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Dogs Piosoned


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I have just received some upsetting news from my wife today (I work in the Middle East), two of our dogs (one Golden Retriever and the other a Mongrel) were found dead this morning in our garden and there was a sort of egg omlet found rapped up in paper which had some green stuff on it which seems to be the stuff that piosoned our two dogs.

We have five dogs (now only three) and two live in the house and the others outside, luckily the third dog did not eat any of this food as he was at the front of the house. I will dearly miss the two dogs as they were very freindly and good companions.

We believe there are people roaming the area (I live near Buriram) and are checking to see where us falangs live and they are casing the area so they knew we had dogs and they threw this pioson into the garden last night so that they could maybe return tonight to burgal the place. I have told my wife to tell the police so that they will be ready for them (I hope).

THis is a message to all falangs in the area, please be on your guard, when I get back I will buy a shotgun and teach my wife how to use it as this is very concerning especially for me being away.

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I am sorry to here this: I also live in the Buriram area, recently the dog pick-up has been in the village on a more than regular occasion: I make a point of letting them know I am aware of there presence, this is a silver nearly new toyota:

Send me a Pm so we can disscuss if we are near to each other: I have contacts with the local Police

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I live in Pattaya and I am scared to death that some scumbag will poison my beloved Lucky and Sweetie. My heart goes out to you Koratlover and your wife. It must be awful......

Incidentally, if anyone suspects that a Pet has eaten some poison quickly give it a raw egg or two to make it sick. Or better still a teaspoonful of Peroxide and another in half an hour. You may be too late but its worth a try.....

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Frankly speaking I know nothing about dogs. If your dogs were really "fearsome" type then they might have killed with the intention of burglary or maybe it was someone who was really pissed off of your dogs as your dogs might have chased him or made him afraid many times. :o

Apart from this, I dont like the street dogs who chase the people all the time for no apparent reason. If I were cruel enough, probably I would give them the poison. BUT I will NEVER do this. :D

However, I feel sorry for your dogs and I can understand your feelings. :D

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I have just received some upsetting news from my wife today (I work in the Middle East), two of our dogs (one Golden Retriever and the other a Mongrel) were found dead this morning in our garden and there was a sort of egg omlet found rapped up in paper which had some green stuff on it which seems to be the stuff that piosoned our two dogs.


Unfortunately it’s standard procedure to poison dogs prior to an attempted burglary.

We also live in Buriram province, in our village, foreigner owned houses were burglarized. ( dogs poisoned )

Some with heavy losses.

Recently some of the burglars were arrested in Nang Rong . However the leaders are still at large and this a well organized group.

Please be extra careful and get some MALE relatives to sleep in your house for a few weeks.

I will PM you with some more details

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Very sorry to hear this having lost my golden labrador, what a dirty, ball- less, shitty thing to do, i would blow these freaks heads off if i saw that, get a shot gun, pump action better, and show them (or their companions) whose the boss

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Sometimes dogs ARE poisoned because they are viewed as pests. For instance, a dog that kills the neighbours' chickens might be poisoned; a dog that chases/harasses people who walk/motorcycle past the house is another candidate for poisoning. These are reality situaions here. But if you think it's a prelude to theft, then consider the following:

1. Keep a dog inside the house during the evenings. Thais' wouldn't do that; crooks may be taken by surprise.

2. Forget about the police assisting you. How many robbers of farang homes have been apprehended recently (or ever) in Buriram or anywhere else?

3. The earlier comment about male-relatives staying overnight is probably a good idea.

4. Without putting too fine a point on it, use ANY ADDITIONAL MEANS POSSI8LE to protect yourselves. Just assume that nobody else will help.

I have two dogs. The largest is called in Thai Mah Ban. It would appear to be related to the husky. Anyhow, mine, at least, won't accept any food from strangers. But I don't know if that's a trait common to all Mah Ban.

Good luck on your situation! There seem to be many foreign people living in Thailand who are facing similar circumstances.

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Sorry to her of your loss, I have watched two of my dogs die due to poisonig.

In the case of one of my dogs I dont think it was intentional, I think some one had been trying to poison rats and the dog came accross the bait and ate it.

On another occasion my neighbour decided that my dog had been killing his prize fighting chickens, so he just came round to my house and shot it with a rifle in front on me and my family. Could not really do much.

