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Another Farang Marriage Ends

The Professor

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if you say "old farang" on thai visa, i am pretty sure that is an automatic crucifixtion. Applying that 20 year old thai women are not sexually attracted to their 50 year old husbands, that is a double crucifixtion. Time to run and hide because these guys are gonna eat you alive emperor.

He will be old (er) and single one day, wonder where he will end up !.. On a lighter note i brought my uncle frank over for a holiday when he was 66 and had been in the living room for 8 years watching tv and waiting for god since his wife passed away,.he loves it here,. before we came over i read him the riot act, no involvement, and read this book on the plane ( money number 1 ),. hes now been coming 4 times a year for 4 years and is often out with me til 5am,. one time i was back in the uk and he text me and said he was on jomtien beach with a 21 year old,. i text him back and said ' you be careful, it could be fatal " ,. he replies " <deleted> it, if it kills her it kills her !,..whats wrong with enjoying yourself at 70,. these young guys just cant get their head round that the darling they were with last night will go with an old fart tomorrow night,.


Well, if they can afford viagra, they can proably afford a $2 hooker as well! :D

have you heard the bar girls say " i no like young man " its because they dont want to pay, they think they have pulled !

They don't like us because they know we don't need to pay. They are well aware of the fact that we can get it for free!

So TBG, you can earn an extra note by going with fat, old, stinky freddie over there, btw, you might also get squashed, or, you can come with me. I won't pay you what he will because i don't have to, the choice is "up to you"

LOL you maybe forgeting these "old farts" were young once too and getting it for free. Now they are "old farts" and are still getting it from the same girls young guys are. Really, young guys should be thanking the "old fart" for taking care of the girls. I don't think old unatractive guys believe these women are physically attractived to them, they may be just realists who are not willing to settle with unattractive women from the west. I say "Good for them" why settle if you don't have too.

I don't blame them for what they do and I believe they have made the correct decision. A nasty western woman is nothing to compare to a TBG...................

A farang goes into a go go and asks the mamasan, ' do you have a fat bird about 17 stone, with questionable hygene ,and a serious attitude problem, " the mamasan takes a look at him and says ," no sorry ,why you want lady like that ' , he replies " cause im missing the wife " !

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if you say "old farang" on thai visa, i am pretty sure that is an automatic crucifixtion. Applying that 20 year old thai women are not sexually attracted to their 50 year old husbands, that is a double crucifixtion. Time to run and hide because these guys are gonna eat you alive emperor.

He will be old (er) and single one day, wonder where he will end up !.. On a lighter note i brought my uncle frank over for a holiday when he was 66 and had been in the living room for 8 years watching tv and waiting for god since his wife passed away,.he loves it here,. before we came over i read him the riot act, no involvement, and read this book on the plane ( money number 1 ),. hes now been coming 4 times a year for 4 years and is often out with me til 5am,. one time i was back in the uk and he text me and said he was on jomtien beach with a 21 year old,. i text him back and said ' you be careful, it could be fatal " ,. he replies " <deleted> it, if it kills her it kills her !,..whats wrong with enjoying yourself at 70,. these young guys just cant get their head round that the darling they were with last night will go with an old fart tomorrow night,.


Well, if they can afford viagra, they can proably afford a $2 hooker as well! :D

have you heard the bar girls say " i no like young man " its because they dont want to pay, they think they have pulled !

They don't like us because they know we don't need to pay. They are well aware of the fact that we can get it for free!

So TBG, you can earn an extra note by going with fat, old, stinky freddie over there, btw, you might also get squashed, or, you can come with me. I won't pay you what he will because i don't have to, the choice is "up to you"

LOL you maybe forgeting these "old farts" were young once too and getting it for free. Now they are "old farts" and are still getting it from the same girls young guys are. Really, young guys should be thanking the "old fart" for taking care of the girls. I don't think old unatractive guys believe these women are physically attractived to them, they may be just realists who are not willing to settle with unattractive women from the west. I say "Good for them" why settle if you don't have too.

I don't blame them for what they do and I believe they have made the correct decision. A nasty western woman is nothing to compare to a TBG...................

A farang goes into a go go and asks the mamasan, ' do you have a fat bird about 17 stone, with questionable hygene ,and a serious attitude problem, " the mamasan takes a look at him and says ," no sorry ,why you want lady like that ' , he replies " cause im missing the wife " !


