stamped for another 30 days; the Thais were not enforcing the immigration rules at that time. But I knew that was not going to last, that sooner or later something would happen that would cause a knee-jerk reaction from the Thai immigration authorities to tigheten up their enforcement. And sure enough, as a result of that American nut-job (it HAD to be an American...sigh) John Karr, as well as that Al Qaida creep who was discovered hiding out here back in 2003, the Thais indeed cracked down. I am most thankful that shortly after my arrival in Phuket in July 2005, I set up a Thai Limited Company and obtained all the required papers per Thai law to stay and work here legally, when I could have gotten away without doing so, if only for awhile. I also had plenty of money set aside for my adventure in establishing a new life in Thailand. I had a backup plan to my backup plans!!! The end result is I have a thriving business, my Thai company was allowed to purchase a modest new home and it is my perception that when a farang presents himself as having a Thai company and you are the Managing Director of the company, you receive much more respect from the local Thais. As opposed to coming here and just being another penniless farang trying to live as cheap as possible, doing as little as possible so you can stay here for the primary purpose of getting drunk and banging as many Thai whores as possible.

The US has a huge problem with illegal immigrants because for years we turned a blind-eye to them. We pay for them to have their babies in the US in high-quality hospitals at the taxpayers expense and they pay nothing. Their teenage kids get involved in gangs and cause all sorts of problems. So, if these are the sort of problems Thailand wants, then they should just hang a banner at the airport welcoming bozos like this Dutch guy. My view is they should ship these guys back home, and pronto.

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OK hold up posters.

You have to be mindful when lodging complaints to the Immigrations about this Low Life.

I hope forum member are well aware of how Immigration officials can possible can change visa rules for the WRONG reasons overnight.

The appropriate venue to address your complaints is the Dutch ambassy. Write directly to the ambassador to get his citizen off the streets of Bangkok.

Lets hope alarm bells have not been set off at Thai Immigration.

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Thanks OneeyedJohn, I'm usually out of Bangkok for Christmas on holidays but had them a little later this year coz me parents flew over in Jan. I didn't intend to film this guy actually I was making a video on Christmas Day in Bangkok and my friend and I stopped to empty the camera memory on his laptop on the overpass and just as we had done it the Dutch guy walked passed us, sat down and pulled his sign out of his bag. So I thought ok, lets get this guys story.

I will try to find him again in the next few weeks and see if he's still there because according to his daily earnings he should have made about 80-100 K by now so interested to find out if and why he's still begging.

Would be interesting to know where he stays too. Sleeping rough? If not and he pays rent somewhere that would eat into the 80-100K he would have raised by now. And if he's been arrested a few times... visa runs...? I couldn't really hear properly what he said about his visa situation though so maybe that's not an issue.

In any case, he must be bored out of his mind. I can't imagine anyone would want to stay there doing that longer than they had to out of choice...

Definately on drugs, watch how he fiddles with his hands.

Not a very good liar also, first starts off about his plea for 7000B then says he gets 1000B a day, well why is he still here?

Guys all over the world do this, druggies in UK can make hundreds a day. Theres even been a documentary on UK TV about guys doing it for a living, family men, they leave the house dressed up for an office job, drive to the city, change into beggars clothes and hang about in the bussiness areas pleading they have a family and suffer from things like Gulf War Syndrome, they make a fortune.

You should try to get him on video again, would love to see it with some more direct questions asking why he hasnt gone home yet....BKKMADNESS aka Roger Cook lol

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Dutch Beggar in Bangkok

We have discussed these dudes enough on the forum, here's a chat with one that I met on the bridge leading over to Gaysorn Plaza. Apologies for the quality it was filmed on a cybershot camera and I notice we lost a bit of quality on the sound so I have added a transcript of the conversation.

I reckon the guy needs a boot in the Nether regions.

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OK hold up posters.

You have to be mindful when lodging complaints to the Immigrations about this Low Life.

I hope forum member are well aware of how Immigration officials can possible can change visa rules for the WRONG reasons overnight.