As far as the police go they have no interest in protecting dogs from being killed, or doing anything about it after the event.


Edited by mosquitoman
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It may be a good idea if you are worried about a break in, leave lights on and tv downstairs or get someone (male preferably) to sleep downstairs

Or get some friend who owns a shotgun to come hang around for a few nights and smoke them. Never underestimate how dangerous these kinds of scumbags are, they will murder you and your family in a heart beat. I would also round up more dogs right away and light the place up like a football stadium for a month or so.

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Dear All,

Many thanks for your kind advice during this difficult time.

My wife has had the Police round and they have taken the evidence away for forensic checks and will let us know what they used to pioson our two dogs. Also they have posted a police man in our compound for a couple of nights so I can as well as my wife and chidren rest in some peace.

As my wife knows I will dearly miss the dogs she went out today an brought two Labrador puppies (2 months old) which by the time I get home will have nearly grown to full size.

Also I live on a 2 Rai plot completely walled off so my dogs cannot get out and kill any livestock and also the nearest nieghbour is about 500 meters away so dogs will not be annoying them at all so must be a plot to burgal our home.

I have also been advised that my wife will be able to get a shotgun licence in which the police force in town will sanction so she will be able to buy a shotgun soon and they siad to her that they will train her on how to use it correctly - what a helpful bunch they are.

BTW. The Police officer on guard told the wife and children that if they here shooting during the night that they must not come outside to see what is happening - so this guy means business but is somewhat scary.

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I am sorry to here this: I also live in the Buriram area, recently the dog pick-up has been in the village on a more than regular occasion: I make a point of letting them know I am aware of there presence, this is a silver nearly new toyota:

Send me a Pm so we can disscuss if we are near to each other: I have contacts with the local Police

macb, thanks for the offer but we are very well known with the police also for charities, donating office equipment to them etc..

When I get back maybe we have have a chat and a beer as it would be nice to see other falangs in the area and especially one who loves dogs like me. If you ever decide to have pups let me know as I would definately be interested in getting a German Shepherd that has come from a known source and not from a market where you have no idea of the breeding.

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A few months ago, i considered getting a dog as a companion on our farm, but what happened a few days later took me off this idea, our neigbours dog had a puppy, when it could walk and get around ok, it used to come to our house and i would give it scraps of food ect, it was a really nice black & tan puppy, one evening in February, the neighbour saw the puppy eating some food from us, he took it by the ears, dragged it to the waste ground oppsite, put his knee on its shoulders and slit its throat with a big knife, saying something like if the food from my house isnt good enough for the dog, then it must die!! he strung it up in a tree to bleed it out, next morning, the carcass was gone, and from what i understand from my mrs, black & tan dogs have very tasty inards, so since then, i have forgotten about having a dog,

Moral of the story is, having befriended a dog, then loosing it is heartbreaking, but to do it again???

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I have just received some upsetting news from my wife today (I work in the Middle East), two of our dogs (one Golden Retriever and the other a Mongrel) were found dead this morning in our garden and there was a sort of egg omlet found rapped up in paper which had some green stuff on it which seems to be the stuff that piosoned our two dogs.

We have five dogs (now only three) and two live in the house and the others outside, luckily the third dog did not eat any of this food as he was at the front of the house. I will dearly miss the two dogs as they were very freindly and good companions.

We believe there are people roaming the area (I live near Buriram) and are checking to see where us falangs live and they are casing the area so they knew we had dogs and they threw this pioson into the garden last night so that they could maybe return tonight to burgal the place. I have told my wife to tell the police so that they will be ready for them (I hope).

THis is a message to all falangs in the area, please be on your guard, when I get back I will buy a shotgun and teach my wife how to use it as this is very concerning especially for me being away.

I have a farm up in Buriram also. We have 2 Shepherds (rejected from Royal Thai Police) and 2 Big Pit Bulls. They annoy the villagers to hel_l when they are walking buffalo out to the fields and they run at the gates. However I do make a big show of shouting at them for doing this - just to keep on the right side of the neighbours. Once the male pit bull climbed a 7' chainlink fence and killed two 1500b fighting cocks. The owner of the birds smacked the dog really hard on the head with an iron bar (my fault for not having an overhang on the fence). I do not blame him at all and because I was diplomatic with him, he did not ask for any money. It is my guess that dogs that annoy villagers are knocked about rather than poisoned. Poisoning seems to be a precursor to robbery. As stated, have male members of the family around at night.