Poor bugger. Looking for his fat farang buffalo sized wife in a gogo bar................. :D

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So only the young 'STUDS' get it for free? :o

Nearly choked on my coffee at that one.

Those slightly older people generally know their way around a woman and give a darn sight better service than the young hopefuls ever could dream of doing.... maybe that is just it... they are having wet dreams again... or is it wet nappies they have? LOL

Come on old farts ,lets get em !

I don't recall anyone saying ONLY the young ones get it for free.

Your old age must be catching up with you, time to go and buy some glasses!

Or, maybe its the viagra thats blinded you................you know what they say too much viagra can do! :D

yes i do, kept poor uncle frank at it for days,.frank has only one eye, but as he said to me ,in the land of the blind the one eyed man is king !

My regards to King Frank :D

BTW, how much of his pension is spent on viagra? :D

Beleive it or not he dosent need it,. and ive been told that by some of his conquests !,. i think the old goat will outlive me ! scary

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So only the young 'STUDS' get it for free? :o

Nearly choked on my coffee at that one.

Those slightly older people generally know their way around a woman and give a darn sight better service than the young hopefuls ever could dream of doing.... maybe that is just it... they are having wet dreams again... or is it wet nappies they have? LOL

Come on old farts ,lets get em !

I don't recall anyone saying ONLY the young ones get it for free.

Your old age must be catching up with you, time to go and buy some glasses!

Or, maybe its the viagra thats blinded you................you know what they say too much viagra can do! :D

yes i do, kept poor uncle frank at it for days,.frank has only one eye, but as he said to me ,in the land of the blind the one eyed man is king !

My regards to King Frank :D

BTW, how much of his pension is spent on viagra? :D

We should have a poll, how much do the old farts spend on viagra per month :D

free on the national health ! marvellous

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So only the young 'STUDS' get it for free? :D

Nearly choked on my coffee at that one.

Those slightly older people generally know their way around a woman and give a darn sight better service than the young hopefuls ever could dream of doing.... maybe that is just it... they are having wet dreams again... or is it wet nappies they have? LOL

Come on old farts ,lets get em !

I don't recall anyone saying ONLY the young ones get it for free.

Your old age must be catching up with you, time to go and buy some glasses!

Or, maybe its the viagra thats blinded you................you know what they say too much viagra can do! :D

yes i do, kept poor uncle frank at it for days,.frank has only one eye, but as he said to me ,in the land of the blind the one eyed man is king !

My regards to King Frank :D

BTW, how much of his pension is spent on viagra? :D

Beleive it or not he dosent need it,. and ive been told that by some of his conquests !,. i think the old goat will outlive me ! scary

He probably will, if your caning the viagra and he isn't then his heart is probably stronger, your eyesight will most definately fail before his too mike, if you know what i mean.......................... :o


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If you marry a thai girl and buy a house you have some protection so I was told by my thai friend simple solotion is not give them any more you can afford to LOSE keep most of your saving in your home country bank and if your married to a thai girl you don't have to pay cash for the house she can get a mortgage based on the fact she is married to you and use's your income as collorateral and take 20 or 30 year mortgage to pay it off this way if she screws up you walk away simple you lose very little but I know you all want to show how big spender you are LOL investigat the the rules don't listern to bar room lawyers there in every bar in thailand talk to a real attorney ask him qustions get a second opinion from another legal counsel before making decision that could cost you your life savings

enlighten me please.

what would that protection happen to be if you buy them a house. ? :o:D

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Yes, it is sad to hear of another marriage going down the pan but there are so many negatives on T.V. about Thai / Farang marriages / relationships.

Look around yourself at the real world.

In Thailand itself there are so many failed marriages between Thais. It is part of the reason so many 'normal' Thai women are 'available' to us Farangs.

Now look at the U.K., U.S.A., Aus., etc. Are marriages there so wonderful that they all succeed? Definitely not.

There are broken hearts all over the world from failed marriages. There is also a lot of bitterness and acrimony.

Many a Farang will swear that his ex wife took him to the cleaners and got the house and in many cases they bring that bitterness into another relationship - as, I suspect - do many Thai females.

A Thai woman is no different from other women in that she does want security. If she enters a relationship with a Farang she needs to make sure she gets something out of it besides love because if it fails she will 'usually' be the one left in the lurch. Often her family will rail against her for failing if she does divorce a Farang. So in these cases it is not in her best interests to divorce.

Any marriage needs compromise, understanding, finance, respect and love.

