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I Killed A Dog


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I went to visit a friends parents in a village,after a nice afternoon i decided to go into the nearest towns see the sights.As i drove thru the village(very slowly)a pack of about 6 dogs rushed across the road in front of me so i stopped....i waited and they all seemed to have gone across OK so i started to move .Then bump there was still one left under my car.I got out to find a medium size pup going thru the jerking death motions surounded by children they thought it was fun.Then a lady came out from the house and soon as she saw me ($$$$) she started to cry and shout in thai ....the children just played and giggled.I can not speak thai and the lady new who i was as it is a small village so i drove off.

Next morning a heared a lot of talking out side the house at 6 am it was the lady who said it was her dog.My friends parents gave her 100 baht they seemed happy so i asked what they did with the dog....she said we ate it last night.So it seems 100 baht is the going rate if you run over a dog.

Does anyone know how much for chickens and buffalo....i might need to know one day.

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They'd have been far more upset with you if it had been a chicken. Some of these fighting cocks are seriously expensive! One of our dogs used to escape from our compound & kill chickens. The prices we had to pay went up & up. We once got one off her, still alive, & even took it to the vet (just a chicken, not a fighter - she never killed one of those). The last one she killed, the owner asked for 5,000 bt for a scrawny old female. I disputed this & he calmly said it was the mother of a fighter! :o We kept that guy in whisky for quite some time!

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I think a chicken is a couple of hundred baht. If you manage to run over buffalo in your car I would first worry about the cost of the damage to the car, then the cost of replacing a buffalo.. then you may want to get your eyesight checked

totster :o

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So if i hit a chicken i better not stop.....always reminds me of that toyota ad of the chickens crossing the road.

I will get my eyes checked ...dont want to hit any buffalo or elephants.

OH by the way how easy or hard is it to get a thai driving license when you have an international one.

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So if i hit a chicken i better not stop.....always reminds me of that toyota ad of the chickens crossing the road.

I will get my eyes checked ...dont want to hit any buffalo or elephants.

OH by the way how easy or hard is it to get a thai driving license when you have an international one.

very easy if you have an interantional one....search the forum, it has been discussed almost as often as the retirement visa... :o

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My father in law bought a new pickup about four years ago. The very next day, one of his staff were driving accross an osterich farm with 4 x 200 litre drums of diesel in the back to be delivered to a building site on the other side. He managed to hit a osterich at about 50km's per hour. (FK's how?) The pickup was a write off. The osterich kept eveyone in food for weeks. :o



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I went to visit a friends parents in a village,after a nice afternoon i decided to go into the nearest towns see the sights.As i drove thru the village(very slowly)a pack of about 6 dogs rushed across the road in front of me so i stopped....i waited and they all seemed to have gone across OK so i started to move .Then bump there was still one left under my car.I got out to find a medium size pup going thru the jerking death motions surounded by children they thought it was fun.Then a lady came out from the house and soon as she saw me ($$) she started to cry and shout in thai ....the children just played and giggled.I can not speak thai and the lady new who i was as it is a small village so i drove off.

Next morning a heared a lot of talking out side the house at 6 am it was the lady who said it was her dog.My friends parents gave her 100 baht they seemed happy so i asked what they did with the dog....she said we ate it last night.So it seems 100 baht is the going rate if you run over a dog.

Does anyone know how much for chickens and buffalo....i might need to know one day.

PLASTIC BUCKET IS THE ANSWER !, I was staying at the inlaws luxury shed on sticks near ubon when at 6.30am i was awoken by an horrendous noise of someone screaming into a loud hailer,.Thinking world war 3 had broken i called for the wife and quickly got my head back under the blankets just in case !,. anyway when she arrives i ask what the hel_l was that,. she says take a look , so i went to the window ,there was a pick up outside with metal cages with dogs in and a stack of new buckets on the back,.well you got me i said, what is it, well she says if you have a dog you dont want you can exchange him for a bucket ! ,. what a marvelous idea,. ! ,what happens to the dogs i enquire, " they take up north where people eat them ' she says,.. I knew that lot in yorkshire were a bit odd ! Edited by mikethevigoman
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Maybe someone could come up with a "points system" for driving over things, like that 70's film; "Death Race 2000?" Contestants should be awarded points for dogs, cats, chickens, drunken motorcyclists, etc.

I think the guy who ran over an ostrich^^ above, might be the winner already.


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Aye lad!

Do you remember, "I were right about that saddle though"

From Yellow Pages tv ad?

Ps. I ran over a snake the other day. My friend to me it was good luck! (not for the snake obviously...) I didn't stop to make a pair of shoes.. that would have been better luck.

