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Which Do You Like The Best And Why?

Favourite US TV Series  

33 members have voted

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Very interested in learning the people who use this Forums favourite US produced television series.

HBO seems to be the company producing the most successful (Sex City, Sopranos, Six Feet) and I am curious whether the characters are more important than the story-lines, or whether it is the subject itself (the mob, medical) which is the main interest. Or perhaps the actors?

I've tried to include comparisons, such as ER vs. Greys. To me, Greys is more like a cross between Ally McBeal and Sex in the City (especially the annoying narative). I found ER far more interesting (and it was written by Michael Crichton, whose latest book NEXT about transgenic creatures is SUPERB).

If there are others you prefer, which are not on the list, maybe you could let me know on this thread, including your reasons why? Some of the series go way back (Thirtysomething and LA Law for example).

Reason for edit: supposed to be a poll, but my first, and it did not work first time.

Edited by english_farang_lady
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I particularly like Prison Break, largely because it's based in Thailand and directly related to this forum. The episodes of Friends, Still Standing and Everyone Loves Raymond located in Chiang Mai were very good too. I missed the season of Sopranos based on the Thai mafia, but am hoping that is released on DVD soon.

Other than that, I don't watch much television and have nothing to add to this Thai-related thread.

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Would like to see a series 7 of Sopranos....surprise surprise :D

A lot of stuff bores me these days, but I love the Sopranos. I just bought series 3 through 6 down at Tuk.com, and am enjoying them thoroughly. The acting is excellent and the characters very believable. Very edgy and fascinating to follow these 'family loving men' who are also violent, ruthless killers.

'House' is pretty good. I might buy that as well.

To me some of the 'superior', HBO- type TV series are better than about 95% of full length feature movies, most of which just churn out the same old unoriginal themes -mixed and matched - be they romantic comedies, police thrillers, spy thrillers, science fiction, domestic dramas, coming of age crap,road movies ghost flicks, or just plain gruesome horror stuff. All been done before, and rarely something new that can hold my attention for 2 hours.

But maybe I'm just a miserable old sod :o

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I particularly like Prison Break, largely because it's based in Thailand and directly related to this forum. The episodes of Friends, Still Standing and Everyone Loves Raymond located in Chiang Mai were very good too. I missed the season of Sopranos based on the Thai mafia, but am hoping that is released on DVD soon.

Other than that, I don't watch much television and have nothing to add to this Thai-related thread.

I'm a big fan of 'Raymond' - it always makes me laugh. His mother is positively evil

Most of the other US comedy stuff that's currently showing on Star World leaves me cold, except of course the excellent Frazier.

As already posted, series 6 of the Sopranos is available in Tuk.com Pattaya.

Edited by Mobi D'Ark
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Battlestar Galactica (The new series) and Lost are my 2 favourite shows. I can't wait for the new episodes to air on TV, so I usually just end up watching them online. Got my notebook hooked up to my tv and sound system.

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Prison Break

Family Guy

The Simpsons

American Dad

South Park

The Shield (very soon), just saw the prequel

They come in slow I'll tell ya for the prices I'm paying Maxnett. What BS. Oh well.

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Would like to see a series 7 of Sopranos....surprise surprise :D

John - I only have up to five, didn't know six was available. Is it the last seven due to air stateside in April? May I ask where you got yours?

I got the DVD's from a friend who got them from China.

They are also available from the net,............... :o

But how about this, there are 8 more episodes tagged on to Series 6 starting to air next Sunday in USA. ( HBO)

Season 6, Episode 13: Soprano Home Movies

Original Air Date: 8 April 2007

Next US airings:

Sun. Apr. 8 9:00 PM HBO

Mon. Apr. 9 9:00 PM HBO

Season 6, Episode 14: Stage 5

Original Air Date: 15 April 2007

Season 6, Episode 15: Remember When

Original Air Date: 22 April 2007

Season 6, Episode 16: Episode #6.16

Original Air Date: ????

Season 6, Episode 17: Episode #6.17

Original Air Date: ????

Season 6, Episode 18: Episode #6.18

Original Air Date: ????

Season 6, Episode 19: Episode #6.19

Original Air Date: ????

Season 6, Episode 20: Episode #6.20

Original Air Date: ????

Season 6, Episode 21: Episode #6.21

Original Air Date: ????

Anyone have more info?

Edit: Ep 13 storyline is Tony's wild 47th birthday party in the adirondacks(sic)

Edited by OneeyedJohn
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Of the shows listed, the only one I have seen is the Sopranos, and it is quite enjoyable and entertaining. However, I would put the old Twilight Zone, Columbo, Mary Tyler Moore Show, and Morse (England), Fawlty Towers, Cracker, the Helen Mirren police show, Rosemary and Thyme, Midsummer Murders and other British mysteries ahead of the U.S. shows.

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Of the shows listed in no order The Sopranos, 24, Lost. Others shows I love Prison Break, season 2 has just finished role on season 3... Getting into Heroes and can always watch CSI although it is getting a bit worn (but so are alot of these shows now) I can't belive no one has mentioned the Simpsons one of the best shows ever :o I miss my English shows though Top Gear...

Edited by miniwai
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Hard to vote for my fave, as they are so different but I like:

Lost - but will it ever end?

24 - Jack Bauer certainly has his share of sh1tty days!

Prison Break - A slow burner to start with - but definitely worth the effort in the end

Desperate Housewives - The only decent 'girly' show I have ever been made to watch!

I really hate:

House: Oh my god - someone comes in, gets treated, gets a bit worse, gets more treatment, gets a little better, gets more treatment, get a lot worse, gets more treatment, gets better. That is basically the plot of every episode of House.

BTW Bendix, maybe a thread about US TV doesn't belong on a Thai forum, but no less than you belong on a subforum about things that are fun!! (just joking mate!! I left out the smileys cos I know ye hate em!!)

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