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Black olives Greek styles where in Pattaya please?


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Hi all

not a big deal but I use a lot of black olives greek style in my food

(Salads, pizza, spaguettis and so on).


Usualy i take with me from France some 400 grammes pockets of them

they are cheap and delicious. (Available in supermarkets Carrefour, Leclerc and others for 2 or 3 euros\400 gr pocket)


Unfortunately i am now out of my stock and i don't plan to return soon in europe

and i am unable to find this product here in Pattaya.


i have searched in Big C, Makro, Topps, .... the only product available is classics blacks olives in

can (Crespo) or glass recipient, or smal pockets overpriced (They are all imported products) and no one is greek style.


Someone knows where i can find black olivees greek style in Pattaya?

(At a not too expensive price if possible)


Or if someone plan to come from europe to Pattaya for holidays and can bring me

2 or 3 pockets of them i will be more than happy to pay them the product and

a drink (In this case contact me by mp here please for details)


Thank you in advance

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I also love olive, and never seen them (good ones) in Thailand, like you I bring them when Itravel, and I am lucky to travel to Greece often , and have many contacts there. I alway snick a few vacuum packed  bags in my suitcase. I like the Kalamata olives.

I would be interested to see where you find them in Thailand and I am following this thread 

If you are unable to source them locally,  Have you tried Amazon, they seem to have a few selections, not sure how affordable they are, I haven't paid   for mine in years, so I don't know what a good price is.  

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1 hour ago, sunnyboy2018 said:

Try the big Italian restaurant that sells food stuffs and has its own farm. La Trattoria on Beach Rd. Try any large western supermarket.  Olives are not rare.

I have already tried all the large supermarkets here in Pattaya

olives are not rare, but no blacks olives ''a la grecque'' (Greek style)

it's very different from the classic one,

Tomorrow i try La trattoria, i didn't know they also sells food stuffs

i just hope they are not overpriced.

thanks for the advice.

Edited by kingofthemountain
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55 minutes ago, sirineou said:

I also love olive, and never seen them (good ones) in Thailand, like you I bring them when Itravel, and I am lucky to travel to Greece often , and have many contacts there. I alway snick a few vacuum packed  bags in my suitcase. I like the Kalamata olives.

I would be interested to see where you find them in Thailand and I am following this thread 

If you are unable to source them locally,  Have you tried Amazon, they seem to have a few selections, not sure how affordable they are, I haven't paid   for mine in years, so I don't know what a good price is.  

I don't have tried amazon or others delivery because most of the time

for this style of products the shipping cost is pretty expensive.

With the large population of expats in Thailand, i am surprised nobody

has had the idea to introduce this product on the market.

I find everywhere the classic metallic can of Crespo with no taste at all

or some import stuffed olives in glasses or plastic bags overpriced

but still no ''greek style''.

We need to organize a Thaivisa black olives greek style chain supply lol

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38 minutes ago, kingofthemountain said:

I don't have tried amazon or others delivery because most of the time

for this style of products the shipping cost is pretty expensive.

With the large population of expats in Thailand, i am surprised nobody

has had the idea to introduce this product on the market.

I find everywhere the classic metallic can of Crespo with no taste at all

or some import stuffed olives in glasses or plastic bags overpriced

but still no ''greek style''.

We need to organize a Thaivisa black olives greek style chain supply lol

Anyone knows what the import regulations are. I often wondered about that .

My brother John is retired in Greece, I am considering the same if things get to oppressive here in Thailand. 

 He owns an olive grove , in the Peloponnese, They have a cooperative that comes, collects the olives, presses them , and my Brother gets a percentage, for having done nothing other than owning the olive grove. The first press olive oil is like nectar of the gods. I simply love to mix it with only salt and oregano and dip my bread in it. 

He has a few trees that ke picks from and pickles,   Delicious!!!! 

Pre-9/11 and all the regulations associated with that I use to bring a tin of oil with me on the plane, one time I had not package it properly and the airline refused to check it in (it must be in a crate and in a tub so that if there was a leak, it is contained in the tub)  So me, not wanting to leave it behind,  I covered it with my coat and brought it in the plane with me. All the way to the US  LOL, can you imagine something like that happening today???

Olives are easy though, I have one of those food saver machines and I vacuum pack  about three kilos per bag. So far I never had a problem. Not sure about now and the new x-ray machines though, next time I will try it with a small bag and see how it flies. 

Any input on  import regulations would be appreciated. 

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What on earth is "Black olives-Greek style"??


Sounds exactly like a Crespo product; http://www.crespo-olives.co.uk/products/product/black-olives-greek-style


I wouldn't put such things in my food.


I use Kalamata olives from the Peloponnese.






Just ate some with my pasta. Cannot find the same quality in Thailand. Last year bought some in a pouch in TOPS. German brand. Weren't good.





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32 minutes ago, Eindhoven said:

What on earth is "Black olives-Greek style"??


Sounds exactly like a Crespo product; http://www.crespo-olives.co.uk/products/product/black-olives-greek-style


I wouldn't put such things in my food.

Yes that's it

Crespo is just one of the brand.

not the best and the less expensives.

You need to try at least one time the black olives greek style

for example in a simple tomato salad, you don't even need to put salt inside

the taste and perfume of the olives is a must, i usualy put them in half of my dishes 

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I would say a big thank you to Suddenplans

for the suggestion of Villa market in Little walk shopping center on Sukkhumvit


i find today a 250 gr pocket of blacks olives greek style at 139 bahts


it's 50% more than the price in France, but unfortunately it's the same with

all the import products here.


However i am still interested if a gentleman from europe comes

to visit Pattaya and wants to take 2 or 3 400 gr olives bags for me.


i will be also interested by 2 or 3 tubes of mayonnaise from hens

raised in outdoor (In France the brand Lesieur does it) 

again something impossible to find here.


Thank you again.

olives noires villa market 001.JPG

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On 12/8/2019 at 8:56 PM, kingofthemountain said:

With the large population of expats in Thailand, i am surprised nobody

has had the idea to introduce this product on the market.


Cannot stop laughing...





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26 minutes ago, rech said:

How ridiculous it can be to think that black olive from Greece are so special that they cannot be replaced by standard black olives. You must really be French.



i think you don't understand because you don't know what you are talking about

the olives are not coming from Greece, they can come from everywhere. it's the way

they are prepared wich is important and the result is very different from classic olives




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On 12/8/2019 at 3:03 PM, Eindhoven said:

What on earth is "Black olives-Greek style"??


Sounds exactly like a Crespo product; http://www.crespo-olives.co.uk/products/product/black-olives-greek-style


I wouldn't put such things in my food.


I use Kalamata olives from the Peloponnese.






Just ate some with my pasta. Cannot find the same quality in Thailand. Last year bought some in a pouch in TOPS. German brand. Weren't good.





from lidl ? or makro holland ?


Edited by oldhippy
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