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Can I Stop My Thai Wife Taking Kids To Thailand?


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Yes, but to claim custody is possible only AFTER divorce


they are still married....

At the moment, I see the only solution, which might work for a short while, for the father to refuse the passport for the children.

However this might backfire in case of a divorce.

Good legal consultation is required in such a case, maybe to make a public notice in a family court, why the father is refusing his children the passport (mentioning only the future of the children, without mentioning his wife....) OR why he reluctantly is willing to give his permission....

Not easy.....I personally would let them go to Thailand.... then requesting the wife to come home (the return ticket is a good way to proof that intention of the husband to continue with the same wife and children in the UK....)

if theyare not coming back, the position of divorce is much easier for the husband....

She left him - and not he asked her to leave....

and he has to PROOF that, otherwise no court will rule favorable for him.

It is not only because of the children.... a divorce might cost him otherwise 80 percent of all, what he owns....


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Forest, sorry to hear about this hope everything turns out fine.

I've been married to a thai girl for 5 years and have 2 kids. My guess is she

may be really homesick. My wife after 5 years in the US still is homesick and I cant

blame her. I love Thailand better than the US myself.

Can you tell me her background?? This will help. If she was a bargirl its $$$.

A country girl its Thailand and family.

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In the UK the mother will almost certainly be given custody of the children during a divorce. Access rights - see 'Fathers for Justice' and women being able to deny fathers access to children in the UK despite court orders etc.

If the wife gets a divorce in the UK she will get child maintenance (20% of Nett earnings for 2 children) plus maybe a large chunk of your house/pension. She could then move back to Thailand and live like royalty on the cash with the two children.

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Unfortunately the law here in the Uk is an Ass. I have had a similar experience with my ex wife from the Philippines. I obtained a passport for my young son to prevent my ex from getting one and removing him from the country. This only worked for a short time. The Philippines like other countries from the middle and far east are not covered by the Hage convention or any other European convention which can and will prevent them being sent back if the wife decides she is going to stay in her country with the children. My ex wife has no full time employment here and owns no property here, infact nothing to tie her here except our son. Only two weeks ago I spent three days in the high courts trying to stop her from taking our son out of the country and my Barrister put up an excellent case, however the judge ruled in her favour and ordered me to hand over the passport. My son is now in the Philippines and I do not know if he will be returned, the law in this country sucks, it gives fathers no rights at all, if anything we are discriminated against, all I have for my troubles is a huge legal bill. I had been denied any contact with my son for months which also led me to believe my ex wife was trying to destroy the relationship between my son and myself. I wish you a lot luck in your fight to prevent your sons being removed from the UK and hope you have a better Judge than I had

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This is not a good argument.... and when the wife wants to leave, there is no legal way to keep her as a prisoner....

She might leave alone, and then legally claim her right and request transfer of (her) children to Thailand .... and she will win for sure.... the law will always be on the side of the mother....especially if the children are still so small.

You are correct, the mother can leave any time, her choice.

As for subsequently claiming the children, no way.

Once the mother leaves she will have little chance of reclaiming custody in a western court. Effectively she abandoned the children (courts view not mine). This happened to me in the US. UK may be different but I suspect the court will insist on maintaining supervision which they cannot do if the children are in Thailand.

Unless the father looks real bad to the court, she will never be able to take the children out of England, they are English citizens, yes? Maintain UK passports, do not let them get Thai passports, ie dual citizens. UK citizen only will favor you.

Additionally, the case would be virtually impossible to fight from out of country without a lot of money. She would have to prove a better environment for the children. Difficult at beast. Status quo is hard to get changed, if it's not broke don't try to fix it.

Advantage DAD.

If the time comes when you believe you are fighting for your children don't be Mr. Nice Guy. There will be no second chance.

Chookdee krup

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This happened to me in the US. UK may be different........

Laws in Europe are indeed different from the USA. About the USA I got the impression, that laws are somehow considering equality between man and woman.

The law also considers strongly the US citizenship of the children and is opposed to the idea to grant permission to let them out of the USA for an unclear and unprotected future.

This is not the case in Europe, and especially Great Britain, Norway, and Austria (my own country) are often mentioned as examples for laws, which clearly favour the woman. Laws are made directly for female dominated society....

(wife and children are the victim, and the man is the criminal)

Read the posting just above your own posting...

only pappy Posted on Thu 2004-06-10, 05:35:53

....I spent three days in the high courts trying to stop her from taking our son out of the country and my Barrister put up an excellent case, however the judge ruled in her favour and ordered me to hand over the passport. My son is now in the Philippines and I do not know if he will be returned, the law in this country sucks, it gives fathers no rights at all.....

Khun Larry Posted on Thu 2004-06-10, 13:15:40 Additionally, the case would be virtually impossible to fight from out of country without a lot of money

Not true in Europe, there are plenty of feminist associations and women-children rights activists and so on, which will help to fight it out.... and they will win, and the money ....this will be paid by the father, as he will lose this legal battle.


I mentioned such cases in a former thread (radical feminists) on this Thaivisa Forum, however while most women called me hilarious, disturbing and not worth the effort to talk about, men were asking me, if I do not know the privileges of being a man

Where are now your privileges as man in such a case for example?