Wait years before getting married? That is no magical solution. The paperwork can change a persons attitude. Can make them feel they no longer need to work at the relationship.

So I personally feel we cannot simply blame the failures on the fact it is a Thai/Farang marriage, or on the Thai woman.

I couldn't agree more! Most men blame the woman and the woman blames the man for a failed marraige and usually ends up being both patries. It has no reguard to which nationality they are, but most times money and success is a large part of it. Both people involved should understand that there are compromises to be made and both should be open to learn and teach each other.

I have a Thai G/F, which by the way, I have not met in person yet! So far, things are going great and I will meet her in June 2007. I am more than willing to learn the language, (have already started), teach her better english, learn the culture and move there since I have nothing to keep me here. She on the other hand, is willing to teach or help me learn the language, culture and everything that I must know and is willing for me to teach her better english. This will be a long process if we decide to marry. We are both in our mid 40's so it is not like we are not experianced with past relationships and problems but yet are more willing to work at a relationship than someone in their 20's. I think the biggest problem we will have is me finding work in Thailand. I have read many of these posts and enjoy reading them. Thanks to you all!

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So only the young 'STUDS' get it for free? :D

Nearly choked on my coffee at that one.

Those slightly older people generally know their way around a woman and give a darn sight better service than the young hopefuls ever could dream of doing.... maybe that is just it... they are having wet dreams again... or is it wet nappies they have? LOL

Come on old farts ,lets get em !

I don't recall anyone saying ONLY the young ones get it for free.

Your old age must be catching up with you, time to go and buy some glasses!

Or, maybe its the viagra thats blinded you................you know what they say too much viagra can do! :D

yes i do, kept poor uncle frank at it for days,.frank has only one eye, but as he said to me ,in the land of the blind the one eyed man is king !

My regards to King Frank :D

BTW, how much of his pension is spent on viagra? :D

Beleive it or not he dosent need it,. and ive been told that by some of his conquests !,. i think the old goat will outlive me ! scary

He probably will, if your caning the viagra and he isn't then his heart is probably stronger, your eyesight will most definately fail before his too mike, if you know what i mean.......................... :o

my eyes are fine thankyou, however my arms have shrunk and i need to hold the paper away to read it ,so i guess i need longer arms , strange !


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Yes, it is sad to hear of another marriage going down the pan but there are so many negatives on T.V. about Thai / Farang marriages / relationships.

Look around yourself at the real world.

In Thailand itself there are so many failed marriages between Thais. It is part of the reason so many 'normal' Thai women are 'available' to us Farangs.

Now look at the U.K., U.S.A., Aus., etc. Are marriages there so wonderful that they all succeed? Definitely not.

There are broken hearts all over the world from failed marriages. There is also a lot of bitterness and acrimony.

Many a Farang will swear that his ex wife took him to the cleaners and got the house and in many cases they bring that bitterness into another relationship - as, I suspect - do many Thai females.

A Thai woman is no different from other women in that she does want security. If she enters a relationship with a Farang she needs to make sure she gets something out of it besides love because if it fails she will 'usually' be the one left in the lurch. Often her family will rail against her for failing if she does divorce a Farang. So in these cases it is not in her best interests to divorce.

Any marriage needs compromise, understanding, finance, respect and love.

Wait years before getting married? That is no magical solution. The paperwork can change a persons attitude. Can make them feel they no longer need to work at the relationship.

So I personally feel we cannot simply blame the failures on the fact it is a Thai/Farang marriage, or on the Thai woman.

I couldn't agree more! Most men blame the woman and the woman blames the man for a failed marraige and usually ends up being both patries. It has no reguard to which nationality they are, but most times money and success is a large part of it. Both people involved should understand that there are compromises to be made and both should be open to learn and teach each other.

I have a Thai G/F, which by the way, I have not met in person yet! So far, things are going great and I will meet her in June 2007. I am more than willing to learn the language, (have already started), teach her better english, learn the culture and move there since I have nothing to keep me here. She on the other hand, is willing to teach or help me learn the language, culture and everything that I must know and is willing for me to teach her better english. This will be a long process if we decide to marry. We are both in our mid 40's so it is not like we are not experianced with past relationships and problems but yet are more willing to work at a relationship than someone in their 20's. I think the biggest problem we will have is me finding work in Thailand. I have read many of these posts and enjoy reading them. Thanks to you all!

Welcome to thaivisa!

I wish you the best of luck and hope it turns out ok when you both meet!

