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Alternative Future in the Philippines


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On 12/27/2019 at 9:33 PM, Nakmuay887 said:



I present the greatest thread to ever grace an expat forum, I have never read anything even remotely as horrific and entertaining as this mess start to finsh. took me a week but was well worth it. 


give it a read just for fun! it takes place in phil not thailand

Good lord this is gold. 


And very accurately portrays the danger marriage and family can potentially be.


The fellow is perhaps one of the stupidest people to ever walk the earth.


There exist a very upwardly moble middle class in the philipines, and some very wealthy folks, but they would not be interested in an old fart moving out of thailand due to income, inflation and visa issues.


There is also a very hardcore poor segment that will do anything for a free ride or a meal ticket. Huge, prolific, extended catholic families with no shame.


Say what you will, thailand has nothing on the philipines for chewing up and spitting dopey old men out. Few live long enough to complain online though.

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