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Pet business in Thailand reaches Bt40 billion as people indulge their darlings


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On 9/30/2019 at 7:56 AM, OneMoreFarang said:

Do people who put clothes on their animals love them?

Do people who give them "snacks" with strawberries and other human deserts love them?

When I go to pet shops it seems more than half of their products are best case useless and more likely bad for the pets.

But so called animal lovers buy all that <deleted>.


Maybe someone should ask all those animal lovers how much time they spent learning about natural behavior of all those pets. Do they like to be alone or together with other animals? What is their natural food? Are they supposed to sit in a cage or room or are the supposed to run around outside? It seems many pet owner don't know and don't care. But obviously they think they love their pets...




Well do you still eat like a caveman or viking? Dogs also have standards these days...and yes they like to eat from a table as well.

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On 9/30/2019 at 9:54 AM, Asquith Production said:

2/ They put clothing on the dog when the temperatures are in and over 30c.


Yup, my friend has an old Beagle (adopted from a farang) and he even leaves a heatlamp burning all night in the dogs cage where it sleeps, all year around. The cage is open though so it can go out.

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The problem is that for a lot, not all, Thai's they have a rather different perception of what a pet is to most farangs.


We tend to regard our pets as part of the family, to be loved and cared for.


For Thai's it's a bit of a mixed bag. 


You have the condo dwelling urbanite who has the foo foo dog as a fashion accessory.


But then you have the vast majority who have animals, who occasionally cohabit with them, but for the most  part, be they cats or dogs just roam the streets.


In the latter category, they are rarely spayed or neutered, which results in a rather terrible life for the females, and in the case of dogs contributes to the soi dog epidemic.


A few foo foo dog coats doesn't really make for a humane pet policy

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On ‎9‎/‎30‎/‎2019 at 3:32 AM, Michael Hare said:

The behaviour of Thai animal lovers has changed, he said, as they tend to look after and pay attention to every detail for their pet, treating them much like their own child, including for food, clothing and medical care. The pet in Thailand has become a family member rather than just a housekeeper


Far from true. Overall, in Thailand, dogs and cats are treated very badly. Left to roam outside on the streets and live off scraps from the kitchen. Just travel upcountry and see the packs of dogs roaming around in villages. 

I think you are confusing "real" pet owners with "live-outside-pets". I understood the article to be describing "real" pet owners like my Thai partner or myself who treat our pets properly .... like family.

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On ‎9‎/‎30‎/‎2019 at 3:35 AM, Bob12345 said:

Yeah, thais do that. We cremated our last dog. Basically the vet who put him to sleep mentioned the service, made the call, and 30 minutes later a lady came by and put the puppy (40kg) in the back of the pickup truck. Two days later we picked up the ashes at the vet again.


On request you can get it filmed, be there while it happens, or whatever more to make sure they dont give the leftovers of their last bbq.

Thanks for your last paragraph; good clarity. I was once told that (anywhere in the world), you get an urn of ashes but that it could be any ashes. What you describe removes that doubt.

I am a pet owner. A family member has a pet cemetery at his farm where my dog will eventually be buried (not in Thailand).

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