Nice to see some honesty!


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if you say "old farang" on thai visa, i am pretty sure that is an automatic crucifixtion. Applying that 20 year old thai women are not sexually attracted to their 50 year old husbands, that is a double crucifixtion. Time to run and hide because these guys are gonna eat you alive emperor.

He will be old (er) and single one day, wonder where he will end up !.. On a lighter note i brought my uncle frank over for a holiday when he was 66 and had been in the living room for 8 years watching tv and waiting for god since his wife passed away,.he loves it here,. before we came over i read him the riot act, no involvement, and read this book on the plane ( money number 1 ),. hes now been coming 4 times a year for 4 years and is often out with me til 5am,. one time i was back in the uk and he text me and said he was on jomtien beach with a 21 year old,. i text him back and said ' you be careful, it could be fatal " ,. he replies " <deleted> it, if it kills her it kills her !,..whats wrong with enjoying yourself at 70,. these young guys just cant get their head round that the darling they were with last night will go with an old fart tomorrow night,.

:bah: ROFPMSL :o

Well, if they can afford viagra, they can proably afford a $2 hooker as well! ;)

have you heard the bar girls say " i no like young man " its because they dont want to pay, they think they have pulled !

They don't like us because they know we don't need to pay. They are well aware of the fact that we can get it for free!

So TBG, you can earn an extra note by going with fat, old, stinky freddie over there, btw, you might also get squashed, or, you can come with me. I won't pay you what he will because i don't have to, the choice is "up to you"

LOL you maybe forgeting these "old farts" were young once too and getting it for free. Now they are "old farts" and are still getting it from the same girls young guys are. Really, young guys should be thanking the "old fart" for taking care of the girls. I don't think old unatractive guys believe these women are physically attractived to them, they may be just realists who are not willing to settle with unattractive women from the west. I say "Good for them" why settle if you don't have too.

I don't blame them for what they do and I believe they have made the correct decision. A nasty western woman is nothing to compare to a TBG...................

A farang goes into a go go and asks the mamasan, ' do you have a fat bird about 17 stone, with questionable hygene ,and a serious attitude problem, " the mamasan takes a look at him and says ," no sorry ,why you want lady like that ' , he replies " cause im missing the wife " !

:o:D :D

mate that is <deleted> priceless :D

thank you very much as ive just dropped a darkie in my undies <deleted> laughing. :D

im only laughing, as i know a few fellas that could relate to. :D:bah:

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Yes, it is sad to hear of another marriage going down the pan but there are so many negatives on T.V. about Thai / Farang marriages / relationships.

Look around yourself at the real world.

In Thailand itself there are so many failed marriages between Thais. It is part of the reason so many 'normal' Thai women are 'available' to us Farangs.

Now look at the U.K., U.S.A., Aus., etc. Are marriages there so wonderful that they all succeed? Definitely not.

There are broken hearts all over the world from failed marriages. There is also a lot of bitterness and acrimony.

Many a Farang will swear that his ex wife took him to the cleaners and got the house and in many cases they bring that bitterness into another relationship - as, I suspect - do many Thai females.

A Thai woman is no different from other women in that she does want security. If she enters a relationship with a Farang she needs to make sure she gets something out of it besides love because if it fails she will 'usually' be the one left in the lurch. Often her family will rail against her for failing if she does divorce a Farang. So in these cases it is not in her best interests to divorce.

Any marriage needs compromise, understanding, finance, respect and love.

Wait years before getting married? That is no magical solution. The paperwork can change a persons attitude. Can make them feel they no longer need to work at the relationship.

So I personally feel we cannot simply blame the failures on the fact it is a Thai/Farang marriage, or on the Thai woman.

I couldn't agree more! Most men blame the woman and the woman blames the man for a failed marraige and usually ends up being both patries. It has no reguard to which nationality they are, but most times money and success is a large part of it. Both people involved should understand that there are compromises to be made and both should be open to learn and teach each other.

