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Thaksin's Little Girl Right At Home In London


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I find it curious that the same league of "defenders of the realm" (the Thai one) always comes out defending anything done by Thais.

It's like, "oh they're Thai so they can't possible have done anything bad. Any problem is caused by YOU the farang because you are dumb, ignorant, farang and don't understand Thailand/the Thais".

Do you guys have no spine?

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Nothing too much more of an insult on the senses than a rich Asian who has been born into money.

We've all seen them, a sense of entitlement and self righteousness, not a philanthropic bone in their bodies. Arragant, and ignorant to their surroundings, usually corrupt and/or criminal.

I've got no sympathy for the girl. If she was a half decent human being she would take some of the billions of baht she's rorted from Thailand via her father and spend (just a fraction of ) it on schools and hospitals in the N/East.

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Play nicely please gentlemen, lets not get into a flame war and lets also keep the name calling and wild insults out of this thread - that goes for members of the board and subjects of discussion. Thanks!

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I wish UK would give the Chinawatra family the same visa grief as the Thais give us here!!!

To reciprocate based on the analogy of the Shinawatra situation......I think you'll find that very wealthy foreigners and also foreigners working for multinational firms in Thailand have zero grief with visas/wp's etc....

Darwin referred to it as the "natural selection", the higher up the food chain you get, the easier it is to survive :o

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I wish UK would give the Chinawatra family the same visa grief as the Thais give us here!!!

To reciprocate based on the analogy of the Shinawatra situation......I think you'll find that very wealthy foreigners and also foreigners working for multinational firms in Thailand have zero grief with visas/wp's etc....

Darwin referred to it as the "natural selection", the higher up the food chain you get, the easier it is to survive :D

Oh, so as long as you have money laws don't apply to you? That's ok then? :o

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I wish UK would give the Chinawatra family the same visa grief as the Thais give us here!!!

To reciprocate based on the analogy of the Shinawatra situation......I think you'll find that very wealthy foreigners and also foreigners working for multinational firms in Thailand have zero grief with visas/wp's etc....

Darwin referred to it as the "natural selection", the higher up the food chain you get, the easier it is to survive :o

That theory of course was for the natural world, not us superficial human beings.

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Oh, so as long as you have money laws don't apply to you? That's ok then? :o

We've had discussions where you seemed to think certain laws didn't apply to you so fair is fair I guess. :D

Huh? :D

PS. don't bother replying, I've put you on ignore. You never say anything worth reading anyway.

Edited by Phil Conners
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I don't think that money precludes you from visa grief in the UK, Mohammed Al Fayad (owner of Harrods) is always moaning about not being able to get citizenship...

Yeah but he p*ssed off the crown :o

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I wish UK would give the Chinawatra family the same visa grief as the Thais give us here!!!

To reciprocate based on the analogy of the Shinawatra situation......I think you'll find that very wealthy foreigners and also foreigners working for multinational firms in Thailand have zero grief with visas/wp's etc....

Darwin referred to it as the "natural selection", the higher up the food chain you get, the easier it is to survive :o

That theory of course was for the natural world, not us superficial human beings.

When you break down our petty superficialities into their fundamentals, humans are totally governed by the laws of nature.

Edited by kiakaha
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she'd be there on a student visa. It is hardly the most difficult visa for the UK to get. Many mere mortals I know get them all the time.

If her getting a visa easily is all you have to throw at here, then you don't have much do you?

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I wish UK would give the Chinawatra family the same visa grief as the Thais give us here!!!

To reciprocate based on the analogy of the Shinawatra situation......I think you'll find that very wealthy foreigners and also foreigners working for multinational firms in Thailand have zero grief with visas/wp's etc....

Darwin referred to it as the "natural selection", the higher up the food chain you get, the easier it is to survive :o

That theory of course was for the natural world, not us superficial human beings.

When you break down our petty superficialities into their fundamentals, humans are totally governed by the laws of nature.

Unfortunately this is not correct. Animals are known to hunt and kill purely to survive. They are not known to hunt and kill for greed. They, unlike humans, understand when enough is sufficient. When they are hungary they will feed themselves again.

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Unfortunately this is not correct. Animals are known to hunt and kill purely to survive. They are not known to hunt and kill for greed. They, unlike humans, understand when enough is sufficient. When they are hungary they will feed themselves again.

