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Snake Infestation


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Quite alarming that this is the 3rd snake we found in the garden today. Does anyone know if this is dangerous (venomous)? Because I saw it open its mouth and saw what looked like fangs to me. It's about 40 cm. long.

The other one up on a tree branch was quite long. Maybe 1.5 to 2 m. and was brownish with a black and gray pattern. It's head was narrower but a bit longer.

The last one was a dark brown one, with a body slightly narrower than its head, but it had a distinct brown spot on its back between 2 white bands. This one though was quite a baby, about 20 cm. long.

Unfortunately, I was only able to take the photo of just one. What would be an effective way of getting rid of them. It also doesn't help that there's a swamp with lots of vegetation over the fence behind the house.

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The green one is the same as one that ended up in my mates shower curtain.. He was told it was a 'tree snake' and non venemous.. Would bite tho.. Still wouldnt make a grab for it..

We had a large (4-5 ft) hooded cobra take up residence at the entrance to the house.. One of the local handymen dispatched it and sent it to the pot..

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These tree snakes are actually midly venomous, however not sufficient enough to cause anything fatal. They are venomous enough to cause a reaction however venomous bites are not life threatening.

Cobras are serious,. killed my mates 2 dogs in phuket, he was devastated,.

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we get those green ones in the garden all the time dossing in the flower pots, cobras doss under the house but had a three and half footer move in during the floods last year :o

Ah the joys of living in the countryside.

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we get those green ones in the garden all the time dossing in the flower pots, cobras doss under the house but had a three and half footer move in during the floods last year :o

Ah the joys of living in the countryside.

Was bitten by one of these myself ! Terrified, rushed to Chula hospital but the doctor did not even want to look at the creature I had killed and put in a bag.

"See those twenty people outside...they are all queuing for treatment". We get dozens each day . These snakes are all around Bangkok and usually near dustbins as they feed on rats."

Their venom kills rats and COULD KILL A BABY .... but harmless to adults.

The poison thins the blood and stops it coagulating/clotting.

The end result you would never have guessed...wait for it....

For the next three weeks never felt better in my life !

My chlorestorol was reduced and thinning my blood acted as a medicine similar to warfarin taken from rats to thin blood and remove clots.

Now looking for another snake to bite me !

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