I have a Thai G/F, which by the way, I have not met in person yet! So far, things are going great and I will meet her in June 2007. I am more than willing to learn the language, (have already started), teach her better english, learn the culture and move there since I have nothing to keep me here. She on the other hand, is willing to teach or help me learn the language, culture and everything that I must know and is willing for me to teach her better english. This will be a long process if we decide to marry. We are both in our mid 40's so it is not like we are not experianced with past relationships and problems but yet are more willing to work at a relationship than someone in their 20's. I think the biggest problem we will have is me finding work in Thailand. I have read many of these posts and enjoy reading them. Thanks to you all!


have you been reading this thread ?

if you have i salute you, as you have a brilliant sense of humour. :D :D :D:o:D

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If you marry a thai girl and buy a house you have some protection so I was told by my thai friend simple solotion is not give them any more you can afford to LOSE keep most of your saving in your home country bank and if your married to a thai girl you don't have to pay cash for the house she can get a mortgage based on the fact she is married to you and use's your income as collorateral and take 20 or 30 year mortgage to pay it off this way if she screws up you walk away simple you lose very little but I know you all want to show how big spender you are LOL investigat the the rules don't listern to bar room lawyers there in every bar in thailand talk to a real attorney ask him qustions get a second opinion from another legal counsel before making decision that could cost you your life savings

Thai banks WILL NOT give a mortgage to the (legally married) wife of a farang. The reason is based upon pure racism.

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Yes, it is sad to hear of another marriage going down the pan but there are so many negatives on T.V. about Thai / Farang marriages / relationships.

Look around yourself at the real world.

In Thailand itself there are so many failed marriages between Thais. It is part of the reason so many 'normal' Thai women are 'available' to us Farangs.

Now look at the U.K., U.S.A., Aus., etc. Are marriages there so wonderful that they all succeed? Definitely not.

There are broken hearts all over the world from failed marriages. There is also a lot of bitterness and acrimony.

Many a Farang will swear that his ex wife took him to the cleaners and got the house and in many cases they bring that bitterness into another relationship - as, I suspect - do many Thai females.

A Thai woman is no different from other women in that she does want security. If she enters a relationship with a Farang she needs to make sure she gets something out of it besides love because if it fails she will 'usually' be the one left in the lurch. Often her family will rail against her for failing if she does divorce a Farang. So in these cases it is not in her best interests to divorce.

Any marriage needs compromise, understanding, finance, respect and love.

Wait years before getting married? That is no magical solution. The paperwork can change a persons attitude. Can make them feel they no longer need to work at the relationship.

So I personally feel we cannot simply blame the failures on the fact it is a Thai/Farang marriage, or on the Thai woman.

I couldn't agree more! Most men blame the woman and the woman blames the man for a failed marraige and usually ends up being both patries. It has no reguard to which nationality they are, but most times money and success is a large part of it. Both people involved should understand that there are compromises to be made and both should be open to learn and teach each other.

I have a Thai G/F, which by the way, I have not met in person yet! So far, things are going great and I will meet her in June 2007. I am more than willing to learn the language, (have already started), teach her better english, learn the culture and move there since I have nothing to keep me here. She on the other hand, is willing to teach or help me learn the language, culture and everything that I must know and is willing for me to teach her better english. This will be a long process if we decide to marry. We are both in our mid 40's so it is not like we are not experianced with past relationships and problems but yet are more willing to work at a relationship than someone in their 20's. I think the biggest problem we will have is me finding work in Thailand. I have read many of these posts and enjoy reading them. Thanks to you all!

Welcome to thaivisa!

I wish you the best of luck and hope it turns out ok when you both meet!

Nice to see some honesty!


Thanks Mark,

I think it will turn out great. I will be in BKK for 8 days. If day 1 turns out as planned, the next 7, all the ducks will get in line by themselves! LOL


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I've been in Thailand 6 years now and I've watched as all my friends who marry Thais get shafted one by one. Just heard about this recent situation. It was an office girl he had met on the internet (37), him 37. It lasted 2 years and they had a child together. After they were married, he ran into a cash crunch and this triggered the demise. The guy in question is a super nice, understanding and generous guy. I'm sure she expected more "resources" from him and was sadly disappointed, although I'm quite sure she cleaned his clock early on.

So I add this to the other similar stories I have witnessed by close acquaintances: There were 2 that involved 4 million baht house purchases and lasted less than a year. One was a bank teller and the other a clerk. There was a 3rd who had a child but ran short of cash so was abandoned. Word to the wise is be careful out there. This looks like a broken record. You won't see the professor going down this sad road. I feel for all my close friends who have been burned

Any of these guys have prenuptial agreements? Do they even have them here? It might have screened some of the gold-diggers before they got burned.

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And just to show 'it' makes the world go around:-

From BBC Web Site

A single father-of-two proposed to an American woman he met on the internet four minutes after flying 4,000 miles to see her for the first time.