The appropriate venue to address your complaints is the Dutch ambassy. Write directly to the ambassador to get his citizen off the streets of Bangkok.

Lets hope alarm bells have not been set off at Thai Immigration.

It's the responsibility of each foreigner to keep himself in compliance with Thai law, especially Immigration law.

You'll find that no (Western) Embassy will take the initiative in tracking down their citizens in a situation like this or doing much to track their citizens at all. They don't have the time, the money, the staff or the interest to do so; in most cases the home country's privacy laws explicitly prohibit them from doing so. Write to His Excellency Mr. Marres if you wish, but you'll get no result except perhaps a form letter explaining that there's nothing they can do.

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You know, seeing this video really bothers me.

I have lived and worked in Thailand for 10+ years. Thanks to some pretty good luck, a A LOT of hard work and following the rules, I have managed to stay here legally and have had a great and prosperous life.

Tourists like this are just plain wrong. This guy (and others like him) needs to go home. He can get on the dol in his own country if he needs money so badly.

I have filed a complaint at http://www.immigration.go.th/nov2004/en/ba...hp?page=comment about this, referencing this post.

I encourage all of you to also file a complaint; maybe the Immigration Bureau will take some action. People like this make all farangs in The Kingdom look bad.


Did you used to live next door to the Gestapo?

So there is a farang beggar in bangkok and so what?

There is another guy playing the Guitar on Silom in front of the CP tower and there is s spanish guy doing "Silver Man" at Suan Lum night Bazaar...

The end of the world is upon us?

Get real the lot of you, this is none of your concern or your business! Listen to you I feel you are even more prejudiced and more ignorant than the Thai about foreigners.


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You know, seeing this video really bothers me.

I have lived and worked in Thailand for 10+ years. Thanks to some pretty good luck, a A LOT of hard work and following the rules, I have managed to stay here legally and have had a great and prosperous life.

Tourists like this are just plain wrong. This guy (and others like him) needs to go home. He can get on the dol in his own country if he needs money so badly.

I have filed a complaint at http://www.immigration.go.th/nov2004/en/ba...hp?page=comment about this, referencing this post.

I encourage all of you to also file a complaint; maybe the Immigration Bureau will take some action. People like this make all farangs in The Kingdom look bad.


Did you used to live next door to the Gestapo?

So there is a farang beggar in bangkok and so what?

There is another guy playing the Guitar on Silom in front of the CP tower and there is s spanish guy doing "Silver Man" at Suan Lum night Bazaar...

The end of the world is upon us?

Get real the lot of you, this is none of your concern or your business! Listen to you I feel you are even more prejudiced and more ignorant than the Thai about foreigners.


I agree with this. Are U ppl, that vain. The He's a bum and I'm not, therory, or are you just jelous of the money he makes? Get real ppl.

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A few months back, he was sitting on a Skytrain bridge, near Siam Paragon... I gave him 100 baht. I though he would break down in tears crying with appreciation. I think he hardly said "thank you"... I fell for it, the sign looked believable. Next time I see him, I'll ask for it back. He is a liar.

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A few months back, he was sitting on a Skytrain bridge, near Siam Paragon... I gave him 100 baht. I though he would break down in tears crying with appreciation. I think he hardly said "thank you"... I fell for it, the sign looked believable. Next time I see him, I'll ask for it back. He is a liar.

WHY are soo many falling for this begger trip????? You should know that he can have money sent from Holland through his embassy! If you feedd a dog, he'll follow you for more=STOP giving Money, if you want to help, give him a bowl of soup!!!

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I wouldn't want to be perceived as prejudiced but maybe this is partially a dutch thing. The few ones I've met are all too happy to skive off from others but when it's their turn to put some money forward they'll be going dutch. Not all but I know so many nationalities and only dutch have displayed such behaviour. In any case this wxxker has no consicence.

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Personally my self i think this guy is a right Toe rag scumbag.. With a bit of luck the publicity that has been generated by the you-tube Vid, he will go back to the Nederlands.. I would say he has enough for flight stashed for just an emergency.. but he's so thick skinned i would not be supprised to see him in Phnom penh... :o

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Well, if he's making 30G a month then he's probably not planning to go home?

