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Train dogs to sniff passengers for coronavirus at airports

silver sea

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“Claire Guest told the BBC’s Today programme: 'People are coming in and may be asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic those few days when you’ve got the virus and don’t know it.


'A dog is sniffing each person in turn - it takes 0.5 of a second, the dog quickly identifies which people need a test and need to go straight into isolation to prevent the further spread around the UK.'”


“The head of disease control at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) said dogs could detect malaria with 'extremely high accuracy' and, as other respiratory diseases changed body odour, there was a 'very high chance' it could also work with COVID-19.”






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16 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

Well before the dog are trained there will be a vaccine.

The FDA has never approved a vaccine for humans that is effective against any member of the coronavirus family, which includes SARS, MERS, and several that cause the common cold.


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It says that dogs can be trained in 6 to 8 weeks, and that could be very helpful in some situations because as much as we'd like it to be different, there will still likely be a big problem with this virus in a couple of months from now and longer, especially in the USA where they will have 1,000,000 cases soon and continuously have 1/3 of the global confirmed infections. Even if we are VERY fortunate and the detection dogs are not needed, the processes of training and planning implementation of these animals could be helpful in future situations. People can learn something good from this. 


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