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As teenagers, we joked about the game "Pedestrian Polo," where you get 15 points for running over a dog, 25 points for running over an old man, 100 points for a nun, 1500 points for a pregnant nun. We were bad boys!

You didn't kill the pup. Its owner killed the puppy by allowing it to be out on the street. I didn't kill that dog at Mae Tang; it almost killed me, and it committed suicide by standing still in the road. The local kid laughed at that dead dog, but I probably cursed it. Well, I cursed the dog that bit me on the beach in Hua Hin.

By my logic, if people don't take care of their own dogs, they should take the responsibility for what happens, unless you're rushing through the community at double the normal speed. A dog in Mexico got a glancing blow from my front wheel, and the next time I passed through, all the dogs were chained up to save them from the crazy foreigner.

But this is Thailand and we're just non-immigrants here, so we should play the game their way. 500 points for a monk.......just kidding.

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Aye lad!

Do you remember, "I were right about that saddle though"

From Yellow Pages tv ad?

Ps. I ran over a snake the other day. My friend to me it was good luck! (not for the snake obviously...) I didn't stop to make a pair of shoes.. that would have been better luck.

OK, I've bitten. That quote 'I was right about that saddle though' was muttered by an old chap at the end of the ad (a bit like 'J R Hartley'), I can hear his voice and tone perfectly, but can't for the life of me remember the context... :D Sorry if off topic, maybe start a new one on the 'farang pub' forum? :o

(either way, please put me out of my misery...)

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Aye lad!

Do you remember, "I were right about that saddle though"

From Yellow Pages tv ad?

Ps. I ran over a snake the other day. My friend to me it was good luck! (not for the snake obviously...) I didn't stop to make a pair of shoes.. that would have been better luck.

OK, I've bitten. That quote 'I was right about that saddle though' was muttered by an old chap at the end of the ad (a bit like 'J R Hartley'), I can hear his voice and tone perfectly, but can't for the life of me remember the context... :D Sorry if off topic, maybe start a new one on the 'farang pub' forum? :o

(either way, please put me out of my misery...)

I think it was about a young lad who wanted a racing bike for his birthday but his old man told him he couldn't afford it. "Maybe next year eh"

Then the old man sneakily uses yellow pages to phone the bike shop.

Good old yellow pages.

PS, I,m too young to have seen this, my mum told me about it :D

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Next morning a heared a lot of talking out side the house at 6 am it was the lady who said it was her dog.My friends parents gave her 100 baht they seemed happy so i asked what they did with the dog....she said we ate it last night.So it seems 100 baht is the going rate if you run over a dog.

Does anyone know how much for chickens and buffalo....i might need to know one day.

Don't ask me why, but one of the issues that used to go through my mind a lot before moving to LOS was exactly an incident like this where the farang has accidentally terminated a very ordinary soi mutt - but which in death will have transformed to an adored and treasured rare breed animal of impeccable pedigree........... only because it was a farang that caused its demise. Sad for the the pup, but happy to discover that I was just being paranoid - probably......... :o:D

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I've squashed all sorts in my village, and my dogs terrorise ( ferocious barking )anything that enters our garden

A young puppy flattened with my bike, just like a pressed flower in a book. :o

Several chickens, that never seem to die on impact, so therefore no reason to stop. :D

An old couple couple on a bike ( had to cough up 100 Baht for that one ) :D

Slammed into the back of a 10 wheeler ( undamaged ) my Izuzu limped into garage for 20K repairs. :D

The etiquette for dogs is stop , apologise but no need to pay.

Buffalo have my utmost respect, they are so intelligent looking :D

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Awhile after this i hit a small chicken in another village i was not carring much money so i did not stop.I do drive very slowly thru villages but the little critters just throw them selves at my car ......or maybe the local people are on to me and throwing their animals at my car for money !!

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Buffalo have my utmost respect, they are so intelligent looking :o

Its quite amazing how they manage to maintain that peaceful, bovinely-serene look on their faces, even as they're flying over the bonnet of your car, eh? :D

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Buffalo have my utmost respect, they are so intelligent looking :o

Its quite amazing how they manage to maintain that peaceful, bovinely-serene look on their faces, even as they're flying over the bonnet of your car, eh? :D

Is that like a flying pig story ....

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Animals throwing themselves at your car? When we lived in ME, we regularly drove from Muscat to Dubai. There is a stretch of road there where (allegedly) Bedu would throw their knackered camels at westerners cars and demand money for their prize winning racing camels. Never heard of it actually happening to anyone though, only a friend or a friend of a friend. Urban myths eh :o

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