Totally agree with Stekmer above.

No sense of shame.

He prefers begging for money than an honest 3-day-a-week teaching.

Or maybe the school stop hiring him for a reason?

And why guys like him get deported when honest, hard working people like us break our backs trying to get visa and work permit to live and work legally in LOS?

I have seen this before at home in Australia, they can pick up more than working and the reason is usually drugs. They also cant hold a job because they are unreliable. He said himself "it depends what time I wake up". In addition his answer to the employment question sounds like he hasnt tried too often..

Abkkmadness: Only 12000, but you can't get a teaching job for 25-30000 Baht a month?

DB: I was looking for that but they only gave me 12 hrs.

A habit would be cheaper to maintain here than at home begging and on the dole. The weather is also easier here than being out in the snow!

IMHO I think we have someone with a mental problem, hence the drugs and the lack of dignity.


Huge Thanks to BKK Madness for making the efforts to put this together... Excellent interviewing technique too -- not too aggressive, pretty friendly and easy-going... Kudos!

Good discussions by some posters on the nature and definition of "work" -- I think this guy is definitely working -- but it may not be a job that you or I would like for very long... Na-song-saan jing jing!!!

Excellent observations by ThaiFelix and others... It does seem that this guy has likely drug and mental health problems -- don't let the clean appearance fool you...

Sure, he may be on a spiritual quest, but he is a public nuisance as well... and nuisances ought to be remedied with skill... Unfortunately, the Thai police are unlikely to have that skill...

Any Dutch social workers out there??? Can the Dutch embassy send over a non-threatening team???

For all the vile that has been spewed at this sad looking guy, I think he needs real help in many areas... I don't think he is much of a genious who is "working the system" but I believe he could use some good professional help -- and even that may not help him -- these stories are more complex than the "average" TV poster can comprehend...

Anyone care do to a follow-up with this fellow and see what he really wants out of his life? Anyone seen him lately?

I wish this "Dutch Beggar" the best of luck to climb out of this nasty and addictive habit he has found...

Chok dee na krab!



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Well, if he's making 30G a month then he's probably not planning to go home?

Totally agree with Stekmer above.

No sense of shame.

He prefers begging for money than an honest 3-day-a-week teaching.

Or maybe the school stop hiring him for a reason?

And why guys like him get deported when honest, hard working people like us break our backs trying to get visa and work permit to live and work legally in LOS?

I have seen this before at home in Australia, they can pick up more than working and the reason is usually drugs. They also cant hold a job because they are unreliable. He said himself "it depends what time I wake up". In addition his answer to the employment question sounds like he hasnt tried too often..

Abkkmadness: Only 12000, but you can't get a teaching job for 25-30000 Baht a month?

DB: I was looking for that but they only gave me 12 hrs.

A habit would be cheaper to maintain here than at home begging and on the dole. The weather is also easier here than being out in the snow!

IMHO I think we have someone with a mental problem, hence the drugs and the lack of dignity.


Anyone care do to a follow-up with this fellow and see what he really wants out of his life? Anyone seen him lately?

Hopefully we will do in the next month, of course that depends on us finding him again.

Further questions will be posed according to the feedback that has been received here.

Stay tuned to thaiSo Tv!

And a big thanks to George for giving us so much coverage on the Thaivisa website. :D

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I have a suggestion for the next video ...

I don't know if you know these "Bumfights" Videos, they were produced a few years ago ... and sold ... copied over the internet.

Basicly it's about filming beggars beat each other up or doing harmful things for them self or others ... for money

... Reality Street TV BKK ... with this dutch guy as victim ... could be a real success ... at least when sold on this forum ....


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And a big thanks to George for giving us so much coverage on the Thaivisa website. :o

Yeah I'll second that, it was good of him to send it round to the whole email list - the only downside is that the inevitable consequence of a thread such as this that reaches all the masses is that it will degenerate into a circus and then be closed...

So before that happens, I think we should get together a list of good questions to ask him for video part 2. It would also be good in part 2 to let him know about his new found fame on ThaiVisa and Youtube!

