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To Own A Petrol Station & 7-eleven

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Oh, dear things are getting out of hand with silly and pointles argument, I really just wanted advise on who to contact from this forum and no more.

I really wish to thank those who have advised me in getting in touch with both PTT and Power Green Alliance.

For me, I think this thread is closed but I also wish to point out to some of you that this is my business I have been in the motor trade and fuel station business for many years in the UK and I have made good money out of it.

Now I want to start again because I am bored and nothing much else to do. I am 63 years old and the fuel station will ensure some income and a reasonable asset for my 11 year old son.

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as far as im concerned you reopened this thread with your last post.....lol.

what makes you think your son wants to live in the boonies all his life running a gas station.

are there an abundance of thai girls (young ones ) in your neck of the woods.

if you suffering from mid life crisis get a mia noi, hats what thais do. when in thai do what the thai do, or something like that.

you sound like the kind of guy us Treasury notes were invented for.

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>>>Now I want to start again because I am bored and nothing much else to do. I am 63 years old...<<<

I'm sorry but if you make a post with that remark on a DISCUSSION board you are going to get comments about how ridiculous it sounds. No one said you couldn't run a business. People only commented on the statement you made above.

Spending 20 million baht to cure boredom sounds rediculous to most sane adults. I like blizzard's idea...get a mia noi. Much cheaper than 20 million and will solve yor boredom problem. Please leave the "I'm committed to my wife" story for someone who might believe it, wrong country for that! Hahaha......

I would buy the "my ticker can't handle another woman" reason more. Plus, how can u be bored in Thailand? Don't you travel? Anything?

Anyway...good luck on the petrol station! Don't forget to invite us to the grand opening! We can carry on this fun in person!!!!! :o

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Sounds to me that Blizzard and No beleeeve are fairly jealous that this guy has money. I would also go ar far to say that this thread has become rather nasty and rude which is a shame

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i lub guys like jonesy.

mr j imagine u were heads son. u want to do what papa tells u to do or do u want to experience life on your own. in most cases parents want their kids to do better than they did. seems head doesnt have much confidence in his kid.

y always when one has different view they r labelled as troll, disrespectful, rude,etc.

too many of you are old fuddy duddys.

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Sounds to me that Blizzard and No beleeeve are fairly jealous that this guy has money. I would also go ar far to say that this thread has become rather nasty and rude which is a shame

I agree.

I would like to point out that soundman already showed that the gas station could be profitable alone.

Add the rents from the 7-11, car wash, eaterie, gift shop etc and it could generate a nice income.

I would also like to point out that the banks generally give a low estimate when they do an appraisal. If the bank says 22 mil my guess would be that it would be worth closer to 30 mil and what kid would not like to have that waiting for him after he graduates.

As far as boredom is concerned many retired business owners find that they miss running a business after a few years and start up another. If he has money to live on then buying himself a job while leaving an investment for his kid sounds like a good idea to me. whatever makes him happy.

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as far as im concerned you reopened this thread with your last post.....lol.

what makes you think your son wants to live in the boonies all his life running a gas station.

are there an abundance of thai girls (young ones ) in your neck of the woods.

if you suffering from mid life crisis get a mia noi, hats what thais do. when in thai do what the thai do, or something like that.

you sound like the kind of guy us Treasury notes were invented for.

blizzard = "all hat and no cattle" :D :D :D

perhaps I'm wrong though.....

.......tell us about your great buznit successes blizzard......you seem to have all the answers so you must have a wealth of buznit experience :o

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1600 baht a month is considered profitable..............oh my goodnes. on an investment not including land of at least 12million baht.

wolfman stick to spinning records.

1600 baht is a profit . Yes or no ?????????????

It would help if you took the entire post in context. I said that he would be making a profit off of the gas station. I also said he could make a nice profit when the entire 12 million baht investment was taken into account. You are wrongly assuming that the entire 12 million was being spent on the fuel selling aspect. It is not. The fuel is the reason to get the customer to stop. Selling cold drinks, food, washing the car, gift items, etc etc etc etc is the real profit maker. I also studied business and economics. Have you ever heard of a loss leader? For your information it is where a business loses money on ab item to get the customer into the store. Once the customer is in the store you have the customer in the store you have to have a reason for them to stay and spend money on items that you do make a profit on. This technique is being used by gas stations and supermarkets all over the USA and it works. Pull your head out of your @@@@@@@ and read the entire post before you comment.

