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Labour dept teaches migrant workers the importance of social distancing etc


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Labour dept teaches migrant workers the importance of social distancing etc





The Department of Labour Protection and Welfare has sent out a team of officials to instruct the employers of migrant workers about the government’s measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19.


Apinya Sujarittanan, director-general of the department, said that many businesses had not put in place preventive measures to control the spread of the virus.


“The language is partly a problem for migrant workers to understand what needs to be done in line with the government’s measures,” he said.


The team of officials explained the measures to the migrant workers and also provided them with written guidelines in different languages.


In the effort, migrant workers have been explained the importance of maintaining social distancing, staying away from gatherings and observing the curfew, Apinya said.


Source: https://www.nationthailand.com/news/30386637



-- © Copyright The Nation Thailand 2020-04-23
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The irony is delicious wasn't it last week Anutin and his entourage was enjoying their photo ops, again there was zero social distancing and a definite do as we say not what we do


What's the word again hipo, hypo ah hypocrite's that's the one....

Edited by mark131v
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