Some questions from me:

1. Where do you sleep? (Not exact address of course but rough area and type of accommodation)

2. How long have you been doing it for?

3. What's the biggest donation you've been given by anyone?

4. Have you ever had someone come to you and offer to take you to the airport, pay the 7000 Baht and put you on a plane home?

I'm sure there could be plenty more though!

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I have a suggestion for the next video ...

I don't know if you know these "Bumfights" Videos, they were produced a few years ago ... and sold ... copied over the internet.

Basicly it's about filming beggars beat each other up or doing harmful things for them self or others ... for money

... Reality Street TV BKK ... with this dutch guy as victim ... could be a real success ... at least when sold on this forum ....

That would be like enjoying and/or profiting from the suffering and degradation of other people.


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It makes me really sick to look at most of the intolerant uncompassionate posts here - especially the ones filing complaints.

Why don't you guys get a life instead of mocking someone who's litteraly in the gutter. Judging beggars are just so ###### easy - even though you don't have a clue on who, why and for what reason - not to speak of that you yourselves probably have what you need in your lifes.



Hi Loke, i'm sorry to say mate but i think youv'e missed the point, what a lot of people are saying is why dosn't he go to his embassy and then on to Holland were theres a system which will look after him. The reason the guys getting bad press is simple! the Thais in this country who are really poor don't have an option but this guy dose! :D
You know, seeing this video really bothers me.

I have lived and worked in Thailand for 10+ years. Thanks to some pretty good luck, a A LOT of hard work and following the rules, I have managed to stay here legally and have had a great and prosperous life.

Tourists like this are just plain wrong. This guy (and others like him) needs to go home. He can get on the dol in his own country if he needs money so badly.


So there is a farang beggar in bangkok and so what?

There is another guy playing the Guitar on Silom in front of the CP tower and there is s spanish guy doing "Silver Man" at Suan Lum night Bazaar...

The end of the world is upon us?

Get real the lot of you, this is none of your concern or your business! Listen to you I feel you are even more prejudiced and more ignorant than the Thai about foreigners.


I agree with this. Are U ppl, that vain. The He's a bum and I'm not, therory, or are you just jelous of the money he makes? Get real ppl.

Umm... Are you people blind? This is a scam artist, a professional liar, someone who's daily job and ambition is to defraud people of their mostly hard earned (or earned never-the-less) money. I'm am neither jealous of his lifestyle nor the income and only such small minded people would suggest that! What an attack, shut up you lot you're jealous! Who would be jealous of this guy? He is the scum, the lowest of lows, does he have any traits that women desire, i doubt that. It seems you are the people commenting on that which you know very little, how about going and checking this guy out before you open your trap?!

The difference between the Guitarist and the Silver man Sandy is that they are buskers, they perform for their money, and I'll put my left te$ticle on the fact that they make less than this scam artist.

Oh the poor guy he's stuck in a foreign country with no help and no way home and no friends to help him out, what a poor fellow I better help him out and give him some money so he can get that 7000baht he so desperately needs... :o


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Umm... Are you people blind? This is a scam artist, a professional liar, someone who's daily job and ambition is to defraud people of their mostly hard earned (or earned never-the-less) money.

No, they are not blind. You are simply manufacturing pretexts to be cruel to other people.

A corrupt policeman who arrests you just so that he can get a bribe from you is the real criminal. A burglar who breaks into your house is taking money against your will and without your knowledge.

This guy is just asking people for money. They have the choice to give or not.

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This guy is just asking people for money. They have the choice to give or not.

But people make this choice based on false information the beggar is supplying. It's a very basic con trick.

Exactly! It's a scam... His sign is a lie, his reason for asking for money is a lie and whenever anyone asks him about it he lies more. It's the same as a house and land scam, a share holder scam or any other scam and the people who peretrate these crimes take advantage of other people.

I am not manufacturing pretexts to be cruel, this guy is not asking people for money, you are living in fairy land & if you think that's cruel you probably live in prissy pink oh I broke a fingernail fairy land. Err.. no offence..

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