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gas is loss leader. ok i understand.

so customer go in 7-11 and buy 10 baht cola, is this the moneymaker.

customers not going to be families travelling by car from bkk to boonies.

do poor thais have someone wash their car? wh o these thais going to buy gifts for.

i wlk into 7 11 in middle of bangkok, i never

see gift items for sale.

condoms are prominately displayed.....................lol

yes 1600 baht is a profit..........you guys are hilarious.

Edited by blizzard
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gas is loss leader. ok i understand.

so customer go in 7-11 and buy 10 baht cola, is this the moneymaker.

customers not going to be families travelling by car from bkk to boonies.

do poor thais have someone wash their car? wh o these thais going to buy gifts for.

i wlk into 7 11 in middle of bangkok, i never

see gift items for sale.

condoms are prominately displayed.....................lol

yes 1600 baht is a profit..........you guys are hilarious.

Again you should learn how to read. I never said that gasoline is a loss leader. It pays all of the bills which is not what a loss leader does. A loss leader is an item that is sold at or below cost to get customers in the door. A simple concept for most but to complicated for you to understand.

Have you ever traveled anywhere in thailand other than to your local 7-11? There are many stations built on the concept that soundman is suggesting. most of the thais that are going to be renting stalls or shops from petrol will only be making 5k - 10k per month. They are happy with that since it is more than they can make otherwise. Petrol man gets his rent and since all of the other costs are covered by the sales of fuel the rent is pure profit.

To further your education a coke is not all that the drivers spend money on and i would not call any thai that can afford a car poor. In the 7-11 they will buy fountain drinks where the most expensive part is the cup. They will buy snacks. They will buy cold rags to put on the back of their neck. Do you think that all of the convenience stores at gas stations in thailand survive on selling 10 baht cokes?

They will take their car to the car wash and do some shopping while they wait. Or get something to eat. Or have a beer.

Most thais when they travel buy gifts for their co workers and family. I drive from Chiang Mai to bangkok at least twice a year. I see gift shops at many stations selling products from all over thailand. They are there year after year for a reason and it is not losing money or not being able to pay rent.

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gas is loss leader. ok i understand.

so customer go in 7-11 and buy 10 baht cola, is this the moneymaker.

customers not going to be families travelling by car from bkk to boonies.

do poor thais have someone wash their car? wh o these thais going to buy gifts for.

i wlk into 7 11 in middle of bangkok, i never

see gift items for sale.

condoms are prominately displayed.....................lol

yes 1600 baht is a profit..........you guys are hilarious.

Again you should learn how to read. I never said that gasoline is a loss leader. It pays all of the bills which is not what a loss leader does. A loss leader is an item that is sold at or below cost to get customers in the door. A simple concept for most but to complicated for you to understand.

Have you ever traveled anywhere in thailand other than to your local 7-11? There are many stations built on the concept that soundman is suggesting. most of the thais that are going to be renting stalls or shops from petrol will only be making 5k - 10k per month. They are happy with that since it is more than they can make otherwise. Petrol man gets his rent and since all of the other costs are covered by the sales of fuel the rent is pure profit.

To further your education a coke is not all that the drivers spend money on and i would not call any thai that can afford a car poor. In the 7-11 they will buy fountain drinks where the most expensive part is the cup. They will buy snacks. They will buy cold rags to put on the back of their neck. Do you think that all of the convenience stores at gas stations in thailand survive on selling 10 baht cokes?

They will take their car to the car wash and do some shopping while they wait. Or get something to eat. Or have a beer.

Most thais when they travel buy gifts for their co workers and family. I drive from Chiang Mai to bangkok at least twice a year. I see gift shops at many stations selling products from all over thailand. They are there year after year for a reason and it is not losing money or not being able to pay rent.

wolfmanjack - he can't read/comprehend simple concepts.....you are wasting your time trying to educate.......forget it........a troll anyway........maybe his mama will call him for dinner soon...........

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gas is loss leader. ok i understand.

so customer go in 7-11 and buy 10 baht cola, is this the moneymaker.

customers not going to be families travelling by car from bkk to boonies.

do poor thais have someone wash their car? wh o these thais going to buy gifts for.

i wlk into 7 11 in middle of bangkok, i never

see gift items for sale.

condoms are prominately displayed.....................lol

yes 1600 baht is a profit..........you guys are hilarious.

Again you should learn how to read. I never said that gasoline is a loss leader. It pays all of the bills which is not what a loss leader does. A loss leader is an item that is sold at or below cost to get customers in the door. A simple concept for most but to complicated for you to understand.