But a human is the only omnivore who can consciously choose to forgo eating meat out of compassion for another living thing.

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But a human is the only omnivore who can consciously choose to forgo eating meat out of compassion for another living thing.

Not correct! I had a conversation with my cat just 2 nights ago. She promised to stop hunting jingjokes .. but ony if I guaranteed her a daily bowl of milk from angels. Although she did have a 'cat that ate the canary' smile on her wee face. :o

Edited by klikster
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She looks Ok, if it all goes belly up with the family finances she will be able to make a few bob "working bar",maybe only Pattaya though.

John, your a sad little man.

classic mr suzuki and it would not happen in japan. :o:D :D :D

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its a real shame that the young lady in question did not come to australia, as ive got a spare room and i could of made a killing on all the rent i could of charged her. :D :D

Terry, dear, the young lady in question may well go for a hunk of an Emergency Services guy with a Spiritual leaning. Clean out the room! I will have a word with her! :o

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I wish UK would give the Chinawatra family the same visa grief as the Thais give us here!!!

To reciprocate based on the analogy of the Shinawatra situation......I think you'll find that very wealthy foreigners and also foreigners working for multinational firms in Thailand have zero grief with visas/wp's etc....

Darwin referred to it as the "natural selection", the higher up the food chain you get, the easier it is to survive :o

That theory of course was for the natural world, not us superficial human beings.

When you break down our petty superficialities into their fundamentals, humans are totally governed by the laws of nature.

Unfortunately this is not correct. Animals are known to hunt and kill purely to survive. They are not known to hunt and kill for greed. They, unlike humans, understand when enough is sufficient. When they are hungary they will feed themselves again.

break it down mate, peice by peice.

hunger isn't the only raw instinct that we are slaves to.

humans kill for fun/sport

they do these because it makes them feel happy/satisfied etc..

they need this "feeling" so the brain's Hypothalamus can release the necessary hormones into their body to maintain their body's "status quo", to enable them to "get by", to survive.

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its a real shame that the young lady in question did not come to australia, as ive got a spare room and i could of made a killing on all the rent i could of charged her.

Terry, dear, the young lady in question may well go for a hunk of an Emergency Services guy with a Spiritual leaning. Clean out the room! I will have a word with her!

urr, umm,

thanks very much mate. :D <deleted>, sorry about that, i mean Miss :bah:

ive just bolted into the spare room, she's as clean as toxins mansions, and im ready to receive the lovely young lady in question. :o

actually im that happy to have her, im going to give her cheap rent. :bah:

she will only have to pay me 2999 quid per month and thats got to be a cracking deal. :o

after all she is a struggling student. :D

anyway miss blighty,

your welcome to a free tower of alter wine next time your on rambuttri. :D

and thank you very much for putting in the good word for me. :D

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Sorry, but I thought with the thread title, Thaksin's Little Girl Right At Home In London, it was going to be about this woman, who he's been spotted with shopping at Harrods:


Mai Charoenpura

actually, if that is her she can stay for <deleted> free. :o:D :D

she's bloody awesome. :D

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Pinthongta was recently spotted at Funky Buddha, a famous club in London known as the favored hotspot of Prince Harry and other high-flyers.

High-flyers or not, it's perplexing that a Thai Buddhist would be seen in a place that has gotten a lot of flack in Thailand for its blasphemous (by Thai standards) display of Buddha images in a bar setting.



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This is getting funny. Why don't you guys just take the girl and shoot her in front of the city hall? Maybe that action would seem just for some people. It's a kid, it's a kid that maybe one day will come back to Thailand and make it better. Please correct me and tell that if you were her age and your own father would have instructed you to proceed like this, you would have said "<deleted> off" and let me be?

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well this thread shows a lot about some of the barflys on this forum.

I wish her the best, she didnt choose her parents (unless you believe otherwise) and deserves what ever she strides for. It must of been very hard on the family to pack and leave in such scarey circumstances. I was never a supporter of Thaksin, but look what we have now.

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well this thread shows a lot about some of the barflys on this forum.

I wish her the best, she didnt choose her parents (unless you believe otherwise) and deserves what ever she strides for. It must of been very hard on the family to pack and leave in such scarey circumstances. I was never a supporter of Thaksin, but look what we have now.

Good point. They've exchanged the devil for his father :o

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