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I am a proffesional magician, and I was considering starting up a Chiang Mai magic club for expats and english speaking thai magicians (or thai speaking with translator).

I found magic clubs very useful in my progression into proffesional magic, and I set up and ran one in Cheshire, UK for a number of years.

I have a clubhouse ready and waiting, which the club can decorate with magic related stuff.

But before I continue any further, I need to know. Is anyone a magician in Chiang Mai? Anyone interested in starting it up as a hobby?

Let me know through this thread if you would be interested in attending a magic club. I am friends with a number of leading magicians from the UK, and a few from the US, and Im sure with the right numbers, we can bring them in to give workshops or lectures. But only if I can build the club to sufficient numbers.

Thanks all,


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But before I continue any further, I need to know. Is anyone a magician in Chiang Mai?

I know a young lady that's magician, she can make my cash disappear in front of my eyes :o

But before I continue any further, I need to know. Is anyone a magician in Chiang Mai?

I know a young lady that's magician, she can make my cash disappear in front of my eyes :o

The magic part was that I was quite happy about it! :D


Yeah, I know a few women like that! :o

But if you were part of the magic club, you would know how to hand her a wad of baht, and when she got to the shops, she would discover a wad of paper. David Copperfield avoided losing loads of cash when he was mugged last year, simply by applying a bit of Sleight of Hand!



Hi Phil, am not a magician but would be very interested in learning the trade. If you have plans like instructing potential magicians, I for sure will be game. Let me know.


i know a few trick and a few which i love

if you ate teaching i would be more then happy to learn :o

:D would be nice to meet up sometime . and exchange a few trick

when i as younger i get alot of the trick and spend tons of money on it .. but now i prefer close up magic

without gear - just simple thing like rubber band , match stick , cards .

but i am a noob ( still learning newbie )

if you pass me 1000 baht i can make it disappear but i am nto good at making it appear again .

i am also able to make it appear in someone else pocket .

  • 1 month later...

Sounds interesting. I am a professional Magician and have performed in many night clubs, Japanese restaurants, U.S. TV, Japan, MAXIM magazine on line, the Philippines etc. My family and I are planning to move to Thailand in time. I would possibly like to work with you in this whenever we arrive. Keep me posted. Thank you.


I am a proffesional magician, and I was considering starting up a Chiang Mai magic club for expats and english speaking thai magicians (or thai speaking with translator).

I found magic clubs very useful in my progression into proffesional magic, and I set up and ran one in Cheshire, UK for a number of years.

I have a clubhouse ready and waiting, which the club can decorate with magic related stuff.

But before I continue any further, I need to know. Is anyone a magician in Chiang Mai? Anyone interested in starting it up as a hobby?

Let me know through this thread if you would be interested in attending a magic club. I am friends with a number of leading magicians from the UK, and a few from the US, and Im sure with the right numbers, we can bring them in to give workshops or lectures. But only if I can build the club to sufficient numbers.

Thanks all,



Sounds interesting. I am a professional Magician and have performed in many night clubs, Japanese restaurants, U.S. TV, Japan, MAXIM magazine on line, the Philippines etc. My family and I are planning to move to Thailand in time. I would possibly like to work with you in this whenever we arrive. Keep me posted.

Thank you.



i am not a magician, nor do i have any special insight into the local market, but in my opinion a close up magic act would be a killer act at any of the local thai eating venues. just setting up at the long distance bus stops would provide a living.

i often thought that this would be the one area that would provide the most likely return for a new venture with the least investment. i wouldn't even consider the farang trade as that would require upfront investment and an unpredictable market. the thai trade though is huge and consistent. and there isn't anything else like this around.

either a stage act, probably with a musical interlude to fit the local entertainment format, or a close up magician going table to table and working for a flat fee plus tips... i'm sure it would work.

best of luck and if you need more PM me (but i don't often log in so be patient for a reply)


Hi All,

Yes, I have often thought of offering my services out, but I think my act would be enhanced if I spoke a little magic-related Thai. "Do you have a ring I can borrow", "Pick a card", "Sign your name" etc.

For those that have got back to me showing interest, I am still wanting to go ahead with this, but am finding time is limited for me at the moment. Im just really busy with a few things.

Its not forgotten, and I'll get back to you all with details of prospective first meet in due course.

Kind Regards


Hi All,

Yes, I have often thought of offering my services out, but I think my act would be enhanced if I spoke a little magic-related Thai. "Do you have a ring I can borrow", "Pick a card", "Sign your name" etc.

the wonders of the thai labor market.

beautiful, quasi-english-speaking, female assistants are abundant

good luck


The only magic trick I can do is to turn the almost undrinkable liquid which in Thailand is called beer, into a totally undrinkable liquid.



Thanks for making the offer for a magic club in CM.

I'm a pretend magician, happy with the reaction to the old "biting the coin in half" trick, a few card tricks a maget ring coin tricks.

But its something I would definately be interested in. Count me in.




Ok, things are looking up for my time, so lets try to arrange a first meet?