Have you ever traveled anywhere in thailand other than to your local 7-11? There are many stations built on the concept that soundman is suggesting. most of the thais that are going to be renting stalls or shops from petrol will only be making 5k - 10k per month. They are happy with that since it is more than they can make otherwise. Petrol man gets his rent and since all of the other costs are covered by the sales of fuel the rent is pure profit.

To further your education a coke is not all that the drivers spend money on and i would not call any thai that can afford a car poor. In the 7-11 they will buy fountain drinks where the most expensive part is the cup. They will buy snacks. They will buy cold rags to put on the back of their neck. Do you think that all of the convenience stores at gas stations in thailand survive on selling 10 baht cokes?

They will take their car to the car wash and do some shopping while they wait. Or get something to eat. Or have a beer.

Most thais when they travel buy gifts for their co workers and family. I drive from Chiang Mai to bangkok at least twice a year. I see gift shops at many stations selling products from all over thailand. They are there year after year for a reason and it is not losing money or not being able to pay rent.

wolfmanjack - he can't read/comprehend simple concepts.....you are wasting your time trying to educate.......forget it........a troll anyway........maybe his mama will call him for dinner soon...........

I thought there were a couple of others that might benefit from the information also.

Dinner time isn't for another couple of hours though. Then he will be back until 8pm when his mommy sends him to bed.

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from a guy who think s 1600 on an investment of 12m is guud. i concur..........lol

5% tbil interest on 500,000$ =25,000$. you have to at least make that . and for yr investment to be considered sexxess u need to make multiples of that. khao jai mai.

Edited by blizzard
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Blizzard, don't you have anything constructive to say, ever, on this forum ? A cursory glance through your postings on TV indicates that you don't. By your own admission you come to thailand regularly for only one reason, having nothing to do with business. You claim to have a business degree from a USA business school, but there is no evidence of that in any of your postings. You make condescending and disparaging comments in poor english, instead of offering any real constructive advice. Reading your comments is a continuous nuisance to me, and, I would wager, to many others here. Please try to be constructive for the general good !

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from a guy who think s 1600 on an investment of 12m is guud. i concur..........lol

5% tbil interest on 500,000$ =25,000$. you have to at least make that . and for yr investment to be considered sexxess u need to make multiples of that. khao jai mai.

Do you pull figures out of yer a$$ to support your position or are you really that stupid?

12m baht = $338K at current exchange rate; NOT $500K as YOU stated. Didn't your 'buznit' college teach you basic math?

Using the correct figures and assuming that gas sales pay ALL the expenses (as stated before) he only needs to average 1644 baht per day profit from the other income sources to make a 5% ROI.

If the location is busy as he says this is peanuts. Rental income and store sales would generate much more than that.

Your mommie is calling you; it's nappy time.

ps - If you want to take a negative position.....okay. How about learning basic math skills before you post such stupid drivel.

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my 500000 was a mistake.

still his 12m is only for the basic structure, if he want add short time rooms the price goes up.

and you need to add in the cost of his land in figuring out his numbers.

mr color blind.

why go thru all the nonsense to make 5%. what r us t bills paying. and your basing your numbers on everything going as planned.

wheres the love guys, im not the only one sayoing the guys a fool...lol.

you want consructive advice. DONT DO IT STUPID.....LOL.

of course my responses going to be negative as i usuaally respond to threads where the op usually needs some kind of kick in the butt.

i dont tell smart intelligent people they doing a good job, they already smart they know what they doing.

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Newly opened 7-11, coffee shop, gas station PTT I think, etc just opened between Korat and Pimai

7-11 is doing VERY well in terms of customers. Always people in there when we drop in...

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my 500000 was a mistake.

still his 12m is only for the basic structure, if he want add short time rooms the price goes up.

and you need to add in the cost of his land in figuring out his numbers.

mr color blind.

why go thru all the nonsense to make 5%. what r us t bills paying. and your basing your numbers on everything going as planned.

wheres the love guys, im not the only one sayoing the guys a fool...lol.

you want consructive advice. DONT DO IT STUPID.....LOL.

of course my responses going to be negative as i usuaally respond to threads where the op usually needs some kind of kick in the butt.

i dont tell smart intelligent people they doing a good job, they already smart they know what they doing.


You really are that dense. YOU'RE THE ONE that brought up the 5% figure; I only used it to clarify your MISTAKE.

Personally, I think he'll do better than that; if the location has the traffic as he says.