Carl Dockings, 36, from Newport, south Wales, popped the question to Danielle at Chicago's O'Hare Airport after the pair met playing cards on the internet.

The 26-year-old said "yes" and the couple were married four months later.




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On the old vs young thing. I have friends who are BGs & I've talked to them about this. I also believe they would tell me the truth (being a woman) as they have nothing to gain by lying to me (I don't care, one way or another).

They prefer older guys,in general, but it's not really for the reasons any of you have stated. I don't think I can put the reason on the forum though, without breaking rules.

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i think uncle frank is having to much fun and is danger of having a heart attack because of his new found stud statis. :D

might just nip over to patters and see if he has got one to spare. :D :D :D

thank you very much uncle frank as you are a true legend and i salute you. :bah:

the very reverend terence of rambuttri. :o

nip into the parish for a free tower after you finished doing the dirty. :bah::o

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On the old vs young thing. I have friends who are BGs & I've talked to them about this. I also believe they would tell me the truth (being a woman) as they have nothing to gain by lying to me (I don't care, one way or another).

They prefer older guys,in general, but it's not really for the reasons any of you have stated. I don't think I can put the reason on the forum though, without breaking rules.

Its well known that BGs perfer LONG TERM RELATIONSHIPS with older guys because they know the younger guys are more likely to run off with other women, because they can while the older guy is more likely to be more faithfull because he has not as many options.

Edited by aussiestyle1983
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On the old vs young thing. I have friends who are BGs & I've talked to them about this. I also believe they would tell me the truth (being a woman) as they have nothing to gain by lying to me (I don't care, one way or another).

They prefer older guys,in general, but it's not really for the reasons any of you have stated. I don't think I can put the reason on the forum though, without breaking rules.

You let us down NR, I can hear all the elderly saying " I told you so" :o


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On the old vs young thing. I have friends who are BGs & I've talked to them about this. I also believe they would tell me the truth (being a woman) as they have nothing to gain by lying to me (I don't care, one way or another).

They prefer older guys,in general, but it's not really for the reasons any of you have stated. I don't think I can put the reason on the forum though, without breaking rules.

Its well known that BGs perfer relationships with older guys because they know the younger guys are more likely to run off with other women, while the older guy is more likely to be more faithfull.

I wasn't talking about LTR's. I was talking about business transactions

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things can turn sour in a matter of days,in a relationship in any part of the world.you only have to say she looks fat in that dress a couple of times & things can go t!ts up pretty quick.i think most people get married because its expected of them & makes them feel more secure.in thailand though it often seems more of a financial agreement than in the west,"if he loved me he would take care of me",& also given that the ladies are conditioned to always put their family first.

i think you have to be careful of the sweet & sour.sweet on the outside,sour on the inside.

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On the old vs young thing. I have friends who are BGs & I've talked to them about this. I also believe they would tell me the truth (being a woman) as they have nothing to gain by lying to me (I don't care, one way or another).

They prefer older guys,in general, but it's not really for the reasons any of you have stated. I don't think I can put the reason on the forum though, without breaking rules.

Its well known that BGs perfer relationships with older guys because they know the younger guys are more likely to run off with other women, while the older guy is more likely to be more faithfull.

I wasn't talking about LTR's. I was talking about business transactions

My mistake. Either way, they know they will get more from the older guy in terms of money. They are doing that job for the money not the sex. So, they would be happy to sacrifice the ten times better sexual performance they would get from a stud such as myself to go with the older man who would pay them, possibly for more than one night as well. :o

Edited by aussiestyle1983
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A reminder of the TV rules:

"1) You will not use thaivisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, referencing prostitution (including bargirls and barboys), referencing suicide, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law."

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On the old vs young thing. I have friends who are BGs & I've talked to them about this. I also believe they would tell me the truth (being a woman) as they have nothing to gain by lying to me (I don't care, one way or another).

They prefer older guys,in general, but it's not really for the reasons any of you have stated. I don't think I can put the reason on the forum though, without breaking rules.

