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Phrae PM2.5 Numbers 2020


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November 5   -   I     ~ 20:00


Siam between Scylla and Carybdis


Somewhere near New Delhi, today 20:00






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November 8   -   18:00


At dusk high clouds were drifting above our village 20 km north of Phrae. 

Grey and dirty clouds. Coming from NNE.  -PM2.5-meter shows (on ground)

43 ug/m3, that's AQI 119.  image.png.b039e627b0002af6bb0d3411b0a544c7.png

The aqicn.org numbers are mostly green. - Let's hope the best.



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November 9   -   I


The ventusky.com - model is a bit too dramatic?

I dont know. It goes very well with aqicn.org.








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November 12   -  I          20:00



Tonight(20:00) 20 km north of Phrae PM2.5 between 170

and 250 ug/m3, this is an AQi between  220 and 300.



Of course, here is a lot of burning going on. Skies were

grey/blue in the afternoon, later brown and grey.


This is CM


and this Chiang Rai


Last not least Bangkok




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November 13   -   I      19:00

Friday - Fireday     A lot of smoke everywhere.  -  Nonetheless PM2.5

between 40 and 50 ug/m3, AQi 112 to 137 at this very moment.

Not good, but will become worse the next months.  




[to add - 3 photos different fires today, the last 2 photos one fire also today]


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November 14

Today 9:55



Another situation between 10:00 and 10:30:



Up north too, less stations reporting:



Any ideas?




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November 17   -   20:00


PM2.5  North


Mae Hong Son  AQI 419 ?


Isan-this afternoon green, now YellowOrangeRed



Nakhon Sawann to PrachuapKhiriKhan



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November 18   -   8:00


North of Phrae there is a blinding sun, the sky blue/grey. - PM2.5  33ug/m3 or  AQI 95.

This is    image.png.3972b8b230aaf0b5df2ee64e15c6bc4f.png

People with respiratory or heart disease, the elderly and children are the groups most at risk.


I take the numbers -if correct- as a warning.

Do you have an PM2.5-meter?

In addition to my own observation it calms me down.


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November 18   -   I     18:00


That says it all





e.g.  Unlike manual harvesting, mechanised harvesters leave stubble and rice paddy straw in the field. Disposing of crop waste is time-consuming. After harvesting rice, farmers get only a short window to plant winter crops such as wheat and rapeseed, and late sowing means lower yields.
So farmers find it much cheaper to burn the residue, which accounts for about a quarter of air pollution.



Please, don't forget:

Anything above 60 is considered unhealthy.

60 ug/m3  correspond to an AQi of



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November 19   -   20:00  


North of Phrae   53ug/m3  ~  AQI  144

            at 21:30  42ug/m3  ~  AQI  117



On the edges a bit of green but the overall air quality - not good


90 minutes later:



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November 21   -   12:00


It's getting better at noon.

image.png.1a85e6899e3e0f20fb95f81ec146eedb.png image.png.b216a97e85c5a70f6428d15aff60fb66.png

Chiang Rai                                        Chiang Mai


image.png.ee6709a54d03270677b714507a7e328e.png  image.png.e248439e212b0e139699077e9dd92ac8.png 

Bangkok                                                               Phrae




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November 21   -   I     20:00


20 km north of Phrae -inside the house - 80ug/m3  ~  AQI 164   


outside the house   180ug/m3  ~  AQI  230    


mai pen rai? 



Today  18:00   -   Nong Muang Khai   

โรงพยาบาลหนองม่วงไข่ จ. แพร่

Funny, they seem to start burning these days at 20:00



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November 21   ~   II     21:45



PM2.5   101    ~   174  AQI         




PM2.5   184   ~   234 AQI


When will we/they ever learn?

Health Effects Statements

Significant aggravation of heart or lung disease and premature mortality in persons

with cardiopulmonary disease and the elderly; significant increase in respiratory

effects in general population.






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November 23   -   16:00


North of Phrae was not too bad, but now 89ug/m3,

that's AQI 168. - Apart from that yellow/orange.



' Once the lungs are damaged by fine dust, they can

hardly defend themselves against SARS-CoV-2. '


12 min. video




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November 23   -   17:00


In the garden, different places:

PM2.5   93 / 173 / 197

AQI      170 / 223 / 247     image.png.5b28d6f4b3d4adbe6b0539993a3ded6d.png

People with respiratory or heart disease, the elderly and children should avoid any

outdoor activity; everyone else should avoid prolonged exertion.





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November 24   -   11:00 


Green north of Phrae, a happy day

image.png.1d350cd538aff5b94cbe3ac921e3d1f1.png image.png.1a43aca345031ac551388c6f22be8d44.png


Chiang Mai                                                      Chiang Rai

 image.png.843b8e2721b0852558242eb0058e2b14.png image.png.eb7af8aabf452c09b98558299e264d31.png



Edited by Yom
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