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WHO praises Cambodia’s rating among top nations of best COVID-19 containment


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The World Health Organisation (WHO) has welcomed and praised Cambodia for being ranked among the top nations with the best COVID-19 containment and impact management. “Collective health is based on strong leadership and individual actions. I commend Cambodia for its decisive action to manage the cluster linked to the 3 Nov diplomatic visit, and the government’s leaders for modeling good public health practices,” said Dr Takeshi Kasai, WHO Regional Director for Western Pacific on Twitter on Nov. 20.


Dr Li Ailan, WHO Representative to Cambodia on Nov. 21 twitted, “Congratulations to Cambodia for managing the ‘3 Nov’ COVID-19 event well to keep Cambodia safe! Early Detection, Rapid Response with Targeted Interventions are essential to the success!”


The Bureau de Prospective Economique (BPE) of Senegal has ranked Cambodia in the 3rd place among the 166 studied nations across the world, and the 1st place in Asia in terms of the Kingdom’s effective measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 and to handle pandemic’s fallouts.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50785009/who-praises-cambodias-rating-among-top-nations-of-best-covid-19-containment/

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Well deserved praise from WHO. Please note:-


10 hours ago, geovalin said:

Early Detection, Rapid Response with Targeted Interventions

 In my opinion, and sadly, Thailand dithered from the start. latest figures:-


Total cases

3,920  total cases 60 deaths

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what can  you think of an organisation (WHO), ranking one of the worst dictatorship, a country with nearly no healthcare system (by western standards) at the top for "best COVID-19 containment and impact management".

(did I mentioned, that Thailand is also ranked at the top ? there seems to be a systemic in this ...)

“Collective health is based on strong leadership..."

blabla bla

yes another country like china with no democracy and a place where you go "to the gulak" (prison camps without sentence) for criticising the  government.

(did I mentioned they also praise China for handling the so called covid-pandemic?).


some hints:

how many people were tested in Cambodia ?

how many people dying at home did they test?

how many hospital beds do exist in Cambodia, where you could actually see people dying

(I guess, most people in Cambodia die at home. There is no hospital infrastructure in Cambodia , to provide help for many  people . 

In Germany they are counting,  how many people with covid are in intensive care in hospitals. does even one bed in cambodia exists with this kind of intensive car. As far as I know, everyone who can afford it, is going to Thailand for real medical care (f. e. helpful treatment in a hospital)


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