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We lost three dogs around a month ago to poison, we are also in Buriram-Amphur Muang. I don't think it was by burglars, as someone had told my mother-in-law a couple of weeks earlier that our dogs were killing his chickens; which was bull as they never leave/left our property, which is 500m outside the village & his property is 3-plus kms away. Our dogs were also very vocal and acted very aggressively when anyone came by, another possible reason. We are fairly sure who the culprit is, but what can we really do? The village policeman, whose wife sells the underground-illegal lottery.....lol....couldn't care less and retribution, ie. poisoning his chickens (just the shitty nuisances that run around everywhere-not fighters) would serve no purpose. We have three youngsters left, their mother being one of the victims. We lost another dog, a fat BLACK & TAN late last year, he was undoubtably stolen picked up by one of the dog-meat men who run around destined for Nakhon Sawan. Yes, I am told the meat of black dogs is the most delicious and commands the best price per kilo. Sickening!

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A few months ago, i considered getting a dog as a companion on our farm, but what happened a few days later took me off this idea, our neigbours dog had a puppy, when it could walk and get around ok, it used to come to our house and i would give it scraps of food ect, it was a really nice black & tan puppy, one evening in February, the neighbour saw the puppy eating some food from us, he took it by the ears, dragged it to the waste ground oppsite, put his knee on its shoulders and slit its throat with a big knife, saying something like if the food from my house isnt good enough for the dog, then it must die!! he strung it up in a tree to bleed it out, next morning, the carcass was gone, and from what i understand from my mrs, black & tan dogs have very tasty inards, so since then, i have forgotten about having a dog,

Moral of the story is, having befriended a dog, then loosing it is heartbreaking, but to do it again???

Was reading recently 'bout how friendly and pleasant the people from Isaan are. Even thought about popping up there for a visit myself. Er, think I've kinda changed my mind

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The OP's dogs were not running around sounds like as he has a walled compound so people have a reason to worry IMO.

I have heard of the same poisonings occurring as a precursor to robbery of farang houses in the outlying Ubon area as well. If caught here in the States, the offender(s) would more than likely get more jail time for the poisoning than the Breaking & Entering.

Extreme Option: My friend in Laos had several of his dogs poisoned over several years which led to him investing in an inner fence some distance from the main wall parallel to it. He said that the cost was easier to deal with than having another dog get poisoned. He lost some of his usable land, but the additional peace of mind is worth considering he told me when I retire to the LOS. I am not sure if I could go to this extreme as it would make the compound look like a prison. Each to their own I guess.

Mike in Seatle

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I live in Non Suwan, Buriram Province. In December 2006 I was burgled twice, the first time we were in bed asleep and my wife woke up when she heard a man in our bedroom. He escaped, climbing a 6 ft high wall covered in glass like it was nothing. The second time they poisoned my two Golden Spanials. This was because they noticed that, the first time, I had a safe and they needed extra time, when they came back, to get it out of my house. I'd gone away to Singapore for a holiday, when they came, so they must have had good intelligence. So contary to having contacts with the police and associating with them, then stop. Thai police are no different to anyone on low pay, they're open to bribery ! Do not trust any Thai Police. Someone is giving them information.

Since my buglaries I've fitted a alarm system that I bought from the UK. On going away 2 weeks ago to Phuket I left my alarmed house in the hands of a Thai. The alarm went off at 7:30pm one evening, false alarm, but the Thai was too scared to come to my house to switch it off. The police attended but it switched itself off after 30 mins. We've been told now that they will not attend if there's anymore false alarms.

Only way forward is to openly advertise that you have nothing of value in your house and leave you doors open. The more security you have, the more valuables people believe you have.

All I wish to add to this is that the Police are shit and the locals are spineless once it gets dark. Don't trust anyone !

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Many dogs get poisoned for barking relentlasly, you may think your dog never barks, mabe they dont when your home but many dogs bark nonstop when the owners are out.

I can actually understand this.

I understand, but I do not approve the action.

All the houses around my apartment building have 4-5 dogs each.