Dates anyone can't make?

Possible venues?

Any other interested parties? Lets get this club started!




My preference is Tues night - location is whatever is convenient for most. However; I personally would prefer a Sept start as I am planning holiday trips back home in the next few months. I'm sure that many also travel from June - Aug (esp if you have kids in international schools). Just a thought but I'm willing to meet if it's sometime this month.


Tuesday nights sound good to me. We may get started without you Earl, but you will be more than welcome upon your return. Beginners, Amateurs, Intermediattes and pros welcome at any time. We will cover all levels.

I was thinking of making it official with one of my other magic societies. The most appropriate would be the I.B.M which is the International Brotherhood of Magicians. Members of this include Copperfield, Penn and Teller, Paul Daniels etc. We can actually set up our on "Linking Ring" which is an international club. The cost is nothing, but there is a small annual fee for members. I would make nothing out of it, but we would be linked to one of the best societies in the world, with internation magic convention invites, club magazines with tricks revealed and taught in them, etc etc.

Please note:- The above is not a pre-requisite for joining the club, but is merely here for peoples consideration.

OK - Any venues sound good? Any bar owners willing to host us on generous terms? :o



I have a small comfrty pub - and i can offer you the space for your event for free .

- let me know when you wanna start and we can arrange and se ehow - is a small open space nature pub .

i open usually at 5-6 pm - so if you want we can have the event in the afternoon .

between 11am - 5 pm -

i myself have great interest in magic and know a few small trick and would love to know more

the basic of all this is to know more people and make more friends :o

add me please

Phil, do you have a website we could look at that explains your services more in detail?


I don't do shows anymore in a professional capacity, as this was really something I offered in England. Restaurant table-hopping, cabaret, comedy etc.

A lot of my equipment is in England. I have just ordered a load of basic equipment from a magic shop in Thailand, and am looking to build up my prop collection here.

Not quite ready to go out there and work at present, as I am missing even the most basic of things such as a quality deck of cards!

If anyone wants me to point them in the right direction for this magic shop (mail order) in Thailand, let me know. I am not affiliated with it in any way, but the prices look good, and they have plenty of stock of the neccesary beginner props, upto professional apparatus.

With regard to my post above about the I.B.M Ring, I have had a response from the IBM president, and we would need 10 members minimum. So we will put that on the back burner until we see how it all works out.

Ta22:- Great news on the bar front. Is it in the city? Whereabouts? With the intermittant rain though, it may be better in a roofed bar? Or is there some cover?




The place have a can house about 20 people unde rthe root . without getting wet -

and is in the center of the CIty NEar Kad Suan keaw -

I will send you a MAP .

I know some thai magican myself - and i will check with him where to get some prop also

i have a Small compressor - if i can get it working - we can get some of the prop to match out skin tone :o


Sounds like a perfect venue Ta22.

We need to sort out a good day to meet.

I am busy over the next couple of days, so in order to try and get attendance up, shall we try for one day next week?

People? WHo's in? Non magicians also welcome!



I didn't even know there were any Mexicans in Chiang Mai.... ???


Si tienes mente de Artista,

y manos con pinceles,

pinta en la concha de tu Madre,

y no en las paredes!



BUMP! (Was that an earthquake?)

Come on folks. Who's up for gathering over at Ta22's new bar, to see a few magic tricks, discuss magic, or just have a few drinkies and an informal TV Piss Up!!!

Please post back attendance on this Forum.

How about next Wednesday? Ta22 - does this suit you?

I'm open for suggestions, but Night-time suits me better. Thoughts?

I promise to give you a little magic show! So free entertainment too! :o


I am interested and will try to make it. Wednesdays are difficult for me but I might be able to catch the last half.

When would be best time to start for you Earl?



:o Keep me posted - i am OK with anything , and once we confirm . i can also try to give you some space se t up if you want -

if you can visit me in advance - i will try my best to adjust thing for you if needed .


is really a cafe style place not sure if you can call it a Bar whahhaha


like i said everyone is welcome and thanks Highonthai for visiting today :D


:D Wed is great for me - in fact any day would be fine : and what a magic show is alway the best :bah:

:bah: i know 1 trick which i love :o and had more or less been able to do it nicely - so maybe i can give my only trick a run ;)


Bump! (It WAS an earthquake! Wow!)

Please, anyone interested or would like to come along with no Magic knowledge, you are all welcome!

I have put a bit of work into this today, and hope that with the lack of magicians in Chiang Mai, I can make this into a Magic Club/School. I have printed sheets of tricks to learn if you want to try and have a go.

Any takers?

I would like to see more than Me, Ta22 (wahahahahahahhahahahahaha), and EarlofWindemeer. Although that would be fine, it would be nice to see a few more faces, you may enjoy it!



Ok, Ta22, and anyone else that would like to learn some magic from me, or be part of a magic club.

To accomodate EarlofWindsor, can we do it on a different day rather than Wednesday?

EarlofWindsor - What day would be best for you?


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