Today I stopped at the PTT/7-11 in Nong Bua Lam Phu. I've been there many, many times. Never have seen less than 2 cars at the pumps; sometimes have to wait. Amazon coffee there too; rental income from them. Other shops there also.

I still think the OP is on a good thing......just my opinion.

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if soundman has a wife who is in the buznit and say pethead gonna have a tough go at it and you who has a granny who every once in a while has a good day.

ill take sound wife over yr granny any time. no offense to granny as i m sure she works hard.

doesnt anyone realize you need to make more than the risk free interest one can get on their money, alot more to say a buznit is worth the time and effort.

tell granny i can make more playing .10-.25 poker on the internet than i bet she makes at her job. if she can get me a thai bank account and address me and yr granny can be partners.

ps i think it was wolfman jakazz who pulled numbers out of thin air, i was basing some comments on his take of things.

AND BY THE TIME PETHEAd does get things going , if he can do it, he goingto be one old man............lol.

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Boy, there sure are a bunch of uptight old men on this board. At least blizzard adds a dose of reality to the discussion if not some silly humor.

If a guy comes to a discussion board and cannot take the heat of a few people who raise some valid issues with his "boredom plan, uh, um, I mean business plan" I can only imagine how he will handle stressors that the business will present in a foreign country. No one here is wishing him any ill will, just to be more realistic in his goals.

In other words, don't come to a discussion board and tell us 1 + 1 = 100 and expect us to buy into it. If we disagree so be it.

Beleeeeve me, this guy will find someone to take his 20 million baht in Thailand. I hope he gets a business out of it too. I'd gladly be one of his customers.

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Boy, there sure are a bunch of uptight old men on this board. At least blizzard adds a dose of reality to the discussion if not some silly humor.

If a guy comes to a discussion board and cannot take the heat of a few people who raise some valid issues with his "boredom plan, uh, um, I mean business plan" I can only imagine how he will handle stressors that the business will present in a foreign country. No one here is wishing him any ill will, just to be more realistic in his goals.

In other words, don't come to a discussion board and tell us 1 + 1 = 100 and expect us to buy into it. If we disagree so be it.

Beleeeeve me, this guy will find someone to take his 20 million baht in Thailand. I hope he gets a business out of it too. I'd gladly be one of his customers.

I think you're missing the point. I don't think anyone has a problem just because someone has a different opinion. Blizzard may have some valid points. But I, and apparently others, would prefer he leave out the stupid comments. I haven't read anything he posted that I thought was humorous, and it's not just this topic.

Anyway, in the beginning of this topic, the gentleman just asked for information, not opinions. But I'll give one anyway. I think he must be reasonably intelligent and skilled, or would guess that he wouldn't have 20 million to invest. I wish him the best of luck whatever his decision.

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Boy, there sure are a bunch of uptight old men on this board. At least blizzard adds a dose of reality to the discussion if not some silly humor.

If a guy comes to a discussion board and cannot take the heat of a few people who raise some valid issues with his "boredom plan, uh, um, I mean business plan" I can only imagine how he will handle stressors that the business will present in a foreign country. No one here is wishing him any ill will, just to be more realistic in his goals.

In other words, don't come to a discussion board and tell us 1 + 1 = 100 and expect us to buy into it. If we disagree so be it.

Beleeeeve me, this guy will find someone to take his 20 million baht in Thailand. I hope he gets a business out of it too. I'd gladly be one of his customers.

Not all Thais are bad beleeeeve me, most of the problems I have seen in Thailand is fallang agains fallang

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I've always got the utmost respect for any westerner who tries to make a go of it in LOS either out of necessity or as a hobby. Sometimes I am criticised for being too negative but I suppose that comes from years as a risk analyst protecting serious big money. However, I too have my toe in business in and around Pattaya so I need to pump up myself with some enthusiasm !

It starts with how much the OP has to lose. Not that he wants to but if he has $25m then $0.5m is easily written off out of annual income. Somewhere between that figure and having only $0.5m in the world is a point where doing any form of investment must be cautioned against. With his stated business experience in the field and the motor trade I doubt this is his last $0.5m.

So would I do it ? Perhaps. With a stable marriage over many years and a committed wife and no family "issues" to resolve, and knowing that it could all be taken away unless protected under a company structure and I could afford to lose the money, then why not. However, I would probably not really work if I was that comfortable off. Then again, some people myself included sometimes, like to build things up rather than running them at full speed.

I wish the OP every success and if I'm in the area I'll pop in for a tank of gas.

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