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Proposed Cessation Of Free Nhs Care To Uk Expats

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Proposed cessation of free NHS care to UK expats

The UK Government is expected to stop expatriates getting free care on the NHS this year. People will now have to prove they spend at least six months a year in the country to get free care. The Health Secretary, John Reid, has emphasised that the scheme will be “rigorously applied” even though it still requires parliamentary approval. This has been brought about by the government’s crackdown on health tourism whereby anyone can get free healthcare just by showing some tenuous link to the UK.

Pensioners who return to the UK for their final years will not be affected. The NHS is also emphasising that expatriates will still get access to the NHS in an emergency. However, this is as far as it will go. Britons living outside of Europe will be the hardest hit. For those who live for more than half the year away from the UK then even a lifetime’s contribution to National Insurance will be of no help at all.

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Proposed cessation of free NHS care to UK expats

The UK Government is expected to stop expatriates getting free care on the NHS this year. People will now have to prove they spend at least six months a year in the country to get free care. The Health Secretary, John Reid, has emphasised that the scheme will be "rigorously applied" even though it still requires parliamentary approval. This has been brought about by the government's crackdown on health tourism whereby anyone can get free healthcare just by showing some tenuous link to the UK.

Pensioners who return to the UK for their final years will not be affected. The NHS is also emphasising that expatriates will still get access to the NHS in an emergency. However, this is as far as it will go. Britons living outside of Europe will be the hardest hit. For those who live for more than half the year away from the UK then even a lifetime's contribution to National Insurance will be of no help at all.

This is a blatant of stealing by HM government. Why should they use my umpteen years of contributions to provide for people that have not paid a penny. Surely this must be a case for the Euuropean Court of Justice.

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In other words, you need to be a UK taxpayer to receive Nhs treatment.

Unfortunate for the expats living in Lol, who complain about claimants draining the resources.

You can't have it both ways.

"You can't have it both ways."

True - I wonder how this affects expats who pay the minumum NI contributions to assure a govt. pension payout?

I am covered by my company cover for healthcare as well as travel insurance for business trips - i will be buying my own travel insurance for the year for my leisure trips as usual.

If and when I do return to the UK how long do I have to be there to be covered by the NHS I wonder and how do I establish permancy again?

Strange thing is though I am still registered with a GP at my Mum's place - how will they know i do not live in the UK without checking my NI records or tax office?

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Proposed cessation of free NHS care to UK expats

The UK Government is expected to stop expatriates getting free care on the NHS this year. People will now have to prove they spend at least six months a year in the country to get free care. The Health Secretary, John Reid, has emphasised that the scheme will be "rigorously applied" even though it still requires parliamentary approval. This has been brought about by the government's crackdown on health tourism whereby anyone can get free healthcare just by showing some tenuous link to the UK.

Pensioners who return to the UK for their final years will not be affected. The NHS is also emphasising that expatriates will still get access to the NHS in an emergency. However, this is as far as it will go. Britons living outside of Europe will be the hardest hit. For those who live for more than half the year away from the UK then even a lifetime's contribution to National Insurance will be of no help at all.

This is a blatant of stealing by HM government. Why should they use my umpteen years of contributions to provide for people that have not paid a penny. Surely this must be a case for the Euuropean Court of Justice.

Sorry but the UK system does not operate on a "Fund" type of system such as the Singapore model - where you can accumulate medical funds while you are healthy to use later when you are sick.

It's "pay as you go" and once you are out of the scheme by being out of the country you have no recourse - you will b urinating in the wind at an Eurpean Court of Human rights as that i how most healthcare works in Europe too

Think of it like yearly private health insurance - you would notbe covered after your yearly premium cover ended if you did not renew.

Vote to change the system if you do not like it!

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Its far easier for the government to roll out a 'spite and envy' campaign against British Citizens living the good life overseas than it is to deal with the real problem of health tourism.

However, this is still a proposal and can be defeated. I shall be writing to my Member of Parliament and I suggest others do likewise. (Though I doubt many will).

