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Bangkok police taking no virus chances: Officers in full protective gear conduct drill


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6 minutes ago, webfact said:

They were taking part in a drill to subdue someone who could be infected with Covid-19 who wasn't complying with instructions or who was resisting arrest



Kind of opens it up for them to take down everyone in Bangkok.

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

The chief said you can't be too careful these days. His "special team" was reading to go into action at a moment's notice and an efficient chain of command was in place for any eventuality. 

What happens to the miscreant when they're eventually transported to the police station? What are they likely to be charged with - given the government's made-up charges dating back to June 2014, for reading the book 1984 in public: 'eating a sandwich with political intent'.


Could it possibly be:

Loitering in a public place without a face mask.

Breathing heavily without a licence.

Walking in an offensive manner.

Wilful coughing.

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A chilling glimpse into an Orwellian future which the current pandemic could help usher in unless we are vigilant.


Today, it's a guy suspected of being a possible virus carrier. Tomorrow it could be anybody who objects to having a compulsory vaccination they fear may be harmful.


We need to learn the lessons of history.


In 1976, 46 million Americans didn't need to be coerced. They obediently lined up for shots they were told would save them from swine 'flu. And subsequently thousands ended up dying or damaged - not by the disease but by the tainted vaccine.


History has a nasty way of repeating itself.  The speed at which current virus scare is being manipulated to deprive us of our human rights is truly scary. But less so than the prospect of not getting them back when the pandemic has run its course.



Edited by Krataiboy
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