Its well known that BGs perfer LONG TERM RELATIONSHIPS with older guys because they know the younger guys are more likely to run off with other women, because they can while the older guy is more likely to be more faithfull because he has not as many options.

hey aussie,

you seem to be an expert at all this stuff.

keep on spitting it out as im listen to your profession's. :D

i wont make a judgement till the thread runs out of steam and we will see what the go is. :o

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If you marry a thai girl and buy a house you have some protection so I was told by my thai friend simple solotion is not give them any more you can afford to LOSE keep most of your saving in your home country bank and if your married to a thai girl you don't have to pay cash for the house she can get a mortgage based on the fact she is married to you and use's your income as collorateral and take 20 or 30 year mortgage to pay it off this way if she screws up you walk away simple you lose very little but I know you all want to show how big spender you are LOL investigat the the rules don't listern to bar room lawyers there in every bar in thailand talk to a real attorney ask him qustions get a second opinion from another legal counsel before making decision that could cost you your life savings

Thai banks WILL NOT give a mortgage to the (legally married) wife of a farang. The reason is based upon pure racism.

They will. But her income is used in the computation as well. Many things in Thailand are indeed very rasict, however that blanket statement is not totally true.

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If you marry a thai girl and buy a house you have some protection so I was told by my thai friend simple solotion is not give them any more you can afford to LOSE keep most of your saving in your home country bank and if your married to a thai girl you don't have to pay cash for the house she can get a mortgage based on the fact she is married to you and use's your income as collorateral and take 20 or 30 year mortgage to pay it off this way if she screws up you walk away simple you lose very little but I know you all want to show how big spender you are LOL investigat the the rules don't listern to bar room lawyers there in every bar in thailand talk to a real attorney ask him qustions get a second opinion from another legal counsel before making decision that could cost you your life savings

enlighten me please.

what would that protection happen to be if you buy them a house. ? :o:D

From what I was told if you are married to the gilr she can not sell the house and as for you living in it that also could be a possibilty but check with your legal adviser not the bar room lawyers

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If you marry a thai girl and buy a house you have some protection so I was told by my thai friend simple solotion is not give them any more you can afford to LOSE keep most of your saving in your home country bank and if your married to a thai girl you don't have to pay cash for the house she can get a mortgage based on the fact she is married to you and use's your income as collorateral and take 20 or 30 year mortgage to pay it off this way if she screws up you walk away simple you lose very little but I know you all want to show how big spender you are LOL investigat the the rules don't listern to bar room lawyers there in every bar in thailand talk to a real attorney ask him qustions get a second opinion from another legal counsel before making decision that could cost you your life savings

Thai banks WILL NOT give a mortgage to the (legally married) wife of a farang. The reason is based upon pure racism.

They will. But her income is used in the computation as well. Many things in Thailand are indeed very rasict, however that blanket statement is not totally true.

just want to reply I went to siam bank few weeks back to get home loan on a project that is allready in progress the bank clerk told me if I was married to my t/g/f it would be easier since she does not have any income they would use mine I do agree with you about racisim but we can not fight that I was denied a saving account in bkk bank went to siam bank and got one I guess the answer is to shop around

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On the old vs young thing. I have friends who are BGs & I've talked to them about this. I also believe they would tell me the truth (being a woman) as they have nothing to gain by lying to me (I don't care, one way or another).

They prefer older guys,in general, but it's not really for the reasons any of you have stated. I don't think I can put the reason on the forum though, without breaking rules.

Its well known that BGs perfer LONG TERM RELATIONSHIPS with older guys because they know the younger guys are more likely to run off with other women, because they can while the older guy is more likely to be more faithfull because he has not as many options.

Well thats shot me down in flames,. i thought it was because an old guy wouldnt live as long and access to the inheritance is closer !

Edited by mikethevigoman
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Thai banks WILL NOT give a mortgage to the (legally married) wife of a farang. The reason is based upon pure racism.

Thats Poppycock!

The chap I referred to in an earlier post on this thread had borrowed money from his mum for the deposit and then got a mortgage in his G/F's name by depositing regular sums in her account. Maybe it depends on where you bank and the spirit in which you conduct your banking... :o

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On the old vs young thing. I have friends who are BGs & I've talked to them about this. I also believe they would tell me the truth (being a woman) as they have nothing to gain by lying to me (I don't care, one way or another).

They prefer older guys,in general, but it's not really for the reasons any of you have stated. I don't think I can put the reason on the forum though, without breaking rules.

Its well known that BGs perfer LONG TERM RELATIONSHIPS with older guys because they know the younger guys are more likely to run off with other women, because they can while the older guy is more likely to be more faithfull because he has not as many options.

Well thats straigtened me out,. i thought it was because an old guy wouldnt live as long and access to the inheritance is closer !

Hey!....some old guys are in their 90`s........and still hanging on to their wallet :o

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