There is an election in the offing and all votes count, the UK's expatriate community is fairly sizable and not to be ignored - or at least that is my take on thiis.

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Its far easier for the government to roll out a 'spite and envy' campaign against British Citizens living the good life overseas than it is to deal with the real problem of health tourism.

However, this is still a proposal and can be defeated. I shall be writing to my Member of Parliament and I suggest others do likewise. (Though I doubt many will).

There is an election in the offing and all votes count, the UK's expatriate community is fairly sizable and not to be ignored - or at least that is my take on thiis.

I would have a slightly different take - the Labour party probably thinks expats to a man are Tories.

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If you were back in the UK for a holiday and you had a sudden serious health problem, I can't see the hospital not treating you. After all, it's not a third world country!

Yes - it mentions that in the OP - your would get emergency treatment just like anyone would.

Its the "elective" surgery and other treatments etc - if you are not living there you can not be on the waiting lists etc I think it would be.

Problem is a lot of the chancers eking out a living in Pattaya and the like would probably not be affected - its the genuine expats whoare posted oversea's or are registered retired outside the country that would be affected more as they are probably more easily checkable.

I wonder how they will do any checking though as to entitlement - unless we have ID Cards or health entitlement cards or the like???? - anyone?

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I wonder how they will do any checking though as to entitlement - unless we have ID Cards or health entitlement cards or the like???? - anyone?

Perhaps through vigourous questioning, or adopt the popular 'water-boarding' method, approved for use in some other farang countries ? :D

Heck, just bring back the Ducking-Stool, it worked for witches, in the olden-times ! :o

Edited by Ricardo
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In other words, you need to be a UK taxpayer to receive Nhs treatment.

Unfortunate for the expats living in Lol, who complain about claimants draining the resources. You can't have it both ways.

As far as I understand the proposal the fact that you apy national insurance contributions or a UK taxpayer gas nothing to do with it.

I have been living offshore since 1991 and in Thailand for 5 years before 2001 and full time since then and as I have a couple of UK earned pensions I STILL pay tax on them but I am entitled to no other benefits.

I was out of work in 1999 and went to the local social security office near where I was staying and explained my problem, no income, alimony etc to pay and the guy asked if I had any income. I told him I had a military pension and the amount and he apologised to me saying that my pension was too much and that he was not ALLOWED to give me anything.

If however I was one of the never employed layabouts living in a council house, not married to the woman I was living with and 4 or 4 kids he would HAVE to give me money.

I thanked him and said that I understood his problem. Even though by then I had paid 44 years contributions into the system I was not allowed any returns when for the first time in 40 years I needed some help.

That was the day I finally said farewell to the country where I was born.

Next year when I get my state pension, (also 40 years contributions) from the day I get it I will never get any increases.

If I want to go back to the UK to live I will lose my passport and become a Romanian gypsy and leach off the system like the rest of them do.

Labour, Tory, Lib Dem, Socialists. I wouldn't 25 satang for the whole lot of them even if they came gift wrapped. :o:D


Disillusioned in Thailand.

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If you were back in the UK for a holiday and you had a sudden serious health problem, I can't see the hospital not treating you. After all, it's not a third world country!

Yes - it mentions that in the OP - your would get emergency treatment just like anyone would.

Its the "elective" surgery and other treatments etc - if you are not living there you can not be on the waiting lists etc I think it would be.

Problem is a lot of the chancers eking out a living in Pattaya and the like would probably not be affected - its the genuine expats whoare posted oversea's or are registered retired outside the country that would be affected more as they are probably more easily checkable.

I wonder how they will do any checking though as to entitlement - unless we have ID Cards or health entitlement cards or the like???? - anyone?