Whenever someone is walking through the street at night time on his/her way home, the dogs start to bark.

They have woken me up so many times that I at one stage thought about gettting a rifle with a silencer, which I never did of course.

But it can be very annoying. Especially when some of the owners are home, with their gates open, letting their dogs start to chase other people in the street.

Strangely enough I am getting more used to the dogs now and try to ignore all the barking as pure background noice.

But I'm pretty sure I will one of these days get bitten by one of them, which will make David Beckham look like an amateur when I kick it.

I guess it will come to a point where I have to choose between this apartment (which I really like), accept the dogs, or move.

Nevertheless, killing someones dogs instead of talking to the owners are just cruel. Which makes me think it must be burglars.



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Many dogs get poisoned for barking relentlasly, you may think your dog never barks, mabe they dont when your home but many dogs bark nonstop when the owners are out.

I can actually understand this.

I understand, but I do not approve the action.

All the houses around my apartment building have 4-5 dogs each.

Whenever someone is walking through the street at night time on his/her way home, the dogs start to bark.

They have woken me up so many times that I at one stage thought about gettting a rifle with a silencer, which I never did of course.

But it can be very annoying. Especially when some of the owners are home, with their gates open, letting their dogs start to chase other people in the street.

Strangely enough I am getting more used to the dogs now and try to ignore all the barking as pure background noice.

But I'm pretty sure I will one of these days get bitten by one of them, which will make David Beckham look like an amateur when I kick it.

I guess it will come to a point where I have to choose between this apartment (which I really like), accept the dogs, or move.

Nevertheless, killing someones dogs instead of talking to the owners are just cruel. Which makes me think it must be burglars.



Sounds like your situation is the same as I had at a rented house a few years back, everywhere in Thailand you will at sometime have a problem with dogs but some places the situation is so bad there is only one thing you can do and thats moove,

You say about talking to the owners, that was hopeless in my case, the worst of the barking dogs was infact owned by a farang friend of mine, when he was home the dog was silent, but I told him the moment your car goes round the corner your dog is barking non stop till you return, he wouldent believe it, or chose not to believe it ? I even recorded it and played it back to him but he said it was only barking because I was filming him ! it was hopeless,

Bottom line is, do you ruin your standerd of life by putting up with non stop barking, do you kill the dog, or do you moove, I mooved but I can understand the killing if you can't moove, not a nice thought but do you let a dog destroy the remaining years of your life ?

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We lost three dogs around a month ago to poison, we are also in Buriram-Amphur Muang. I don't think it was by burglars, as someone had told my mother-in-law a couple of weeks earlier that our dogs were killing his chickens; which was bull as they never leave/left our property, which is 500m outside the village & his property is 3-plus kms away. Our dogs were also very vocal and acted very aggressively when anyone came by, another possible reason. We are fairly sure who the culprit is, but what can we really do? The village policeman, whose wife sells the underground-illegal lottery.....lol....couldn't care less and retribution, ie. poisoning his chickens (just the shitty nuisances that run around everywhere-not fighters) would serve no purpose. We have three youngsters left, their mother being one of the victims. We lost another dog, a fat BLACK & TAN late last year, he was undoubtably stolen picked up by one of the dog-meat men who run around destined for Nakhon Sawan. Yes, I am told the meat of black dogs is the most delicious and commands the best price per kilo. Sickening!

I had 2 Rottweilers and 1 German sherpperd poisoned 2 years back, I knew who did it, and I was so mad that I could have done the same to him....Any of you know how long time it takes for a dog to die after it has been poisoned ?? 30 minutes to 1 hour, where it is in lots of pain. If the dogs are aggresive or they were chasing his cows, ok fair game...But shoot them, quick and clean, poison is for cowards.

Anyway, an eye for an eye, I got him back, our land is all fenced in, but some of his cows brake through, to get access to our good grasing, I complained 2 times to the local police, the 3rd time it happend I shot the cows...Did I pay of the cops first ??? Take a wild guess....


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I had a couple dogs in the Philippines. One of the first lessons they were taught was also one of the most heartbreaking and cruel to teach. They were taught to not eat anything without my command to do so, especially nothing thrown over the wall. It was the only way to prevent them from being poisoned as a precursor to robbery.

I would assume that any dog you care deeply about here in Thailand should be similarly trained.

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