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Tourist Visa gf to visit Uk

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Could anyone who has had first hand knowledge give advice Please

We have a Condo In Pattaya, My gf  is employed in Bkk

We would like  a 4week visit to the uk

Is it difficult to apply to on line application

Would you advise going through an agent  ( quoted 30000Bht)

Would appreciate any advice 

Many Thanks

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30,000 Baht is at the top end of prices I've seen quoted, your girlfriend will still have to do most of the work, gathering evidence and visiting the Visa Application Centre in Bangkok. An agent really isn't necessary for straightforward applications, which hers seems to be.


Your girlfriend will need to submit an online application and can also upload supporting evidence, employment, accomodation, finances and other ties to Thailand (reasons to return), as well as details of her proposed trip.


If you live together then provide evidence of that, if you're providing financial support then detail your reasons for doing so as well as evidence that you can afford to do so.


https://www.vfsglobal.co.uk/th/en#latest-updates_o=Article Date,Descending


You may wish to read the pinned topic at the top of the forum.

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I wouldn't pay an agent to help with a visa. As theoldgit has said 90% of the work will be done by you and your girlfriend. I learned most of my knowledge about the various visas on this forum when I brought my girlfriend here. First for a holiday in 2015 and in 2016 we married and five visas later of various flavours, I have always done them myself. If you insist on using a visa company, make sure it OISC registered. For me, the visas are exosnive enough already, without adding extra fees. Take a look at the top of the forum and come back and ask questions.

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