Elective Surgery on the NHS :D You are having a laugh I.m Sure :o in 1968 I was rather badly injured serving my country :D , which left me disabled and carrying odd shaped lumps of metal in different parts of my body!!the removal of which was considered elective surgery by the NHS hospitals in UK, I emigrated to Australia in 1996, where queensland health services took me under its wing over a period of the next 5 years , I underwent a series of operations successfully removing all the scrap metal I had been carrying around, restoring my motability and reducing my disability, Lots of expats met our Blind Pommy mate Cliff when we took him on a tour of thailand 2 years ago,he has been registered Blind in UK for over 30 years, imagine his surprise when a locum at his local hospital examined his eyes and informed him that a small operation could have saved his sight, and they could probably restore the sight to his right eye, so two weeks later he had day surgery,and now sight has been fully restored to his right eye, The only reason they did not operate 30 years ago was written clearly in his medical documents This Operation Is not Financially Viable, the patient does not need to be notified! :D He is trying to sue the doctor concerned, NHS who needs it :D Nignoy
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I wonder why people who leave a country and no longer contribute think

they have any rights to the services provided in that country.


What about the people that still pay NI contributions from abroad? Tax on saving in UK banks? CGT etc.

I think this is just a headline grabbing item, how on earth do they propose to implement this?

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I wonder why people who leave a country and no longer contribute think

they have any rights to the services provided in that country.


What about those that have worked all their lives in England and paid what was due, then retired here??

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I wonder why people who leave a country and no longer contribute think

they have any rights to the services provided in that country.


What about those that have worked all their lives in England and paid what was due, then retired here??

Can anybody find an authoritative link to the details about this. 10mins on google and i cant find a thing.

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There is an election in the offing and all votes count, the UK's expatriate community is fairly sizable and not to be ignored - or at least that is my take on thiis.

I take it your vote lies elsewhere to the LIB-LAB-CON media driven regime who all sing from the same hymn sheet.

A vote for the BNP or to a lesser extent UKIP is the only way to secure a fair and prosperous future for the masses of honest indigenous working folk who have paid into the system for many years.

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There is an election in the offing and all votes count, the UK's expatriate community is fairly sizable and not to be ignored - or at least that is my take on thiis.

I take it your vote lies elsewhere to the LIB-LAB-CON media driven regime who all sing from the same hymn sheet.

A vote for the BNP or to a lesser extent UKIP is the only way to secure a fair and prosperous future for the masses of honest indigenous working folk who have paid into the system for many years.

And if Thailand should ever start up a BNP equivalent, how would you feel as an expat presumably living in Thailand?

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There is an election in the offing and all votes count, the UK's expatriate community is fairly sizable and not to be ignored - or at least that is my take on thiis.

I take it your vote lies elsewhere to the LIB-LAB-CON media driven regime who all sing from the same hymn sheet.

A vote for the BNP or to a lesser extent UKIP is the only way to secure a fair and prosperous future for the masses of honest indigenous working folk who have paid into the system for many years.

Look at the mess Thailand is in with all its "Nationalist" policies.......... Would you honestly want Engerland to go down that road. Double charging etc............ No real foreign inward investment, get rid of the city of London cause of all the foriegn money, reduce the land ownership laws........ British National Party... Blatantly No Prospect.

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I am still paying Income Tax and since I draw a State Pension am excused further contributions to the Social Security Fund. Because I am no longer a resident of UK my name does not appear on any Electoral Roll so that as well as being denied an annual uplift on my pension, and being disfranchised I have to pay for medical treatment?

There are some countries where you can reside and still get increases in a State Pension, Spain being one of them. All you need is a friend there who will allow you to use his services as a forwarding address. HMG might call it fraud, I call it getting the proper return on your investment.

I still enjoy the pleasure I got telling the clerk at the local DHSS office when attending just before my 65th in response to him asking how he could help me. "I've come to claim back some of the money that I have been systematically cheated out of for the past 50 years".

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Proposed cessation of free NHS care to UK expats

The UK Government is expected to stop expatriates getting free care on the NHS this year. People will now have to prove they spend at least six months a year in the country to get free care. The Health Secretary, John Reid, has emphasised that the scheme will be "rigorously applied" even though it still requires parliamentary approval. This has been brought about by the government's crackdown on health tourism whereby anyone can get free healthcare just by showing some tenuous link to the UK.