What should a man with best intentions, pushed by a woman into a bad situation, really do?

It is also remarkable, that almost no women (neither Thai or foreigner) show up for an informative posting when such threads are on the Thaivisa-Forum for discussion.....


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Khun Larry Posted on Thu 2004-06-10, 13:15:40 Additionally, the case would be virtually impossible to fight from out of country without a lot of money

Not true in Europe, there are plenty of feminist associations and women-children rights activists and so on, which will help to fight it out.... and they will win, and the money ....this will be paid by the father, as he will lose this legal battle.

Amazing. I thought The US was the home of the radical feminist trash. All sounds like a great reason not to have kids any more.

If you don't trust your wife then seems having her out of the country must be some advantage.

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Amazing. I thought The US was the home of the radical feminist trash. All sounds like a great reason not to have kids any more.

If you don't trust your wife then seems having her out of the country must be some advantage.

I respect USA as a country offering EQUALITY -

Yes, some might be more equal, because they have more money, however if you are a man or a woman is not really that question for a judge in a trial.

It is true, that USA openly protects the interests of its citizens, like in this typical case, the child holding US citizenship, claimed by a mother, who is not US citizen and living out of the USA....

Feminist trash is worse in Europe, as women affairs are even protected by various questionable laws, not possible in the US.

All sounds like a great reason not to have kids any more.

Not only kids, but a female partner for living together as well.

I think, radical feminist activity in Europe is a strong argument for many men to look somewhere else for a foreign wife or are even willing to pay for sex on a regular basis with escort girls instead of marriage, because they are afraid of being cheated and exploited - no woman will ever ask you, how you earn your money.


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You went off the rails a while back with the radical femminist stuff, bless you. We've pretty much all let it go as you seem a nice enough chap, your recent posts have also have been quite balanced, however I can sense a full on feminist rage coming this way, rather like I could sense when my step mum was going to go physco when I was a nipper, I hereby present myself as your appointed case officer and will follow your threads and give you the big family-fortunes-wrong-answer-blooter everytime you mention the word feminist or any feministy stuff in any of your future posts - this is for the best.

Thank you.


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...... however I can sense a full on feminist rage coming this way,

......everytime you mention the word feminist or any feministy stuff in any of your future posts - this is for the best.

You are totally right, FTH -

Just let all these stupid men, who did nothing wrong and had best intention, pay the invoice....they have money, they are rich...

Take 80 percent of what they own... (nothing wrong with it! Isn't this the normal way of life?) and give it to the woman, who never was working anything, and take even away their children

(some fathers still like children and they like to have them with them....)

And we need even laws for that, as we have to protect all these poor women...

We should also never discuss about divorce in this forum.....

Just let them pay....they are men, they just do not know their privileges....

...... however I can sense a full on feminist rage coming this way,

I would like to ask you some questions:


Why are you so afraid of women, that you cannot even talk about it, when they cheat and exploit men? (this happens in Thailand almost every day, I would say)


Do you know, for some men this is a very serious matter, when their savings of a life and even their own home are gone?


Do you know, that there are indeed not so few fathers in Europe, who care more about their children than their mother?


Do you not understand that this is a very important subject for any married man? (except gays)

Seems to me you do not understand what a woman might do with you, if you are the wrong man and she does not need you anymore.


By the way, FTH, I do not know about your person....

Are you a man, and are you married? Do you have children? And what is your nationality?

If you are a single gay, or a woman, or if you dislike children -

OK, in this case you cannot image the situation of a cheated divorced man.


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you did not mention the word  " feminist " :o

Now your case officer will not react

He (she?) reacted....

but he (she?) did not answer my questions....I know, such questions are difficult and uncomfortable questions...

Divorce is a serious matter..... I would say, at least as serious as marriage...

I know, that some people do not like this subject.

No need however to remain silent.....

We should talk about it.

We will see if anybody else will answer my questions instead of him (her)....


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I would like to ask you some questions:


Why are you so afraid of women, that you cannot even talk about it, when they cheat and exploit men? (this happens in Thailand almost every day, I would say)


Do you know, for some men this is a very serious matter, when their savings of a life and even their own home are gone?


Do you know, that there are indeed not so few fathers in Europe, who care more about their children than their mother?


Do you not understand that this is a very important subject for any married man? (except gays)

Seems to me you do not understand what a woman might do with you, if you are the wrong man and she does not need you anymore.


By the way, FTH, I do not know about your person....

Are you a man, and are you married? Do you have children? And what is your nationality?

If you are a single gay, or a woman, or if you dislike children -

OK, in this case you cannot image the situation of a cheated divorced man.


You've asked for it, Yohan:

1. FTH is not afraid of women, neither is he unable to talk about issues, he just doesn't want to read your dribble anymore (nor mine, I think -sorry)

2.-4. We all know that, that's why there are several threads on the subjects.

And please don't question posters gender and identity everytime you disagree with them.

I am not married, have no children and not divorced, nor is my girlfriend thinking of leaving me, so I will shut up in this thread now.

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