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Trip To Malaysia


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Hi Guys

I'm off to Malaysia for the great Songkran escape and I'd appreciate some advice on the best option for obtaining Malaysian currency (MYR). It seems that, approximately, you get 1MYR for every 10THB but the rate does seem to vary considerably, depending on where you look.

My options are:

1. Take THB cash and convert to MYR in Malaysia

2. Convert THB to MYR in Thailand before I leave

3. Use my international Thai ATM card in Malaysia to get MYR (I guess that there would be a small charge per transaction and, of course, I have already paid transfer fees to get the money into my Thai bank in the first place)

4. Use my UK ATM debit card in Malaysia (definitely a small transaction charge). I could also use a UK credit card but this is not usually a good option for obtaining cash as they charge interest from the moment that you make the withdrawal. Fine for buying goods though.

5. Use USD travellers cheques in Malaysia (I have had some of these for a while but maybe now is not a good time to cash them in, what with the USD being a bit weak at present)

I won't be relying on any single option but which one would be likely to give the best effective exchange rate?



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There are a few good options to buy Malaysian Ringgit.

If you are in Hatyai, the ideal place is the Tour Bus agencies in front of the old Oriental Hotel.

These Malaysian buses run daily from Hatyai to Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur in the morning.

There are a number of them. Normally I would visit a few of the them and would return back

to the one that gives me the best deal.

Another place is if you are coming over to Malaysia by bus, is at Changloon Mini Tour stop over.

If you are in Malaysia, then any licensed money changer would do. They will give you a better deal

than the local banks.

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Actually, flying direct from BKK to KKI so getting currency at land border crossings will not be an option.

Bought some Ringgit at Bank Gold in Pattaya, today, and the rate seemed quite reasonable at just a shade over 10THB to 1MYR. I'll take some THB with me as well and change it in KK.

As far as using cards in Malaysia is concerned, although I know that there is a high incidence of fraud there, my UK bank and CC Company don't seem to be concerned about this. Both have been told about the potential card usage and both have given me the OK. I might be a bit more concerned about using my Thai card though as there is probably no fraud protection on that one. I'll ask the Thai bank before I leave.

Thanks for the advice.


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