Pensioners who return to the UK for their final years will not be affected. The NHS is also emphasising that expatriates will still get access to the NHS in an emergency. However, this is as far as it will go. Britons living outside of Europe will be the hardest hit. For those who live for more than half the year away from the UK then even a lifetime's contribution to National Insurance will be of no help at all.

This is a blatant of stealing by HM government. Why should they use my umpteen years of contributions to provide for people that have not paid a penny. Surely this must be a case for the Euuropean Court of Justice.

Well you certainly did a good job there J or whoever you are, how many pages did you have to go back for this one.


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There is an election in the offing and all votes count, the UK's expatriate community is fairly sizable and not to be ignored - or at least that is my take on thiis.

I take it your vote lies elsewhere to the LIB-LAB-CON media driven regime who all sing from the same hymn sheet.

A vote for the BNP or to a lesser extent UKIP is the only way to secure a fair and prosperous future for the masses of honest indigenous working folk who have paid into the system for many years.

I'm not sure who I'll be voting for, but it's unlikely to go to any of the mainstream parties & for my Wife's first vote in a proper democracy - I'll be advocating that she does likewise.

A significant rise in support for the BNP & UKIP may well be the catalyst needed for the mainstream parties to come up with real & differring policies, something which clearly isn't evident at the moment. It's about time they started looking after Mr Smith, not just Mr Khan.

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There is an election in the offing and all votes count, the UK's expatriate community is fairly sizable and not to be ignored - or at least that is my take on thiis.

I take it your vote lies elsewhere to the LIB-LAB-CON media driven regime who all sing from the same hymn sheet.

A vote for the BNP or to a lesser extent UKIP is the only way to secure a fair and prosperous future for the masses of honest indigenous working folk who have paid into the system for many years.

I'm not sure who I'll be voting for, but it's unlikely to go to any of the mainstream parties & for my Wife's first vote in a proper democracy - I'll be advocating that she does likewise.

A significant rise in support for the BNP & UKIP may well be the catalyst needed for the mainstream parties to come up with real & differring policies, something which clearly isn't evident at the moment. It's about time they started looking after Mr Smith, not just Mr Khan.

Nice one Clayton - it would be so ironic for you to encourage your wife to vote BNP - they get in by some miracle and they throw her out of the country.

Maybe we could have camps and you could be detained for copulating with a non-aryan too.

How do you manage in life with so little education?

Edited by Prakanong
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I think this is just a headline grabbing item, how on earth do they propose to implement this?

I beleive that the UK are working on building up a record of people in an out of the country from airport inmmigration records and passport checks (exit passport checks will be restored)

Rest assure this will happen as the Government stand to save an absolute forture...it is one of the main drivers behind the whole spending on ID card/immigration database

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There is an election in the offing and all votes count, the UK's expatriate community is fairly sizable and not to be ignored - or at least that is my take on thiis.

I take it your vote lies elsewhere to the LIB-LAB-CON media driven regime who all sing from the same hymn sheet.

A vote for the BNP or to a lesser extent UKIP is the only way to secure a fair and prosperous future for the masses of honest indigenous working folk who have paid into the system for many years.

I'm not sure who I'll be voting for, but it's unlikely to go to any of the mainstream parties & for my Wife's first vote in a proper democracy - I'll be advocating that she does likewise.

A significant rise in support for the BNP & UKIP may well be the catalyst needed for the mainstream parties to come up with real & differring policies, something which clearly isn't evident at the moment. It's about time they started looking after Mr Smith, not just Mr Khan.

Nice one Clayton - it would be so ironic for you to encourage your wife to vote BNP - they get in by some miracle and they throw her out of the country.

Maybe we could have camps and you could be detained for copulating with a non-aryan too.

How do you manage in life with so little education?

What has the BNP got to do with people who believe in creating an Aryan race?

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